theories on role of family Flashcards
functionalist - murdock
instrumental and expressive role based on biological differences
family has 4 functions:
sexual, reproductive, educational, economic
NF is universal - exists in all societies
murdock criticism
too optimistic - ignores dark side of family
functionalist - parsons
change from class extended family to NF which fits modern society perfectly: geographical mobility - small family means moving for edu or work is easier
social mobility - if person becomes upwardly socially mobile they’ll have different income, lifestyle and values to their kin - weakens their bonds as they have less in common
welfare state - can now turn to state for support in times of need - weakens bonds with extended kin
family went through structural differentiation - has 2 functions:
primary socialisation, stabilising of adult personalities (warm bath theory)
parsons criticism - laslett
laslett - extended family not common in traditional societies as life expectancy was short
new right - murray
increasing divorce rates, welfare state, feminism - increases FD leading to decline in NF which causes social disorder - creates 2 groups in society:
underclass - unemployed, single mothers who depend on benefits - threat to society - can’t socialise children property so they fail in edu and turn to crime, men who fathered the children don’t have to work - have no family to support so also become dependant on benefits and become anti-social - creates dependency culture
new victorians - respectable m/c who work, pay
taxes, marry and socialise children properly
new right criticism
cutting benefits for LPFs makes innocent children suffer
ignore NFs that fail to socialise children properly
marxist theory - unit of consumption - marcuse
family is unit of consumption and source of profit for r/c - w/c families pursue false needs which stimulates economy and keeps w/c focus away from seeking equality
unit of consumption criticism
ignores extent to which families can choose to live within capitalist society as it offers high standards of living
marxist theory - false haven - zaretsky
family spreads r/c ideology by offering haven from exploitative world of capitalism - haven is an illusion - family just helps members de-stress so they can go back to work the next day to benefit r/c
false haven criticism
ignores benefits of stable family life
marxist theory - socialisation and ideological state apparatus - althusser
family is an ideological state apparatus - role is to control way children think by socialising them into r/c ideology so they believe inequality is inevitable to prepare them for working life
marxism althusser criticism
deterministic - assumes children will passively follow r/c ideology
liberal feminism
gender inequality will end with legal changes that’ll lead to change in social attitudes
hold march of progress view
liberal feminists criticism
too optimistic in thinking that legal changes are enough to lead to change in social attitudes
marxist feminists
women are reserve army of labour - taken on when extra work is needed and go back to role as unpaid workers when no longer needed
federici - dual income serves capitalism - women have double day - paid employment and housework
ansley - women provide husbands with emotional support that helps alleviate his frustration against capitalist system
marxist feminists criticism
assumes all families are still nf when there is fd and variety of family types so family cant perform functions for capitalism
radical feminists
society is patriarchal - men dominate women within family
solution = separatism or political lesbianism
radical feminists criticism
ignore positive aspects of family life and that position of women in family has improved
difference feminists
can’t generalise about women’s experiences - different women experience patriarchy in different ways and to a different extent
difference feminists criticism
creates division between women, making movement for equality weaker