theorists Flashcards
dr Samuel johnson (1755)
published his dictionary of the English language
- it was larger and more thourough than earlier versions
- standardised spelling
initially strove to fix English language but it is impossible to do so as language is always changing
Robert lowth 1762
published the first English grammar book
- set out fundamental rules for ‘correct’ usage
- argued that some constructions are grammatically wrong
- eg. double negation, split infinitives
jonathon swift 1712
sought to ‘ascertain’ and ‘improve’ the English language permanently
thought the english language was in chaos
wanted to appoint experts
contractions are inelegant and corrupt the English language
criticises young sociolects –> can be related to present day concerns (eg. neologisms introduced by young people)
John Humphrys 2007
‘I H8 Txt Msgs’
- dislikes text speak e.g brb
- dislikes tautology (unnecessary - wording eg. past history)
dislikes incorrect pronoun usage