Theorists Flashcards
Stuart Hall
People express themselves through language.
Shared meanings in a culture.
Every nation is mades up of shared stories (WW2)
Clyde Kluckhohn
Common lifestyles and behaviour in a community (customs and rituals create social cohesion)
Karl Marx
Ruling class exploit the Working Class
Diane Reay
Middle Class and Working Class Mothers. M/c had time and energy to work with their children and the school, w/c were the opposite.
Frank Furedi
Role of parents now seen as ‘protecting their child from dangers’ (paranoid parenting)
Christine Skelton
The school attempted to maintain control by relying on firm measures, which ironically reflected the ‘tough’ values that the children first relied upon
Adler and Adler
Children felt good when they had friends, but being isolated caused a reversed effect
Charlotte Butler
Teenage Muslims showed that the girls were firmly committed to Muslim identity but modified it to suit British culture.
Canteen culture study on Policemen found that spending time with work pals helped them to deal with their job…heroic identities and macho emphasis were praised
Susan Blackmore
Inner self is the ‘real you’, that has deep emotions like falling in love.
Protestants and Catholics, religion was a way of separating ‘us’ from ‘them’
George Mead
Basic feature is our possession of self or our identity, seeing ourselves at a young age of being a separate existence. Language helps us understand ourselves
Charles Cooley
Looking glass self, we see ourselves in the attitudes people have towards us (e.g. New haircut)
We deliberately arrange appearance or change behaviour to make a public statement.
Spoiled identity in disability.
Hobsbawn (PoMo)
Our identity is like ‘shirts’ we choose to wear rather than the ‘skin’ we are born with
Ulrick Beck (PoMo)
People have freedom to select and construct their own identities and lifestyles.
Anthony Giddens
People are more likely to reflect on their own identity, turning it into a project to work on
Collapse of traditional communities led people to search for other sources of meaning (e.g. Collective identity)
Long history of seeing youth as ‘trouble’, viewing them as terms of social breakdown and moral decline.
‘Conflict’ explanation.
Mainly through subculture styles that youths expressed their protest; resistance through rituals
‘Supermarket of style’
Lifestyles based on individual taste.
Youthfulness is a set of personal qualities, meaning anyone can be youthful. (E.g. Spontaneous, energetic…)