Theory Flashcards
name the 4 processes of pharmacokinetics
- absorption
- distribution
- metabolism
- excretion
passage of drugs across membranes
- membranes are close, so drugs must often pass thru cells not between
- the barrier is the cytoplasmic membrane
- 3 ways to cross:
- channels and pores: only allows small ions thru like Na and K
- transport systems: can be active or passive
- all are selective
- direct penetration of membrane: which requires a drug be lipid soluble
- polar mcs and ions are not lipid soluble, so can’t penetrate, so they would have to be carried across with a protein b/w cells
- multi-drug transporter protein
- transports many drugs out of cell
- found in liver, kidney, placenta, intestine, capillaries, brain
- helps get drugs eliminated, away from fetus, or out of the brain
explain ion trapping/pH partitioning
- pH differs on each side of membrane, so mcs accumulate where pH favors ionization
- acidic drugs accumulate on basic side of the membrane
- basic drugs accumulate on acidic side of the membrane
- absorption is enhanced when difference b/w pH of the blood and that of the site of administration is such that a drug will be ionized in the blood
- acidic drugs ionize in basic media, so they will accumulate on the basic side, so if blood is more basic than site of administration, then absorption occurs
what are the 5 factors affecting absorption?
- rate of dissolution
- dissolve before can be absorbed
- surface area: large SA, higher absorption rate
- orally administrated drugs often absorbed from small intestine b/c of the microvilli, so the SA is larger
- blood flow: high blood flow, high absorption rate
- maintains gradient that is higher b/w drug outside the blood and drug inside the blood
- lipid solubility: if lipid soluble, they can directly cross the membrane
- pH partitioning/ion trapping
- absorption inc when difference b/w pH of blood and pH at the site of administation is such that drug mcs will have tendency to become ionized in the blood
what are the 2 groups of routes that drugs may be administered?
- enteral: via GI, oral (PO)
- parenteral: intravenous (IV), subcutaneous, intramuscular (IM)
movement of drugs following GI absorption
- starts in GI tract and gets absorbed thru the wall of the GI tract into the blood
- then first goes to the portal V–>liver where it either
- is made to be more polar, more water soluble
- is glucuronidated: so a glucose derivative is added to the lipid soluble drug
- then the drug can either go:
- out to the IVC–>heart–>general circulation–>eventually excreted in the kidney
- (for glucuronidated drugs) go out into bile–>back into the GI tract where it is broken back down into the drug and the glucose–>can either be:
- excreted in the feces
- be reabsorbed further down the GI tract into the blood–>portal vein–>liver
- this is a cycle called entero hepatic cycling
3 factors affecting distribution
- blood flow to tissues: rate at which blood flows determines rate at which drug is delivered to target organ
- exiting vascular system via capillary beds
- in capillaries, drugs can pass b/w and not thru cells so no resistance
- BBB: tight junctions b/w cells which prevent drug passage
- only lipid soluble drugs or those with transport systems can cross
- P glycoprotein protects CNS
- placental drug transfer
- protein binding to plasma albumin
- entering cells: determined by lipid solubility and transport systems
explain how placental drug transfer affects distribution
- lipid soluble and non-ionized drugs can pass across placenta to fetus
- ionized, highly polar, protein bound, or substrates of P glycoprotein cannot get to fetus
explain how protein binding to plasma albumin can affect drug distribution
- drugs can reversibly bind to protein
- plasma albumin: always in bloodstream b/c so large
- drugs bound to albumin can’t leave blood, only free mcs can leave blood
- can be a source of drug interaction b/c drugs competing for sites on albumin
- if displace a drug, the free conc of the displaced drug can inc, so that drug’s response is increased
- plasma albumin: always in bloodstream b/c so large
metabolism of drugs
- mostly done in the liver
- done by the P-450 enzyme system
- irreversible transformation of parent cpds into daughter cpds then disbursed thru the body
metabolism and age
- infants have limited ability to metabolize
- drugs are not tested on very young b/c their kidneys and liver and immature
- older adults have a decreased ability
drug metabolizing enzymes
- some drugs metabolized by P-450 b/c they are substrates of P-450 enzyme system
inducers: act on liver to increase rate of drug metabolism
- as metabolism inc, drug plasma levels decrease, and kidney function inc (so creatinine decreases)
