Theory Flashcards
What is the Earth’s energy budget?
It is determined by energy input from the sun (solar radiation) and energy loss to space by thermal or terrestrial radiation, which is emitted from Earth itself.
What is the difference between electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun and that emitted by the earth?
Solar radiation has shorter wavelengths than terrestrial radiation because the sun is hotter.
What is electromagnetic radiation?
Electromagnetic radiation are waves of electric and magnetic fields that can travel through vacuum and matter at the speed of light.
What is a photon?
In 1905, Einstein showed that electromagnetic radiation has particle properties. In modern quantum physics the light particle is called a photon.
Which has shorter and which longer wavelengths: ultraviolet, visible light or infrared?
Infrared has longer wavelengths, then comes visible light and then ultraviolet, which has the shortest wavelengths.
Which wavelengths photon between infrared, visible light, and ultraviolet has the highest/lowest energy?
Shorter wavelengths have higher energy, therefore ultraviolet wavelengths have higher energy, followed by visible light, and last infrared with the lowest energy.
How does electromagnetic radiation interact with matter?
Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter depends on the wavelength of the radiation.
Molecules have different discrete energy states and they can transition from one state to another by absorbing or emitting a photon at a wavelength that corresponds to that energy difference.
Absorption of a photon leads to a transition from lower to higher energy state - the photon once absorbed is gone and its energy is added to that of the molecule.
Emission of a photon leads to a transition from higher to lower energy state - the emitted photon can have a different wavelength than the absorbed one.
What is a black body?
A blackbody is an idealized object that can absorb and emit radiation at all frequencies. It emits radiation according to Planck’s law.
Basically, it absorbs 100% of the radiant energy striking it and, if it’s in equilibrium with its surroundings, it emits all the radiant energy as well.
What are the differences between the blackbody radiation curves for the sun and earth?
The sun’s blackbody radiation curve has shorter wavelengths, therefore higher intensity and higher energy output. The curve of the sun peaks in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The earth’s blackbody radiation curve shows longer wavelengths, therefore less intensity and lower energy output. The curve is completely in the infrared.
What is the Stefan-Boltzmann law?
States that the total radiant heat power (irradiance) emitted by a surface is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature. If E is the radiant heat energy emitted from a unit area in one second (that is, the power from a unit area) and T is the absolute temperature (in kelvins), then E = σT4, the Greek letter sigma (σ) representing the constant of proportionality, called the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. This constant has the value 5.670374419 × 10−8 watt per metre2 per K4. The law applies only to blackbodies, theoretical surfaces that absorb all incident heat radiation.
What is temperature?
Temperature is the macroscopic expression of the molecular motion in a substance. In any substance, like an ideal gas, molecules are in constant motion. When they bump into each other they exchange energy. The can move faster or slower, it is the average velocity that determines temperature. The faster they move, the higher the temperature. At absolute zero temperature, there is no motion.
What are greenhouse gases?
Gases contained in the atmosphere that absorb infrared radiation, so radiation emitted by the earth. The most important greenhouse gases are water vapor and Co2.
This happens because they are molecules made of different elements, which have dipole moments and can interact with electromagnetic radiation.
What is the greenhouse effect?
Absorption of radiation by the atmosphere tends to increase its temperature, viceversa emission tends to decrease it. At equilibrium the atmosphere will emit just as much energy as it absorbs, but it will emit radiation in all directions: half of which downward towards the earth, increasing the heat flux of the atmosphere. This additional heat flux from the atmosphere that warms the surface is the greenhouse effect.
The greenhouse effect is like a blanket that keeps the earth warm by reducing heat loss.
What is Total Solar Irradiance?
It is the flux of solar radiation through a plane perpendicular to the sun’s rays.
More precisely, it is the amount of total energy emitted by the sun at all wavelengths (not just visible light), falling each second on a 1 square meter perpendicular plane outside of the earth’s atmosphere.
Irradiance on the Earth’s surface additionally depends on the tilt of the measuring surface, the height of the sun above the horizon, and atmospheric conditions. Solar irradiance affects plant metabolism and animal behavior.It
What is climate sensitivity?
