Theorists Flashcards
Mintzberg 1939
Katz 1955
Top managers- conceptual skills, human skills
Middle managers- conceptual skills, human skills, technical skills
Lower level managers- human skills, technical skills
Hobbes 1651
People are untrustworthy;
- and need to be controlled
Locke 1690
Citizens have natural rights to:
- Liberty
- justice
- property
Smith 1776
Wealthy countries have:
Division of labour
Laissez faire economics
Invisible hand
Marx 1867
Capitalism: Economic inequality Alienation Social conflict Worker treated like material goods - commodity
Owen 1821, Proudhon 1857
Democratisation of business
-trade unions
Employee rights
-employee participation/ voice
Henri de Saint-Simon 1821
Industrial society
Capitalist and urban focus
- needs managers
Daniel Bell 1973
Post industrial society
Greater reliance on the service sector
“Time study”
One best way
Eliminate ineffiencies, waste, redundancy,
Work simplification- Davison of labour
Gramsci 1948
Mass production
-complete des killing
-division of labour
Weber 1922
Bureaucracy Rule by the office Clear hierarchy Positions awarded on merit- performance criteria Division of labour
Durkheim 1893
Anomie - normlessness
Leads to crime and suicide
Social ethics (rather than individualistic)
Mayo 1933
Pessimistic reveries
Organisational behaviour –> social and human skills
Building group integrity and solidarity
Maslow 1943, 1954
How do healthy people behave?
Physical needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, self actualisation
Hertzberg 1966
Job enrichment
Hygiene factors: policies/admin, supervision, working conditions, money status and security, interpersonal relationships
Motivators: recognition, growth and development, responsibility
Argyris 1957
Self actualisation and personality Passive- active Dependence- independence Shallow interests- stronger interests Lack of self awareness- self awareness
McGregor 1960
Theory X: no self motivation, uninterested in work, employees need constant supervision and punishment
Theory Y: intelligent, interested, self motivated, creative, seek responsibility