- 2 consequences:
- if also substrate, can mandate inc dosage to maintain effects
- can accelerate metabolism of other drugs and mandate an increase in their dosage
inhibitors: decrease rate of metabolism of drugs
- as drug metabolism dec, blood plasma rates increase, and kidney function dec (so creatinine levels inc)
- can cause inc toxicity and bad S/E
- as drug metabolism dec, blood plasma rates increase, and kidney function dec (so creatinine levels inc)
explain the first pass effect
- rapid hepatic inactivation of certain oral drugs
- sometimes, drug b/c goes from GI–>portal V–>liver can be inactivated when first going thru liver, so have to be administered parenterally
- if liver capacity to metabolize drug is high, then it can ianctivate the drug on the first pass thru the liver
drug metabolism and nutrition
- P450 enzymes require co-factors to function
- if malnourished, then not getting enough protein to maintain muscle mass, and water is stored in muscle
- if wasting of muscle occurs, then drugs that are water soluble have too much drug in blood stream following subsequent doses so can become toxic
- especially occurs in the elderly
competition b/c drugs and their metabolism
- if 2 drugs metabolized by the same pathway, can decrease rate at which one is metabolized and may build up
steps in renal excretion of drugs
- glomerular filtration
- blood w/ drugs comes in capillaries where forced thru pores, but blood cells and bound drugs stay behind in the capillaries b/c too large
- passive tubular reabsorption
- lower concentration of drug in blood than urine drives lipid soluble drugs back to blood, so have to convert lipid soluble drugs to more polar form to excrete, so that it will stay in the urine
- if not lipid soluble, then continues on in urine
- active tubular secretion
- pump drugs from blood to kidney lumen
- one pump for each organic acids, organic bases, and P glycoprotein
- pump drugs from blood to kidney lumen
factors that modify renal excretion of drugs
- pH dependent ionization
- by manipulating urine pH to promote ionization of the drug, you can dec passive reabsorption of drug back to the blood
- so if we have an acidic drug and make the urine basic, the drug will more likely be ionized, so it will not be carried back to the blood by passive tubular reabsorption
- by manipulating urine pH to promote ionization of the drug, you can dec passive reabsorption of drug back to the blood
- competition for active tubular transport can delay renal excretion and prolong drug effects
- can only carry so much at once, so if drug doesn’t go back to urine, then effects are pro-longed
- age
routes of non-renal excretion
- breast milk: lipid soluble drugs can be passes to infant in breast milk
- bile: excreted to small intestine–>feces
- lungs: excrete volatile anesthetics
- sweat and saliva
Grapefruit Juice and Cytochrome P-450
- Grapefruit juice: many medications interact with grapefruit juice
- More a pt drinks, the more inhibition of CYP3A4 that occurs
- Dec first pass metabolism of drugs, so inc the bioavailabilty of the drug
- CYP3A4 is found both in the liver and the intestinal wall
- with grapefruit juice, that on the intestinal wall is inhibited more, which decreases the intestinal metabolism of many drugs, so the amount available for absorption inc–>inc levels of the drug in the blood–>more intense drug effects
what changes to the body does pregnancy bring about as it relates to pharmacokinetics?
- Pregnancy brings about changes in the kidney, liver, GI tract, so change in dosage may need to occur
- 3rd trimester, the renal blood flow is doubled, so inc in glomerular filtration rate, so the drugs eliminated by glomerular filtration experience inc clearance
- Hepatic metabolism inc
- GI motility and tone decrease, so there is prolonged time for drugs to be absorbed or reabsorbed in enterohepatic circulation
- Inc levels of drugs whose absorption is usually poor
what does the effect of a teratogen depend on?
- dependent on which stage of pregnancy drug is given
- preimplantation (conception-week 2)
- if dose of drug is high, death will occur to baby
- embryonic (weeks 3-8)
- exposure to teratogens causes gross malformation
- fetal (weeks 9-term)
- teratogen exposure disrupts function rather than structure
- preimplantation (conception-week 2)
why are pediatric pts sensitive to drugs?
organ system immaturity
what kind of effects do you see with drugs in neonates?
- drugs have intense and prolonged effects
- levels remain above MEC longer than in adult, so effects are prolonged
- with a subQ injection, levels remain above MEC longer and levels rise higher, so effects more intense and prolonged