theories on education sociology Flashcards
name the institutions ?
- education
- the media
- the family
- religion
- criminal justice system
define value consensus and give an example (Durkheim)
the institutions encourage the same norms and values.
define collective conscience
when society feels united because we all agree on the same norms and values.
what is a positivist ??
a sociologist that uses scientific and non-biased methods to measure social facts
what is functionalism and can you a functionalist ?
functionalists see society as built on a consensus and think our society ‘works’
if you cant name a functionalist go and research one
functionalists think society works, using Durkheim’s theories (such as the division of labour) can you criticise this type of sociologist?
you could use
- division of labour
- socialization
- value consensus
- collective conscience
- social solidarity
did you discuss how one of these are not true in society?
who is the main sociologist behind Marxism and what are his ideas (use bullet points)
Karl Marx
Marxism is the idea that society is divided into two opposing classes, the bourgeoisie exploiting the proletariat.
what is hegemony ??
the political dominance over others
who came up with the idea of meritocracy, equality and opportunity, universal standards and achieved status?
talcott parsons (functionalist)
who said that;
- inequality in society is good because it creates motivation
- schools are fair and meritocratic
- division of labour and role allocation work well
tip: functionalist’s (two men)
Davis and Moore
what is the Marxist view on education?
they think that the education system is there to keep the proletariat (working classes) in their place so the bourgeoisie can continue to exploit them.
which sociologists think that school mirrors the work place by rewarding obedience, punctuality and the acceptance of authority?
what is the term for this mirroring between school and the work place?
bowles and gintis
correspondence principle
what is the new rights view on education ??
to instill drive, initiative and drive in students to make them employable.
how are functionalists and the new right similar ? (think of two reasons)
both believe that the education system should:
- be run on meritocratic principles
- competitive
- be an important part of socialisation
who claimed that the education system doesn’t produce the skills needed for the economy and has no equal opportunity?
chubb and moe
they suggest putting the education system in the hands of the consumers (businesses) to create the skills needed for the economy
who carried out the study on the ‘lads’ and what did he find out about some working class groups?
paul willis
he found that some pupils were rejecting the education system and idolised the idea of doing manual work ( the idea of masculinity)
Weiner (1993) describes the history curriculum as what
a ‘woman free zone’