theory of interdependence Flashcards
what is the theory of interdependence?
where two or more countires impact and rely on each other.
the right of a nation or group of people to be self governing.
state centric model
political theory that stresses the role of the governement on society.
a politcal name for a country, land, borders.
a people with common langauage, history and culture.
nation state
a people that share the same language, history and culture who have formed an independent country.
human secrurity
protecting a persons fundamental rights such as health secuirty, food secruity and personal security.
how is the state centric model supporting the idea of soverighenty?
by stressing the role of independent states with exclusive authority within their borders.
why is interdependence conflicting with a countrys soveirghnty?
because a countrys sovereghtny is its freedom and independene but interdepence interfers with that since it makes a nation dependent on another nation
how does self determination of a country contribute to its soverighnty?
by allowing its people to freely choose their political status and persue their own destiny.
whats the difference between a nation and state?
a state is a politcal name for a land while a nation is its lands people that share each others culture, langauge, and hisotry.
3 differences between platos republic and and aristotles republic.
Plato beleived that the state should have the role of educating children while arisitole believed it was the role of the parents to educate their children. Plato beleievd in monarchy while arisitole a democracy. Plato had unrealistic views and expectations on how society show be run while arisitole had realisitic expectations.