Therapeutic Communication Techniques Flashcards
Allowing client to take initiative on introducing the topic
“Is there something you’d like to talk about?”
“Where would you like to begin?”
Broad Openings
Indicating reception
“I follow what you said”
Searching for mutual understanding
“Tell me whether my understanding of it agrees with yours.”
Consensual Validation
Asking the similarities and differences be noted
“Was it something like…?”
“Have you had similar experiences?”
Encouraging Comparison
Asking the client to verbalize what he or she perceives
“Tell me when you feel anxious”
“What is happening?”
“What does the voice seem to be saying?”
Encouraging description of perception
Asking the client to appraise the quality of his or her experiences
“What are your feelings in regards to…?”
“Does this contribute to your distress?”
Encouraging Expression
Delving further into a subject or an idea
“Tell me more about that.”
“Would you describe more fully?”
Concentrating on a single point
“This point seems worth looking at more closely.”
“Of all concerns you’ve mentioned, which is most troublesome?”
Asking client to consider kinds of behavior likely to be appropriate in future situations
“What could you do to let your anger out harmlessly?”
“Next time this comes up, what might you do to handle it?”
Formulating a plan of action
Giving encouragement to continue
“Go on.”
“And then?”
General Leads
Making available the facts that the clients needs
“My name is…”
“My purpose in being here is…”
Giving Information
Acknowledging, indicating awareness
“Good morning Mr. S…”
“You’ve finished your list of things to do”
Giving Recognition
Verbalizing what the nurse perceives
“You appear tense”
“Are you uncomfortable when…?”
Making Observations
Making one-self available
“I’ll sit with you awhile”
“I’ll stay here with you”
Offering Self
Clarifying the relationship of events in time
“What seemed to lead up to…?”
“Was this before or after…?”
Placing event in time or sequence
Offering for consideration that which is real
“I see no one else in the room”
“Your mother is not here; I am a nurse”
Presenting Reality
Directing client actions, thoughts, and feelings back to client
C: “Do you think I should tell the doctor…?”
N: “Do you think you should?
Repeating the main idea expressed
C: “I can’t sleep I stay awake all night”
N: “You have difficulty sleeping”
Seeking to make clear that which is not meaningful or which is vague
“I’m not sure that I follow”
“Have I heard your correctly?”
Seeking Information
Absence of verbal communication, which provides time for client to out thoughts or feelings into words, to regain composure, or to continue talking
Nurse says nothing but continues to make eye contact and conveys interest
Offering to share, to strive, and to work with client for his or her benefit
“Perhaps you and I can discuss and discover the triggers for your anxiety”
“Let’s go to your too, and I’ll help you find what you’re looking for”
Suggesting Collaboration
Organizing and summing up that which has gone before
“Have I got this straight?”
“You’ve said that…”
Seeking to verbalize client’s feelings that he or she expresses only indirectly
C: “I’m dead.”
N: “Are you suggesting that you feel lifeless?”
Translating into feelings
Voicing what the client has hinted at or suggested
C: “I can’t talking to your or anyone. It’s a waste of time.”
N: “Do you feel that no one understands?”
Verbalizing the implied
Expressing uncertainty about reality of the client’s perceptions
“Isn’t that unusual?”
“That’s hard to believe”
Voicing Doubt