Theory questions Flashcards
- Define the pitch and the pitch ratio of a propeller. (2p)
The pitch P(x) at radius x is the distance every blade section screws itself forward in axial direction during one rotation.
The pitch ratio is defined as P(x)/D
- Define the velocities and angles relevant for describing the operation of a propeller blade section. (4p)
- Pitch angle, fi(x) - Angle of the blade
- Angle of attack, alfa - Attack of the flow measured from propeller centerline
- Advance velocity, V_A - Velocity of the incoming fluid
- Propeller velocity, V - Velocity of the propeller V=n*R
- Induced axial velocity, u_a - Inflow axial velocity
- Induced tangential velocity, u_t - Inflow tangential velocity
- Propeller rot. speed, n - Rotational speed [rpm]
- Deduce by help of a sketch how profile drag and lift contribute to thrust and torque. (2p)
T = z * int [ dL*cos(beta) - dR*sin(beta) ] Q = z* int [ dL*sin(beta) + dR*cos(beta) ]*r
- What is the benefit of adding skew to the propeller? (2p)
Adding skew will reduce vibration and voice without affecting the efficiency far too much.
- Describe the principles for an open water test. In which type of facility is it made? What is measured? How are the results presented? (3p)
The open water propulsion test is carried out with the propeller operating in a uniform inflow, either in a towing tank or in a cavitation tunnel. The propeller rotational speed is usually kept constant while the advance velocity, V_A, is varied. The thrust, T and torque, Q are measured. Depending on the characteristics of the equipment it might be necessary to vary the rotational speed as well as the advance velocity.
The advance velocity, rotational speed and diameter is then used for definition of the advance coefficient, J_A.
J_A = V_A / (n*D)
Furthermore, the thrust and torque coefficients K_T and K_Q are defined as:
K_T = T / (rho*n^2*D^4) K_Q = Q / (rho*n^2*D^5)
Power delivered is then found as:
P_D = 2pin*Q
And finally the open water efficiency eta_0
eta_0 = JK_T / (2pi*K_Q)
- Derive by applying momentum theorem an expression for the open water efficiency of a propeller. Neglect the rotation of the propeller race as well as viscous effects. (6p)
i) Momentum theorem force
ii) Momentum theorem volume flow
iii) Insert ii into i and solve for T
iv) Continuity equation yields A0
v) Insert iv into iii, express T
vi) Apply Bernoulli upstream
vii) Apply Bernoulli downstream
viii) Put vi into vii and solve for delta_p
ix) Use T=delta_p*A0 and viii to find an expression similar to the one in v
x) Solve u_A0
xi) Delivered power PD is obtained from increase of kinetic energy
xii) Finally insert xi and v into efficiency formula to solve the open water efficiency
- Describe the losses occurring for an open water propeller and their dependency on propeller diameter and rate of revolution. (3p)
- Axial losses due to the induced velocities u_Ainf left in the propeller jet far downstream.
- Rotational losses caused by the rotation of the propeller jet
- Frictional losses due to viscosity
- Finite number of blades
- Explain why you may gain propeller efficiency by choosing a larger propeller diameter. (3p)
The question is falsely asked. You cannot gain propeller efficiency by increasing the diameter, however you can increase the propulsive efficiency by increasing the diameter. Since a larger propeller does not need to push the fluid as fast as a small one to reach the desired thrust and velocity is proportional to resistance. Therefore, the propeller is less effective but the propulsive system is more efficient.
- Describe the principles for a self-propulsion test. What is measured? How are the results used? (3p)
The purpose of the self propulsion test is to determine the required power, PD and rotational speed, n of the propeller to reach a specific ship velocity.
The tests are done after scaling the Froude number. Due to that, the Reynold number will be far too low resulting in a too high viscous resistance. To avoid this, the propeller is unloaded with a towing force R_A.
The test is carried out as follows:
i) The model is towed to required speed
ii) The towing force is applied and the model is released. The propeller rotational speed is adjusted until equilibrium.
T = R-R_A or T=deltaR
iii) When equilibrium is established, thrust T, torque Q, rotational speed n and model speed V_M are recovered.
iv) The results from the self propulsion test are then used to determine the propulsive factors
- Thrust deduction factor, t
- Effective mean wake fraction, w_f
- Relative rotative efficiency, eta_R
- Total or propulsive efficiency, eta_D
- Derive by applying momentum theorem the towing force for a submerged body. (4p)
i) Momentum theorem, solve for R
ii) Mass conservation, solve for Q_0
iii) Insert i into ii and solve for R
- Explain why it is beneficial to have the propeller operating in the wake. You may exemplify by referring to momentum theory, but a complete derivation with all details is not necessary. (4p)
Due to viscous forces, a boundary layer will occur on the hull and increase the resistance. If the propeller is placed in the low velocity region, the momentum loss will decrease and thereby the resistance on the hull will also decrease.
