theravada buddhist Flashcards
Is currently the fourth largest religion in the world, with over half a billion followers. Practiced mainly in Asia, gaining more followers globally because of its EMPHASIS ON PERSONAL SPIRITUAL LIBERATION.
One of the oldest religions and philosophical traditions today. With a history spanning 2,500 years. It’s quite different from other religions because it is NONTHEISTIC.
Buddha did his first sermon in a deer park called?
The subject of his first sermon is ____ AND ______.
The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path
It describes the human suffering in four statements
The Four Noble Truths
It shows how suffering can be ended by following eight practices
the Eightfold Path
These two are part of Buddha’s teachings called DHARMA
The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path
- All beings experience pain and unhappiness during their lifetime.
- The origin of pain and misery due to a specific cause.
- The cessation of pain and suffering can be achieved.
The method to be followed to stop pain and misery is that of the ______
Eightfold Path
______ are considered to be the first teaching of the Buddha
The Four Noble Truths
The increase in followers led Buddha to establish a community of Buddhist monks and nuns known as?
Buddha is also known as?
Siddhartha Gautama
For 45 years, the Buddha and his followers traveled around ______________
Northern India
Buddha died at the age of 80, his body was cremated and the bones were turned into relics placed in dome-like monuments called?
The dharmachakra (sacred wheel of dharma) with each spoke representing the Eightfold Path
- right understanding
- right intention
- right speech
- right action
- right livelihood
- right effort
- right concentration
- right mindfulness
The oldest collection of Buddha’s sayings is the ____
Tripitaka, also known as the Pali Canon because it was initially written in Pali, a Northern Indian language, by Theravada Buddhists in Sri Lanka in the 1st century BCE.
Tripitaka means _____________
Three baskets because it is divided into three sections written initially in palm leaves gathered in baskets.
Contains the rules that guide the life of Buddhist monks and nuns in the sangha.
First Section: Vinaya-pitaka
Contains sermons of the Buddha and older disciples.
Second Section: Sutra-pitaka
Contains interpretations and analyses of Buddhist concepts
Third Section: Abidharma-pitaka
Buddhism only became widespread in India when it gained state support from?
Emperor Ashoka of the Mauryan Empire
In ______, Ashoka converted to Buddhism to make up for the violent war he waged against the feudal state of Kalinga that killed hundreds of thousands of people.
260 BCE
Ashoka saw Buddhism as a way to ???
Renounce violence and unite people belonging to various castes and cultures.
One of the original Buddhist sects still existing
Theravada Buddhism
“Teachings of the elders” —- the elders being the sangha’s senior Buddhist monks.
Theravada believes that enlightenment can only be achieved through
Medication and dedication of oneself to full monastic life.
They also believe that there is only one Buddha per age of the earth
Theravadins do not worship other buddhas or bodhisattvas; a belief practice in?
Mahayana Buddhism, which is dominant in China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Mongolia.
It has been dominant in Sri Lanka since the 3rd Century BCE.
Theravada Buddhism
Theravada Buddhism was introduced to the island by
Mahinda and Sangamitta, children of Emperor Ashoka.
From Sri Lanka, Theravada spread eastward, becoming the main religion in
Myanmar in the 11th century and Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos in the 15th century.
There are about ____ million Theravada Buddhist, mainly in Southeast Asia
Buddhism is a minor religion in the PH, according to the 2010 census, only
46,558 or 0.05% Filipinos identify as Buddhist, most of them are of Chinese descent.
Two prominent Buddhist temples in PH
Seng Guan Temple in MNL and Lon Wa Buddhist Temple in Mindanao.
Buddhism arrived in the PH in the
10th century, most likely through the Srivijaya and Majapahit empires’ trading routes, which are both Hindu-Buddhist empires.
Historical records from other nations and archaeological discoveries such as
the Agusan image tell that Buddhism has reached the Philippines in the early times.