Theories of the family Flashcards
Functionalist view on the family
- Murdock and Parsons
- See the family as a particularly important institution; the basic building block of society
- Family performs crucial functions of socialising the young & meeting the emotional needs of its members
- Stable families underpin social order and economic stability
Murdock - 4 Functions of the Family
Universal nuclear family consists of two generations - parents and children: Murdock believes that this family rules is the best family type and exists all over the world.
Functions of the family:
• Sexual - ensures that adult sexual relationships are controlled and socially acceptable (stable, monogamous, heterosexual) & prevents sexual jealousy
• Reproduction - biological reproduction of the next generation (so society can continue).
• Socialisation - teaching basic norms and values so that the next generation are fully integrated into society.
• Economic - meet its members economic needs eg producing food and shelter.
Criticisms of Murdock
- Feminists : arguing that the family is essential is ideological because traditional family structures typically disadvantage women
- Other institutions could perform the functions above
- Anthropological research has shown that there are some cultures which don’t appear to have families eg The Nayar
Parsons - Functional Fit Theory
- As society changes, the type of family that ‘fits’ society and the functions it performs change.
- Over the last 200 years, society has moved from pre-industrial to industrial and the main type of family has changed from the extended family to the nuclear family.
Extended Family
- Consists of parents, children, grandparents, and aunts and uncles all living under one roof or in a collection of houses very close to each other,
- Such a large family unit ‘fitted’ pre-industrial society as family was entirely responsible for the education of children, producing food and caring for the sick
- Family basically did everything for its members
Nuclear Family (industrial society - 1800s onwards)
- Consists of only parents and children
- ‘Fits industrial society’ because it required a mobile workforce & extended family was too difficult to move when needed to find work to meet requirements of a rapidly changing and growing economy
- Less need for the extended family as more and more functions (health/education) came to be carried out by the state
Parsons - Functions of the Family
- Primary socialisation: teaching the norms and values of society — gender role socialisation: boys adapt the instrumental role (breadwinners) & girls adopt the expressive role (doing the caring work, housework and bringing up the children)
- Stabilisation of adult personalities: emotional security which is achieved within a martial relationship between two adults
Warm Bath Theory
- Working life in industrial society is stressful
- Family is a place where the working man can return and be ‘de-stressed’ by his wife; like sinking into a warm bath
- This reduces conflict in society
Criticisms of Parsons
- Too neat: social change doesn’t happen in an orderly manner
- Laslett: Church records show only 10% of households contained extended kin before the industrial revolution, suggesting the family was already nuclear before industrialisation.
- Wilmott and Young: found that extended kin networks were still strong in East London as late as the 1970s
Evaluations of Functionalism
- Downplays Conflict: family is not always the safe and warm place as suggested by Parsons eg ‘Darker Side’ of the family (violence against women & child abuse)
- Out of date: instrumental and expressive roles are very old-fashioned — may have held some truth in the 1950s but today with the majority of women in paid work and the blurring of gender roles, both partners are seemingly likely to take on both roles ms
- Ignores exploitation of women: ignored the way women suffer from the sexual division of labour as even today, women still end up being the primary caregivers in 90% of families and suffer the burden of extra works.
- Gender roles are socially constructed: there are no biological reasons for Functionalists view or gender roles and these roles lead to the disadvantages experienced by women.
- Deterministic: ignores the fact children create their own personalities and they aren’t predetermined at birth or something they have no control in — incorrectly assumed an almost robotic adoption of society’s values via parents (this isn’t true)
- Ignores family diversity: assumes all families are best when nuclear, however many family structures are apparent in today’s society and still fulfil the same functions.
Marxist View of the Family
- Believe that the family is a tool of capitalism
- Main function is to maintain capitalism and reinforce social inequalities
- Families perform the function of ideological control: convince the masses that the present unequal system is inevitable, natural and good
- Family type generally changes with society: nuclear family emerges not because of the needs of industrialisation but because of the needs of capitalism
Fredrick Engels
- Monogamous nuclear family only emerged with capitalism: before capitalism, traditional tribal societies were classless and had primitive communism (no private property). Property was collectively owned and the family structured reflected this; there were no families as such but tribal groups existed in a kind of promiscuous heat (no restrictions on sexual relationships)
- With capitalism, the bourgeoisie started to look for ways to pass on their wealth to the next generation rather than having it shared amongst the masses
↳ this is where the monogamous nuclear family comes from as it is the best way of guaranteeing you’re passing on property to your son
↳ reproduces inequality: children of the rich grew up into wealth while the children of the poor remain poor
↳ nuclear family benefits the bourgeoisie more than the proletariat
Criticisms of Engels
- Gender inequality clearly proceeded capitalism: vast majority of tribes in Africa and Asia are patriarchal, with women being barred from owning property, having no political power, having to do most of the childcare & hard physical labour
↳ Capitalism, increasing wealth and gender equality within a nation seem to be correlated as seen within wealthy capitalist economies such as the UK and the USA who have seen the fastest improvements in gender equality in the last 100 years
Cushioning Effect
- Similar to the Warm Bath Theory
- Family acts as a comfort from the stresses and strains of society
- Believes that the family allows a man to feel in control and powerful which they don’t feel in the workplace due to bourgeoisie oppression
↳ maintains capitalism as it prevents the proletariat from recognising their oppression and starting a revolution
Unit of Consumption
- Plays a vital role in the generation of profit for the bourgeoisie
- Workers are paid less than the amount charged for the products they create
- Family is targeted by advertisers to buy the producer they have created by urging families to Keep Up With the Jones and targeting children to use Pester Power to ensure they have the latest things to prevent bullying.
↳ particularly bad in the UK where there are few legal restrictions on adverts aimed at children, in Sweden advertising aimed at children under 12 is illegal
- Family socialises the next generation into the ruling class ideology & unequal social hierarchy
↳ maintains capitalism by ensuring the next generation accepts the ruling ideology as normal - Family is an ideological apparatus: it serves to transmit values of the state
- Hierarchy in most families teaches children to accept there will always be someone in ‘authority’ who they must obey
↳ mirrors the hierarchy of boss-worker relationships in paid employment in later life
Evaluations of Marxism
+ Discusses the idea that the nuclear family is a social construct and not necessarily good for society
+ Explains the existence of the dark side of the family
- Ignores family diversity: only discusses the role of the nuclear family, ignoring all other family types
- Deterministic: overemphasises the role of the family in maintaining capitalism and ignores other inequalities such as the role of the family in maintaining patriarchy & assumes people passively accept socialisation
- Negative view: ignores positive effects family can have for its members eg both parents supporting the children (New Right points out this is the most functional environment to raise children)
- Feminists: Marxist focus on social class inequalities downplays the role of patriarchy which is the real cause of female oppression. Sex inequalities exist within all families, irrespective of social class background
Feminist View On The Family
- Critical of the family as social institutions
- Family is a tool of female oppression
- The nuclear family serves the needs of men rather than women through DV and unequal division of labour
- Believe gender inequality is a social construct, not a natural phenomena
Liberal Feminist Views Of The Family
- Families are slowly becoming more equal through law changes and social attitudes
- Do not believe full equality has been achieved but the process is well underway
↳ eg socialisation of children in more gender neutral ways - with similar aspirations for both sons and daughters + chores not being determined by gender
- Many feminists have failed to acknowledge progress for women
↳ eg greater freedom to go into work, greater degree of choice over whether they marry/cohabit, when/whether they have children, same sex/heterosexual relationships or whether to live alone - Greater equality in relationships through dual-earner households & increased choice for women
- Argues that in order to achieve true equality within relationships we need increased flexibility in paid employment