theresa maurer Flashcards
When is the first time fetal heart tones are heard by the doppler?
10-12 weeks
Molly is newly pregnant. She has two children living at home. A third child died of birth defects at 4 days of age. She has never had an abortion or miscarriage. Which of the following accurately describes her now?
Gravida 4 para 3 AB 0
Excessive use of antibiotics may result in a vaginal infection with
Candida albicans
study of anatomy
the study of the structure and shape of the body and the body parts, and their relationship to one another
study of physiology
the study of how the body and its parts work or function
Immediately following fertilization, the fertilized egg is called a
During what period of pregnancy is the baby most susceptible to teratogens (from conception)
2-12 weeks
A typical human gestation from conception is:
266 days
typical human gestation from LMP
low lying placenta may result in
labor induction
Term births -Preterm births - Abortions - Living children
full term, pre-term, aborted, living
fetal presentation
presenting part
cephalic, breech, shoulder
vertex, sinciput, brow, face
attitude characteristic
well flexed, extended
straight sinciput with straight attitude aka
military attitude
fetal lie
relationship of long axis of fetus to long axis of mother
longitudinal, transverse, oblique
position of fetus
variety of fetus
same arbitrarily chosen point on the fetus in relation to mothers pelvic
head down
most popular is the occipital bone as leading part
breech types
frank- legs up near head
complete- both legs crossed
incomplete- one leg crossed
footling- one foot down
complete breech
both legs crossed
frank breech
legs at or near to head
one leg crossed
kneeling breech
This is a very rare position in which the baby is in a kneeling position, with one or both legs extended at the hips and flexed at the knees.
vacuum extraction in 2nd stage of labor alt. to forceps or csection
uterine souffle
A blowing sound, synchronous with the cardiac systole of the mother
placental souffle
a hissing souffle synchronous with fetal heart sounds, probably from the umbilical cord.
station 0 level of ischial spines
sagittal sutures is midway between the symphysis pubis and sacral promontory
sagittal suture is directly toward the symphysis pubis or or sacral promontory
anterior or posterior
woods maneuver
screw maneuver
two weeks before labor, descent of present part in true pelvis decrease in dysnpea increased urination pelvic pressure leg cramps venous stasis causing edema position is similar to 8 months
1+ 2+ on stick, .1 or higher in urine culture
2+ to 4+ glucose, diabetes
supine hypotension
when women lay on back it puts pressure on vena cava and thoracic aorta shutting blood flow to heart, fainting
pregnancy mask, coloration from extra hormones
no bacteria present
the practice of using antiseptics to eliminate the microorganisms that cause disease
free from bacteria or other living microorganisms
condition that is the consequence of a previous disease or injury
Iatrogenic complication
caused by a medication or physician.
Cranial sutures
saggital suture, coronal, lambdoidal
ossification is not complete and the sutures not fully formed
anterior - Diamond
“Id rather be holy then have diamonds” 1
bandls right
A pathological retraction ring of the uterus is a constriction located at the junction of the thinned lower uterine segment and the thick retracted upper uterine associated with obstructed labor.
muscle shortens and stays short
muscle lengthens
muscles in between ribs pull upward signaling trouble breathing
a profuse, thin or thick vaginal secretion that begins in the first trimester
what percent of women have PROM?
what percent of women start labor in 24 hrs after PROM?
80 %
blood show is a sign of labor within
24-48 hours
when does an energy spurt happen before labro
24-48 hours before
best way to listen to a ctx
start midpoint between two ctx listen through to midpoint after the next
listen in 5 second intervals
when do you listen to contractions to establish a baseline
in between ctx
1st stage : latent phase
start of labor to progressive dilation
3-4 cm
every 10-20 minutes lasting 20 seconds
1st stage : active phase
active progression of dilation to complete dilation
ctx every 5-7 minutes lasting 40 secs or every 5 minutes lasting 60 sec 411, 511
3/4 cm to 10 cm
progressive descent occurs in what stages
end of active labor and 2nd stage
primigravida entering labor V/E
50-60% effaced, 1 cm dilated (paper thin active)
multipara entering labor V/E
1-2 cm dilated no effacement
acceleration phase of labor
starts at active phase of labor
true labor can be intensified by walking T or F
walking will calm a false labor T or F
maximum slope phase of labor
stage 1 most rapid dilation from 3/4 cm to 8 cm
decleration phase of labor
end of the active phase, transitional phase, ctx 2-3 mintues lasting 60 seconds
constant dilatin, average 3 cm an hour
triple gradient pattern
40-50 mmHg at acme and return to rest of 10 mmHg
transition s/s
shaking legs, belching, burping, nausea, vomit, restless, cant comprehend directions, decreased modesty, toes curl, severe low back pain
hydrocephaly palpation
breech presentation
to determine base FHR listen when?