Climate sensitivity is a measure of how much the Earth’s climate will cool or warm after a change in the climate system, such as how much it will warm for doubling in carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. In technical terms, climate sensitivity is the average change in the Earth’s surface temperature in response to changes in radiative forcing, which is the difference between incoming and outgoing energy on Earth. Climate sensitivity is a key measure in climate science, and a focus area for climate scientists, who want to understand the ultimate consequences of anthropogenic global warming.
What is climate forcing?
Climate forcing is the physical process of affecting the climate on the Earth through a number of forcing factors. These factors are specifically known as forcings because they drive the climate to change, and it is important to note that these forcings exist outside of the existing climate system.
Examples of some of the most important types of forcings include: variations in solar radiation levels, volcanic eruptions, changing albedo, and changing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Each of these are considered external forcings because these events change independently of the climate, perhaps as a result of changes in solar activity or human-caused fossil fuel combustion.
What is climate feedback?
Climate feedback is a process that will either amplify or reduce climate forcing. For example, as more ice melts due to global warming, there will be less sunlight reflected away (see albedo) and consequently, surface temperatures will increase.
Forcing denotes an external influence on a characteristic of the climate system. Example: Increased emission from the sun leads to an increase of the temperature.
Feedback denotes the reaction of the (climate) system to the forcing which, in return, leads to a change in the forcing. Example: a change in the Earth’s temperature may cause effects that lead to more radiation being absorbed or emitted. This then creates further changes in the Earth’s temperature. This ‘loop’ where a change in temperature creates a further change is called a climate feedback, or simply feedback.
What is the Claus - Clapeyron relation?
The Claus-Clapeyron relation describes the amount of water vapor (in g water per kg of moist air) that air saturation can hold as a function of temperature. The relevance to climatology is that the water-holding capacity of the atmosphere increases by about 7% for every 1 °C (1.8 °F) rise in temperature.
Name the different types of feedback processes.
Water vapor feedback: water vapor itself cannot force changes in the climate, due to its short atmospheric lifetime, but atmospheric water vapor concentrations respond to and amplify temperature changes.
Ice-albedo feedback: a positive feedback climate process where a change in the area of ice caps, glaciers, and sea ice alters the albedo and surface temperature of a planet. Ice is very reflective, therefore some of the solar energy is reflected back to space.
Cloud feedbacks: no clearly understood mechanism has been identified that would make an unambiguous prediction of how clouds would change in a warmer climate. This feedback is the least well understood and the most uncertain element.
Explain Planck’s law
In 1900, Max Planck pustulated that the electromagnetic energy is emitted not continuously (like by vibrating oscillators), but by discrete portions or quants. Quantum mechanics was born.
Light is emitted in quants and can be considered not only as a wave-like entity but also as a particle, or photon, with the energy given by the Planck Einstein relation
What is climate variability?
Climate, unlike the weather, doesn’t change day-to-day because it is based on longer time scales and averages (at least 30 years). However, climate is variable as well.
Climate variability is the way aspects of climate (such as temperature and precipitation) differ from an average. Climate variability occurs due to natural and sometimes periodic changes in the circulation of the air and ocean, volcanic eruptions, and other factors.
The most information about the temporal variations of a parameter over a given time period is provided by a plot of the frequency of occurrence, or the number of observations in a given time interval. The average, standard deviation, and the maximum and minimum values are also given. Plotting the mean over time allows us to quickly identify fluctuations in time.
What are temporal scales of variability?
AMO: Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation - average temperature of the surface of the North Atlantic Ocean. While there is some support for this mode in models and in historical observations, controversy exists with regard to its amplitude, and whether it has a typical timescale and can be classified as an oscillation. There is also discussion on the attribution of sea surface temperature change to natural or anthropogenic causes, especially in tropical Atlantic areas important for hurricane development. The Atlantic multidecadal oscillation is also connected with shifts in hurricane activity, rainfall patterns and intensity, and changes in fish populations.
ENSO: The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the strongest year-to-year climate fluctuation on the planet. It is spawned in the tropical Pacific Ocean, but its societal and environmental impacts are felt worldwide. The character of ENSO, which is a naturally occurring phenomenon alternating between warm (El Niño) and cold (La Niña) phases, depends on the background climatic conditions in which it develops.