Theories Of The Family Flashcards
Parsons- Functional fit
-Argued the nuclear family has a ‘functional fit’ with modern society for two reasons: geographic mobility. (Easier for smaller families to relocate around the country to find work in teh factories in teh new cities. And social mobility allows children to leave/ find status as heads of their own household rather then causing conflict with their father.
Stats show that the nuclear family is still the most popular. Eg 5 million nuclear families in the UK, 1 million families with cohabiting parents, 2 million single parent families. This shows that nuclear is still most popular.
Some feminists, such as Dobash+Dobash argue that the nuclear family is a source of harm. They argue that marriage. Legitimate violence against women. This shows that the nuclear family is unsafe for women.
Murdock- Four functions of the nuclear family.
-argues that the nuclear family has a functional fit in society as it fulfills the four key functions of society. Which are economic/making money.
sexual(stable sex life with same person
/reproductive (having children)
socialisation (socialising them into norms
For example he argues. the nuclear family fulfills all of these functions while other families can not. He argues single parent families fail to fulfil teh sexual function and that same sex couples can’t fulfil the reproductive function and unmarried couples can’t fulfill the sexual function. Which is why it is the most functional.
SOme may argue that the development of science all families can meet the reproductive function which shows the nuclear family is not the only option
The inheritance of property
‘Claims early humans didn’t have nuclear families and sexual relationships were promiscuous however, with the rise of private property and an organised system of inerhtiance became necessary- fathers needed to know who their offspring were so they could pass their property down the family line. This meant monogamy rose. It’s argued this capitalist system and nuclear family, it could be assured that the rich were passing their wealth down the bloodline,
For example, when a family member dies their money. and assets are passed onto the next of kin rather then the community. This shows wealth is kept in the family.
Functionalists argue that marxists ignore the positive functions that nuclear families provide. For example socialising children,stabilisation of adult personalities and economic protection.
Family as a unit of consumption.
-Marxists argue that the family plays a major role in generating profits for companies as it is an important market for the sale of consumer goods. By advertising families are urged to keep up with the joneses by buying all the latest products. The media also targets children to use pester power. “This shows that companies use the nuclear family to make money.
For example on kids channels there are toy adverts. These are designed to get children’s attention and make them ask their parents for the toys. The idea is to annoy the parent to buy the toy which shows the nuclear family is a unit of consumption.
Functionalists criticised this Marxist views. They argue that the nuclear family provides economic security rather then causing families to lose money.
Zaretsky- Ideological functions of the family.
Claimed the family provides a haven from the harsh world of capitalism. Although it is an illusion and is based upon the domestic servitude of women +obedience of children. He claims the family socialise children into the idea that hierarchy and inequality are inevitable. Family members are taught to be obedient and submit to the capitalist system.
For example, the need of capitalism to have workers having responsibility so they can be threatened with the sack is provided by the nuclear family through punishing children.
Feminists argue that the family primarily serve the interests of men rather than capitalism.
Radical feminists view on the family.
-Patriarchy is universal. The nuclear family is where oppression begins- men benefit from free domestic labour and sexual services. Some argue to solve the issue of patriarchy women and men should live completely separate, others argue that women should choose political lesbianism
An example of patriarchy in the nuclear family is domestic violence. Dobash+Dobash argues that the nuclear family enables men to abuse women. Therefore the nuclear family is where oppression begins.
Radical feminism has been accused of being divisive as it puts men + women against each other.
Liberal Feminists
-Liberal feminists believe in reformism. They puts for political and cultural changes. They support campaigns to breakdown gender steretypes.
For example, the equality pay act and anti-discrimination law.
Criticised for not seeing the lack of ability to make improvement for all women
Anne Oakley- Socialisation of the housewife role.
-Claimed that girls are socialised into nurturing+caring for others(house-wife roles.) this leads to women taking on the expressive role’ in adult relationships. She argues even with the paid jobs women have this role which leads to their ‘dual burden’
For example while in education girls are more likely to choose subject like health +social care. This leads them into careers which they will be taking care of others.
Functionalists would argue that this is due to biological differences between men+women rather then their socialisation.
Personal life perspective on family.
Argue other theories to assume that nuclear family is dominant as if people are passive puppets. This perspective focuses on individuals in teh family. They argue that all families are different.
For example, gay+lesbian individuals have chosen families made up of supportive networks of close friends +others that aren’t related by blood/marriage. This is very different to the nuclear family and shows all families are differrent.
Feminists would argue that the personal life perspective ignores the shared experiences of oppression aced b women in the family=.
Zaretsky- ideological functions of the family
Claimed the family provides a haven from the harsh world of capitalism. Although it is an illusion and is based upon the domestic servitude of women and obedience of children the claims teh family socialises children into the idea that hierarchy +inequality are inevitable. Family members are taught to be obedient and submit to the capitalist system.
For example, the need of capitalism to have workers have responsibility so they can be threatened with teh sack is provided by the nuclear family through punishing children.
Feminists argue that the family primarily serves the interest of men rather then capitalism
Radical feminists view on the family
‘Patriarchy is universal. The nuclear family is where oppression begins- man benefit from free domestic labour and sexual services. Some argue to solve the issue of patriarchy. Women and men should live completely separate, others argue that women choose political lesbianism
An example of patriarchy in the nuclear family is domestic violence Dobash and Dobash argue that the nuclear family enables men to abuse women. Therefore the nuclear family is where oppression begins.
Radical feminism has been accused of being divisive as it puts men and women against each other.
Anne Oakley- socialisation of the housewife role
‘Claimed that girls are socialised into nurturing plus caring fore others (house wife role.) this leads to women taking on the ‘expressive role’ in adult relationships she argues with paid jobs women have this role which leads to their ‘duel burden’.
For example, while in education. Girls are more likely to choose subjects like health and social care. This leads them into careers in which they will be taking care of others.
Gurshunny lagged adaption
Evidence of men doing more housework and women entering the workforce is making couples more equal.
With each generation, attitudes change and women and men become more equal due to equal opportunities
Gershuny called this gradual march of progress ‘lagged adaption’
*Equal pay act, sex discrimination act, shared parental leave.
Fran Ansley Takers of shit
[Marx Fem]
Marxist-feminist believe that patriarchal society exploits women for the benefit of capitalism.
Ansley claimed that within nuclear families,wives absorb their husbands anger and frustrations at his powerlessness and lack of status n capitalist society.
By cooking, washing his clothes and having sex, it makes him int of more productive worker.
In addition by producing children housewives play a vital part in the reproduction of labour