Theory of Family (only on things not known well) Flashcards
Engles- Inheritance of wealth
The family has evolved and left primitive communism and a promiscuous horde behind, as men gained control of the means of production, they brought about the monogamous family. A monogamous/nuclear family meant men no longer had to worry about the paternity of their son and could therefore let them inherit their wealth/private poverty, ensuring wealth stays within the family rather than being distributed amongst the community, upholding capitalism.
Zartesky- Unit of consumption
Families are a market for selling consumer goods and generating profit for the bourgeoisie, this gives them a role in helping generate capitalism profit.
Families are encouraged to buy the latest products to ‘keep up with the Joneses’.
Media targets children who use ‘pester power’ to make their parents spend money on latest products, or else they’ll be stigmatised and bullied by peers.
Althusser- Ideological
Family socialises children into believing hierarchy/inequality is inevitable, parental power over children gets them used to the idea that someone is always in charge, this socialises the next generation into ruling class ideology. This prepares them for working life under capitalist employers.
Zartesky- Cushioning effect
Family is a ‘haven’ from the stresses and strains of the exploitative capitalist world. However, the family allows a man to feel in control and powerful which they don’t feel in the workplace due to bourgeoisie oppression. This also maintains capitalism as it prevents the proletariat from recognising their oppression and starting a revolution.
Difference/Intersectional feminist view of family
Other feminists soley focus on the conventional nuclear family, but not all families are nuclear so we can’t generalise women’s experiences.
Lesbian, heterosexual, black, mc, wc, white all have different experiences.
EG: White feminists regard family as all negative and oppressive, when black feminists see that a black woman may find that her family provides a refuge from societal racism.
EVAL: Ignores shared experiences all women do have regardless of ethnicity or social class, such as risk of domestic violence, SA, low pay.
What is the ‘personal life persepective’
Takes the definition of the family beyond the ties of blood and marriage. It emphasises the meaning behind relationships and how this shapes our actions.
Structural theories assumes family and members are passive puppets that serve capitalism or mens needs, or smooth running society.
Examples of personal relationship that people find significant
- friends who are like a sister or brother
- fictive kin, close friends treated as relatives, like your ‘auntie’
- Chosen families (LGBTQ), supportive network of friends
- Dead relatives, live in peoples memories and shape their actions/identity
- Pets, Tipper found that children often see pets as part of the family.
Donor conceived children- Smart and Nordqvist
Their research looked into donor conceived children to explain the importance over social relationship over the genetic relationship.
A mother defined neon a mum as the time and effort she puts into raising her daughter, not the DNA that starts motherhood off.
Evaluate personal life perspective
- Too broad a view, by including a wide range of family types and personal relationships, it ignores what is special about relationships based on blood and marriage ties.