in between ctx
3 phases of uterine ctx
increment- longer
contractions constrict placenta blood flow T or F
contractions of muscle fiber
muscle fibers contract and shorten an dont return to original lenght, the fundus gets thicker to expel fetus
retraction of uterine fibers
lengthen and dont return to original shape, lower segment of uterus, thins and becomes part of upper segment
shortening of cervical length
enlargement of the external os, amniotic fluid hydrostatic pressure as dilating wedge
widest part of the fetal head has passed through the pelvic inlet
station 0
ischial spines
widest diameter of fetal head
biparietal 9.5 cm
largest diameter of fetal head
occipitomental brow presentation 13.5cm
most common diameter presenting
suboccipitobregma- vertex presentation 9.5cm
military or siniciput presentation diameter
occipitofrontal- 11.5cm
face presenation
submentalbregma 9.5 cm
percent of breech presentations
3 - 3.5%
% of breech before 32 weeks
change in the shape of head-bones overriding and overlapping
dilating wedge, edemateous swelling CROSSING suture lines
bleeding beneath periosteam over more than one bone DOES NOT CROSS sutures
FHT eval based on
combo of rate and pattern
periodic fetal heart rate
changes in FHR associated with uterine contractions
baseline fetal heart rate
HR between contractions
FHR 161-180
FHR 110-119
normal FHR
120-160 bpm
baseline change if
must be at new level for at least 10 minutes
marked bradycardia
below 100 bpm
abormal FHR
no variablity
marked variabilty
periodic fetal heart rate changes
internal fetal monitor
most reliable comprehensive data of all methods
maternal changes stage 1 labor
increase metabolic activity that: increases temp 1-2 degrees (max at delivery) increase BP 10-20+/5-10 mmHg increase respiration- hyper = alkalosis polyuria- empty every 2 hours decrease gast motility increase WBC decrease blood sugars
short term variability
beat to beat
long term variabilty
rhythmic waves in cycles - 5 min readings
acceleration- start of dilation
max slope- 4-8 cm active labor
deceleration- 8-10 cm transition
pulse rate through contaction
increment- increase
acme- decrease
decrement- increase
IV indication
gravida 5, overdistended uterus, multip, polyhydraminos, SGA, induction, Hx PPM hemorrhage, dehydration, meds
125 cc per hour, or 300cc initial for dehydration then 125 cc per hour
positions for risk of cord prolapse
supine, lateral recumbent(left side lying), knee chest
sedating with pain relief, active labor
risk of prolapse cord
SGA, polyhydraminos, transverse lie, PROM
pain relief, active labor
pain relief, active labor
atartic, anti anxiety, early and active labor
reasons for enema
stim labor, clean field, womens desire
vitals in Active labor frequency
FHT - every 30 minutes
BP- every 1 hour
Temp/pulse/resp- every 2 hours
Bladder- void every 2 hours
distention of bladder signs of
needing to void, posterior baby
bulge above symphysis pubis
risks of AROM
inc risk of infection, cord prolapse, cord compression, head compression, limited mobility
indications: active labor, 4-5 cm, cephalic vertex
management: leave fingers in til next ctx to see effect, check for cord prolapse, FHT, get mother standing to apply head
VE indications
initial for baseline, verify pushing, after ROM w/suspected cord prolapse, if decels and suspected prolapse
progressive relaxation
tighten muscles group let go and relax-promotes sleep
controlled relaxation
keep one muscle group relaxed while other group is contracted
what happens between 1st and 2nd stage
a lull
- lull
- bearing down until head does not retract
- perineal crown to birth
early decel cause
head compression, cord compression
late decel cause
uteroplacental deficiency
FHT eval frequency in 2nd stage
every 5-15 minutes
position for extreme varicosities
dorsal (on back slight knees bent)
mechanisms of labor 8
engagement biparietal diameter passes inlet
descent- forces
flexion-meets resistance-cervix, sidewalls, pelvic floor
internal rotation- 45 degrees to anterioposterior position of midplane pelvis-shoulders in oblique
birth of head- by extension curve of carus
restitution-45 degrees right angle to shoulders
external rotation
birth of shoulders
internal rotation 45 degrees to the ______position
birth of the head by______________
restitution 45 degrees to the ___________position
OA, occiput anterior postion, L or R,
sagittal suture oblique, shoulders other oblique
external rotation 45 degrees to the
LOT, ROT position, bisacromial aligns with anteroposterior diameter of outlet
birth of the shoulders by____________
curve of carus and lateral flexion
PICA can indicate deficiency in
when do braxton hx begin
6 weeks gestation
station of a well flexed cephalic baby landmark
occipital bone
most positive sign of ROM
visualizing amniotic fluid escaping os
majority of progressive descent take place
(deceleration phase)end of 1st stage and 2nd stage labor
impending 2nd stage s/s
increase bloody show, rectal pressure, bear down, ROM, rectal bulging, expulsive grunt at exhale
most common position at onset of labor
exam ROT and sagittal suture is tilted toward the symphysis pubis
posterior asynclitic
normal labor the head usually enters inlet with moderate
posterior synclitic
changes in FHR associated with ctx
periodic changes
fetal scalp ph for immediate delivery
second reading of pH less than < 7.2
no VE following
prolonged walk or period in shower
how much water daily in pregnancy
2 quarts daily
sims position
lie on their left side, left hip
variable decels thought to be from
cord compression