Therapeutic communication Flashcards
“yes, I follow what you said”
“is there something you would like to talk about?”
broad opening
“tell me whether my understanding of it agrees with yours”
consensual validation
“Have you had similar experiences?”
encouraging comparison
“What does the voice seem to be saying?”
encouraging description of perceptions
“does this contribute to your distress?”
encouraging expression
“tell me more about that”
“this point seems worth looking at more closely”
“What could you do to let your anger out more harmlessly?”
formulating a plan of action
“go on”
general leads
“My purpose in being here is…”
giving information
“I noticed you combed your hair”
giving recognition
“you appear tense”
making observations
“when did this happen?”
placing event in time
“I see no one else in the room”
presenting reality
“Do you think I should tell the dr?” nurse: “do you think you should?”
client:” Im really mad” nurse: “you are mad”
“im not sure that I follow”
seeking information
nurse says nothing but maintains eye contact
“perhaps you and I can discuss…”
suggesting collaboration
“Have I got this straight?”
“im dead” “are you suggesting you are lifeless?”
translating into feelings
“I can’t talk to you or anyone. No one understands” “do you feel no one understands?”
verbalizing the implied
“isn’t that unusual?”
voicing doubt