Theories on the Family Diversity Flashcards
- unlike the NR he does not regard this family diversity as significant or in a negative light
- the only important change is a move from the dominance of the traditional nuclear to the neo conventional family
- Apart from this he does see any other evidence of major change.
- most people are not choosing to live in alternatives to the nuclear on a long term basis, and the nuclear family remains the ideal
- the extent and importance of family diversity has been exaggerated
- Like Functionalists C sees the nuclear family as dominant
- only important difference between Chester and Functionalists is that C sees a change from a conventional to neo conventional nuclear family where both spouses play an instrumental role
What is meant by the conventional and neo conventional family?
- conventional - type of nuclear family described by the NR and Parsons with it’s division of labour between a male breadwinner and homemaker
- Neo Conventional - dual earner family in which both spouses work. This is similar to the symmetrical family by Y & W
Chester : Life Cycle
- although many are not part of a nuclear family, C argues that this is due to the LIFE CYCLE
- statistics on household are thus misleading because they are merely a snapshot of a single moment in time. They do not show us the fact that most people will spend a major part of their lives in a nuclear family
Chester: What patterns does he identify to show that little has changed?
- most live in a household headed by a married couple
- most adults marry and have children.
- most marriages continue until death. Divorce has increased but most divorcees remarry
- cohabitation has increased but for most this is a phase before marrying.
The Rapoports:
- Unlike Chester they argue that diversity is of central importance in understanding family life today
- we have moved away from the traditional nuclear family as the most dominant to a wide range
- Families have adapted to a PLURALISTIC society - that is one in which cultures and lifestyles are diverse
- Family diversity reflects greater freedom of choice and the widespread acceptance of cultures in society
- Unlike NR, they see diversity positively to people’s different needs and wishes and not as abnormal from the assumed norm of a proper nuclear family
The Rapoports : Five types of family diversity
Organisational - refers to the differences in the ways family roles are organised
Cultural - different cultural, religious and ethnic groups have different family structures
Social Class - differences in family structure are partly the result of income differences between households of different social classes
Life Stage - family structures differ according to the stage reached in the life cycle
Generational - older and younger generations have different attitudes and experiences that reflect the historical periods in which they have lived.
Postmodernist Theory: Stacey
- argues that greater freedom and choice has benefited women e.g choosing career first which has led to family diversity
- it has enabled them to free themselves from patriarchal oppression and to shape their family arrangements to meet their needs
Postmodernist Theory: Stacey study
- constructed a series of case studies of Postmodern families in California
- she found that women rather than men have been the main agents of change in the family
- many of the women rejected the housewife role
- they had worked, returned to education as adults, improved job, divorced and re married
- these women often created new types of family that better suited their needs
Postmodernist Theory: Stacey
Divorce Extended Family
this was one of the new family structures women created to better suit needs
- members are connected by divorce than marriage e.g. former in laws
Individualisation Thesis - Giddens and Beck
- explore the effects of increasing individual choice upon families and relationships
- traditional social structures e.g. class, gender and family have lost much of their influence over us
- in the past peoples lives were defined by these fixed roles that prevented them from choosing their own LIFE COURSE.
- today there are fewer certainties and fixed roles to follow
- we have become ‘DISEMBEDDED’ from traditional roles leaving us with more freedom to choose how we live our lives
Individualisation Thesis Beck
the ‘STANDARD BIOGRAPHY’ or life course that people followed in the past has been replaced by the ‘DO IT YOURSELF BIOGRAPHY’ that individuals today must construct for themselves
Individualisation Thesis - Giddens: Choice and Equality
- family and marriage have been transformed by greater choice and a more equal relationship between both
This transformation has occurred because of: - Contraception that has allowed sex and intimacy rather than reproduction to become the main reason for the relationships existence
- Women have gained independence due to feminism and because of greater opportunities in education and work
In the past traditional family were held together by external forces such as norms against divorce and sex out of marriage
Now couples are free to define their relationships themselves rather than acting out roles that have been defined in advance
Individualisation Thesis - Giddens - The Pure Relationship
- what holds a relationship together is no longer law, religion, social norms or traditional institutions. Instead intimate relationships today are based on choice and equality.
- relationships are no longer bound by traditional norms
- key feature of pure relationship is to exist solely to satisfy each partners needs
- they stay together because of love, happiness or sexual attraction, rather than because of tradition, a sense of duty or for the sake of children
- individuals are thus free to choose to enter and leave relationships as they see fit
- relationships become part of the process of the individuals self discovery: trying different relationships becomes a way of establishing ‘who we are’
- with more choice, personal relationships inevitably become less stable.
- this is a kind of ‘rolling contract’ that can be ended more or less at will by either partner, rather than a permanent commitment
- this in turn produces greater family diversity by creating more lone parent families, etc
Individualisation Thesis - Same Sex Relationships
- leading the way towards new family types and creating more equal relationships
- not influenced by tradition to the extent that heterosexual relationships are.
- same sex have been able to develop relationships based on choice
- this has enabled them to negotiate personal relationships and to actively create family structures that serve their own needs, rather than having to conform to pre existing norms
Individualisation Thesis - Beck
The Negotiated Family
- now live in a ‘RISK SOCIETY’ where tradition has less influence and people have more choice
- we are more aware of risks because making different choices involves calculating the risks and rewards of the different options open to us
- this contrasts with an earlier time when people’s roles were fixed by tradition and rigid social norms dictated how they should behave
- although this traditional patriarchal family was unequal and oppressive, it did provide a stable and predictable basis for family life by defining each member’s role and responsibilities.
However the patriarchal family has been undermined by two trends: - Greater Gender Equality: which has challenged male domination in all spheres of life
- Greater Individualism: where people’s actions are influenced more by their own self interest than by a sense of obligation to others.
Have led to a new type of family replacing the patriarchal family - The Negotiated Family - But although the negotiated family is more equal than the patriarchal it is less stable. This is because individuals are free to leave if their needs are not met
- as a result this inability leads to greater family diversity