Theory Shif Flashcards
Oral stage of psychosexual development
0-1 years old, pleasure from oral action. Can leas to nail biting, smoking, oral fixation later on
Anal stage of psychosexual development
1-3 yrs old. Children begin potty training- expelling or withholding feces. Issues caused include orderliness, obsessiveness, rigidity
Phallic stage of psychosexual development
3-6 yrs. Superego develops. Focuses on genitals. Masturbation. Oedipus and electra complex, opposite sex parent. Issues caused by stage –> pride, vanity
Latency stage of psychosexual development
7-11 yrs old. Repression in sexual stuff. Children spend more time with and interact more with same sex peers.
Genital stage of psychosexual development
11-12 –> onward. Sexual reawakening. Source of sexual pleasure becomes someone outside the family.
Making up an acceptable excuse for unacceptable behavior
Unwanted feelings are displaced onto another person, where they appear as threat from the external world
Internalizing/reproducing behaviors produced in others
Isolation of affect
Avoiding the experience of emotion with a person/idea/situation. Leaving idea bland or flat so they can discuss without emotion
Person tries to “cancel out” or remove an unhealthy or destructive thought or action by engaging in opposite or contrary behavior
Reaction formation
People express the opposite of their true feelings, sometimes to an exaggerated extent
People express the opposite of their true feelings, sometimes to an exaggerated extent
Focusing on achievement in one area of life in order to distract attention away from the inadequacy/fear of inadequacy in another area of life
Channeling unwanted/unacceptable urges into an admissible or productive outlet
Over-empathizing on thinking rather than feelings
Ecological systems
Various systems in an individuals life that influences their behavior
Feedback loop
When the output of a system affects it’s input, causing the system to feed back into itself.
A given end state that can be reached by many potential means. Use of different theories, intervention to get same goal/outcome, or vise versa
Stages of identity search
Pre-encounter, encounter, immersion-emmersion, internalization, commitment
Levels of cognition
(Low to high) –> Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evalutaion
Operant conditioning
Voluntary actions can be shaped by interactions with the environment & various schema of reward and punishment
Sensorimotor stage
0-2 yrs. Object permanence, infants and children learn thru the 5 senses
Pre-operational stage