Theorys Flashcards
What is overt prestige?
Overt prestige refers to the social status that comes from speaking a language or dialect that is widely recognized and valued in society.
What is covert prestige?
Covert prestige is the social status associated with non-standard language forms or dialects that are valued within a particular community.
True or False: Overt prestige is often linked to formal education and standard language use.
True or False: Covert prestige is valued in mainstream society.
What does convergence in sociolinguistics refer to?
Convergence refers to the process where individuals adapt their speech patterns to become more similar to those of others, often to reduce social distance.
What is divergence in sociolinguistics?
Divergence is the strategy of emphasizing the differences in speech patterns to highlight social identity or group membership.
What are elaborated codes in language?
Elaborated codes are complex language structures used in formal communication that provide detailed information and are often associated with higher socio-economic status.
What are restricted codes in language?
Restricted codes are simpler language structures used in informal communication that rely on shared knowledge and context, often associated with lower socio-economic status.
True or False: Elaborated codes are typically used in academic and professional settings.
What is an example of overt prestige in language use?
Using standard English in formal presentations or job interviews.
What is an example of covert prestige in language use?
Using regional dialects or slang in informal social gatherings.
Fill in the blank: The process of adjusting one’s speech to fit in with a particular group is called _______.
True or False: Divergence can serve as a means of asserting identity or resistance to dominant culture.
What is the primary focus of sociolinguistic studies?
The relationship between language and social factors.
What role does prestige play in language variation?
Prestige influences language choice and variation, impacting social identity and group membership.