- Why is towing a less effective way to move a ship than by a propeller? (3p)
Due to the wake region behind the ship. The propeller will increase the velocity behind the hull compensating for the boundary layer caused by the hull
- Define the nominal wake fraction (according to Taylor) and show by applying the Bernouilli equation how it can be measured. (3p)
Definition of wake fraction according to Taylor:
w_N = (V_S - V_A(r,fi) ) / V_S = 1 - V_A(r,fi) / V_S
where V_A is the local velocity without presence of the propeller and (r,fi) are the polar coordinates.
The nominal wake is usually divided into three parts:
w_N = w_f + w_d + w_w
w_f = Frictional wake (Velocity loss) w_d = Displacement wake (Pressure disturbances) w_w = Wave wake (Waves around stern)
From Bernoulli we receive:
p1(r,fi) + 0.5rhoV_A(r,fi) = P1(r,fi)
p1 = static pressure V_A = velocity in propeller plane P1 = Total pressure
When using a Prandtl-tube the nominal wake is directly obtained as:
w_N = 1- sqrt ( (P1-p1) / (0.5rhoV_S^2) )
V_S = inflow velocity
- Define the effective wake fraction and how it is determined. What is the difference in comparison with the nominal wake? (3p)
i) Determine KT from sel propulsion test
KT = T / rhon^2D^4
ii) Enter the open water characteristics with this KT-value and read the J_TM-value
iii) With J_TM, calculate effective mean advance velocity V_AT as:
iv) Find the effective wake as:
w_TM = 1 - V_AT / V_S = 1 - (J_TMnD) / V_S
The effective wake is taken from model tests whilst the nominal wake depends on full ship tests.
- Describe the character of the flow in a ship wake. Indicate how the nominal wake fraction is usually decomposed into three components, and briefly describe each component. (3p)
The wake fraction is often divided into three parts:
i) w_f, Frictional wake
Due to viscous forces a velocity loss will occur in the propeller plane
ii) w_d, Displacement wake
Due to that the hull displaces water there will be a pressure difference along the hull.
iii) w_w, Wave wake
Caused by the influence from the flow in the ship generated waves around the stern.
- Describe the propulsive factors and how they interact and combine to describe the interaction effects between the hull and the propeller. (4p)
i) Propulsive efficiency, eta_D
Effective power
eta_D = eta_0eta_Heta_R
ii) Thrust deduction factor, t
Influence of the propeller on the hull. A towed ship will have a clear wake with low velocity. Adding a propeller will Increase the velocity in this area and thereby also increase the resistance
iii) Effective wake fraction, w_T
The inflow V_A to the propeller is often not the same as the ship speed V_S. Therefore a factor defined as w_T=1-V_A/V_S is used to compensate for the loss.
iv) Relative rotative efficiency, eta_R
Influence of the inhomogeneity of the wake on the propeller. Even though thrust identity is used the torque obtained is not always identical with the self propulsion test. Therefore, en efficiency is defined as eta_R =K_Qo/K_Qs
v) Hull efficiency, eta_H
Combined effect on the hull where the propeller suction and the inflow to the propeller is important. eta_H=(1-t)/(1-w)
vi) Open water propeller efficiency, eta_0
Defined as the thrust power divided by the delivered shaft power.
- In the test procedure (with towing, self propulsion, and open water propeller tests) there are several intermediate results we determine. Which of these are considered
scale independent and which need scaling? (3p)
T - Scale, due to full ship resistance
K_T - Scale, due to higher blade friction in full scale
K_Q - Scale, due to higher blade friction in full scale
w_TS - Scale, due to smaller boundary layer
t - No scale
eta_R - No scale
- What is thrust deduction: why does it appear and what is its effect? (3p)
The increase of the resistance delta_R is assumed, within certain limits, to be proportional to the propeller thrust as
delta_R = t*T
=> t = delta_R / T = 1 - (R-R_A) / T
where t is the thrust deduction factor. Delta_R comes from the fact that while towing a ship a pressure zone will occur aft on the hull. Adding a propeller will decrease the pressure in this zone and increase the resistance
- What is the idea behind the thrust identity and when is it used? (3p)
The effective mean advance velocity V_AT, at the self propulsion test is the advance velocity that has to be used at an open water test to get the same thrust at the same rotational speed as in the self propulsion test.
