Theory unit 4 - Inglesa III Flashcards
what’s a fear?
a reaction to smth inmediate that threatens your security or safety
what’s a phobia?
an irrational and overactive fear of smth that cannot cause harm
how to deal with fear (6)
- face it
- promote positivity
- find a sense of purpose
- do logotherapy
- get support
- develop a sense of personal control
what’s a cultural script?
it instructs people on how to respond to threats to their security
what are goosebumps?
when muscles become tighter, causing piloerection
!this makes animals look bigger
what’s fearmongering?
fear that’s socially constructed and manipulated by those who seek to benefit from it
what does the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex do?
the hippocampus along with the prefrontal cortex help us understand whether our fear response is real and justified or we may have overreacted
how is phobia created?
it’s created when there’s a disconnection between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex
what’s phobia linked to?
it’s linked to heightened activity in the amygdala which regulate our emotions
who are the meaning and experience of fear shaped by?
cultural and historical factors
before: fear of god now: fear of cancer
what is fear likely to increase the risk of?
heart disease, cancer, etc
impact of chronic fear (5)
- weakens inmune system
- affects memory
- fatigue
- depression
what’s the flight or fight response?
psychological response that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, a hack or a threat
what happens during the flight or fight response? (4)
- breathing rate increases
- heart rate increases
- blood vessels constrict
- muscles are pomped with blood (ready to react)
what are the vulnerable?
what’s anger?
a secondary emotion
what’s emotional literacy?
the ability to identify, understand and respond to emotions in oneself and others in a healthy manner
what can anger act as?
anger can act as a psychological salve:
the brain secretes norepinephrine which is an analgesic for the organism
how can anger makes us sick? examples
eating disorders, anxiety, weak inmune system, memory damage
what can we regulate with anger?
we can regulate vulnerability in relationships by:
- disengaging after closeness
- engaging at a safe distance
emotional literacy is the result of education in: (3)
- how to interpret ourselves
- where our emotions arise from
- how our childhood influence us
what are the characteristics of emotional literacy? (6)
- tolerate frustration
- fight less
- can handle being alone
- engage in self-destructive behaviours
- capable of greater academic achievement
- better able to focus on tasks and control internal impulses
tips to control your anger (4)
- explore what’s behind it
- be aware of your signs and triggers
- learn ways to cool down
- know when to seek for professional help
what’s the goal of anger management?
it’s to understand the message behind the emotion and express it in a healthy way without losing control
what are the primary thoughts associated with chronic anger?
- catastrophizing
- missatributing causation: put the blame on other people
- demandingness: put own needs ahead of others
what’s alternative medicine?
it’s a natural treatment that’s used in place of a conventional medical treatment