Theorists Flashcards
psychodynamic theory
- psychoanalysis
- individual psychology
- Jungian
- Neo-Freudian
- Attachment
- Frued
- unconscious drives bx
- drives related to reproduction or aggression
- psychosexual development
- free association & dream analysis
freud’s structure of personality
- id: pleasure principle
- ego: reality principle
- superego: internalized parent
Ego defense mechanisms
- repression- unconscious blocking
- regression- earlier stage of development
- displacemtn- redierecting thoughts from unsafe person to safe person
- projection- misatribution of own thoughts/ feelings onto another person
- rationalization- convincing that action was reasonable
- compensaion/ sublimation- channeling unacceptable impulses into more acceptable ones
- denial-rejections of thoughts, feelings
- intellectalization- avoid feeling emotions
- reaction formation- convertng unwanted thoughts int their opposites
Neo-Freudian Model:
Ego Psychology
Hartmann, Anna Freud, Jacobson, Mahler
-Ego can develop maturity and autonomy in healthy environemnts
Neo-Freudian Model:
Interpersonal psychotherapy
Harry Stack Sullivan
Problematic interpersonal relationships lead to mental disorders
focuses on ct interactional patterns and not on past relationships
Neo-Freudian Model:
Object Relations
Kernberg, Winnicott, Mahler, Melanie Klein
How babies interact with ppl (objects) in their environemtn
splitting (blck/white thinking)
Neo-Freudian Model:
Self- psychology
Problems result from unsatisfied needs. Therepaist empathy is more important than interpretation.
Carl Jung
-person individuates (becomes own person) as they age
-spirituality and culture are important to development
-holistic (ppl lose touch with parts of self as they age)
-personality types (introversion-extroversion, thinking-feeling)
Myers Briggs Type Indicator based on this theory
*Amplification: comparison of dreams to archetypes, literature, art, folklore
*Active Imagination: talk to character in dreams
Jung’s personality structure
Anima/ Animus (female/masculine)
Shadow (unacceptable impulses)
Persona (public image)
Jung’s Archetypes
hero, child, wise old man, earth mother, demon, god, snake
Individual Psychology
- healthy ppl have social interest and compassion, ppl strive for growth
- inferioirtiy and compensation through superiority complex
- lifestyle (personal narrative)
- Techniques:
- Lifestlye analysis & early recognitions
- asking as-if, slitting in the group
- encouragement
- asking the questions
Adler’s lifestyle
encouragement l—> superiority/ inferiority
encouragement–>confidence, self-efficacy—-> learned hardiness (keep trying) –> achievement identity
discouragement—> self-doubt, inefficacy—>learned helplessness (stop trying)—> failure identity
Adler’s basic mistakes
misperceptions of life and life’s demands
denial of one’s worth
faulty values
Adler’s birth order
- oldest- leader of family, most independent, take over authority for parents
- middle-compete with oldest, more relaxed, seeks parental attn, best able to adapt
- youngest-spoiled, use of humor
- single child-most familiar with adult interactions, may lack social skills