- Why do we need to apply a towing force in a self propulsion test? (2p)
The low Reynolds number means that if the propeller propels the model alone, the load on this propeller would be too high compared to the full scale conditions. To avoid this, the propeller is unloaded by applying a towing force R_A
- What is hull efficiency? How can it be optimised? (3p)
eta_H = ( 1 - t ) / ( 1 - w_T )
Hull efficiency, eta_H, depends on two things:
i) Suction effect from the propeller
ii) Reduction in inflow velocity to the propeller plane
eta_H is optimized by developing an efficient shape of the stern to increase the suction effect.
- Sketch the principal difference between a wakes from a V-shaped afterbody and a bulbous one. What are the effects on performance? (2p)
Think about the vaginas from the resistance course here and you are fine!
Regarding performance:
A bulbous aftbody will have a more even pressure distribution and also an increase in the aft vortex resulting in an increase of propeller efficiency.
A V-saped aftbody reduces the total resistance of the hull
- Which are the advantages and disadvantages of pods for propulsion? (2)
Pros: \+ High maneuverability, 360deg rotation \+ No large engine \+ Silent and less vibration \+ Adjustable rpm \+ Flexible GA and power usage
- Increased frictional resistance
- In a cavitation test at model scale, what similarity properties are required to keep constant to get the same cavitation behavior as at full scale? Briefly explain why
you need to have these constant. (4p)
Kinematic similarity, J_A constant
Dynamic similarity, sigma constant
Advance coefficient, J Froude number, Fn Reynolds number, Re Weber number, We Cavitation number, sigma
Cavitation number is the most important, also, the Reynold number should be as high as possible. Finally Froude number is important to take gravity and thereby hydrostatic pressure into account
- Starting from the design point in the figure, describe how you move in the graph and what types of cavitation that occurs when (i) the ship speed is increased with
constant propeller loading, and (ii) the propeller loading is increased at constant speed. Also indicate in the graph the maximum cavitation free ship speed. (4p)
i) Constant propeller loading when V_S increases
- We move downwards and bubble cavitation occurs
ii) Constant speed while Loading increases
- We move left in the figure and tip followed by sheet cavitation occurs.
- Describe the different types of cavitation that can occur on a propeller blade and indicate in a sketch where they appear. (3p)
Bubble cavitation
- Small bubbles occur downstream of the loading edge. Increasing until they collapse. By increasing the blade area the risk of bubble cavitation reduces.
Sheet cavitation
- Transparent, glassy layer that occurs on the suction side caused by sharp pressure peaks. To delay sheet cavitation one has to balance camber against angle of attack and blade nose shape with lowest possible pressure pulses.
Tip vortex cavitation
- Occurs due to pressure indifference between the blade sides where a vortex occurs. Due to the centripetal forces inside the tip vortices, the pressure drops below the vapor pressure and the water cavitates.
Hub vortex cavitation
- Similar to tip vortex, can be reduced by reducing the propeller load or an effective hub design.
- Using the fact that the pressure pulse amplitude generated by a pulsating cavity is proportional to the water density times a reference velocity squared, derive a simple
scaling formula for pressure amplitude. (4p)
Starting from the Rayleigh-Plesset equation
R’‘R+3/2R’ = -1/rho[p(x,t)-p(R(t),t)]
Using the approximation that p(R(t),t)=pv and introducing non-dimensional values as:
R* = R/L
t* = t/(L/Vo)
Which generates d^2/dt^2 = [Vo/L]^2d^2/dt*^2
Inserted into RP-eq
R’‘R+3/2R’ = -1/(rhoVo^2)[p(x,t)-pv] = -0.5[(p(x,t)-p0)/0.5rhoVo^2+(po-pv)/0.5rhoVo^2]=-0.5 [Cp(x,t)-sigma]
- What’s the idea behind contra-rotating propeller arrangements? (2p)
Contra rotating propellers are designed to decrease the rotational losses where the second propeller straightens out the rotation caused by the first propeller.
- What’s the idea behind using ducted propellers? (2p)
The propeller, either a fixed pitch or a controllable pitch propeller, may be placed in a duct. A duct is a ring surrounding the propeller with a cross section that has a wing-like profile. It can offer protection to the propeller blades and also contributes to the thrust generated by the propeller, particularly at low loads. The profile contributes to the thrust by shaping its cross section in such a way that the water flow is accelerated through the duct. The additional friction between the flow and the duct, however, causes a slightly lower overall efficiency compared to an open propeller. On the other hand, the same amount of thrust can be generated from a propeller with a smaller diameter, making it a very suitable solution for small draught vessels.
- Discuss advantages and disadvantages of twin-screw arrangements for very large container ships? (2p)
+ Higher maneuverability
+ Being able to reduce propeller diameter for shallow operations
+ Increased hull efficiency due ti that the propeller are working more inside the wake
+ Dividing the stern may reduce the resistance => Lower delivered power
- Increase of rotational resistance
- Increase of frictional resistance