Theories on contemporary society Flashcards
What is liquid society?
is a metaphor to describe the condition of constant mobility and change, and the lack of foundations of contemporary society
What does risk society mean ?
It explains that modern societies face endogenous risks as a result of their own functioning.
What is the difference between risk and danger?
Risk is a probability that something negative will happen. Danger, on the other hand, is a concrete threat.
What is the role that data play in the platform economy?
Data has become a raw material (like oil, gas…) to be extracted and refined.
What is attention economy based on?
In capturing our attention that is a scarce resource has become a commodity
What does Shoshana Zuboff mean by Surveillance Capitalism?
A system based on the claiming of private human experience as free raw material for translation into behavioral data.
What does the concept of free labor explain?
That when we use social media we are giving data to the company that will use it to do business
What is The Fear of missing out (FOMO)?
Is an emotional response to the belief that important opportunities or experiences are being missed.
Today FOMO is increased by the use of social
What does Eva Illouz mean by Emotional Capitalism?
A dual process by which emotional and economic relationships
come to define and shape each other is called emotional capitalism.
What is Cannibal Capitalism according to Nancy Fraser?
A metaphor to analyze how capitalism erodes social institutions and everyday life