theories of religion - functionalism Flashcards
durkheim (1915)
argues that religious institutions play a central part in creating and maintaining value consensus, order and solidarity
for durkheim what distiction is a key feature of all religions?
the sacred and the profane
durkheim - the sacred
things set apart and forbidden, inspiring feelings of awe, fear and wonder with taboos and prohibitions
durkheim - the profane
ordinary things that have no special significance
what do functionalists argue why a value consensus is necessary?
without it, individual selfishness would cause social disintegration
a religion is more than a set of beliefs: it has sacred rituals or practices and these rituals are collectives - social groups
durkheim - what does sacred things create?
poweful feelings in belivers
why does sacred things create powerful feelings in believers ?
they are symbols representing something of great power - this can only be society
when people worship scared symbols, what are they worshipping?
society itself
the collective conscience
represented by the sacred symbols
what reinforces the collective conscience and maintain social integration ?
regular shared religious rituals
what do rituals do?
remind individuals of the power of society - without they are nothing - owe everything
who is religions important function for and why - because of rituals?
for the individual
making us feel part of something greater than ourselves
strengthens us to face life’s problems
durkheim and Mauss - cognitive functions
provides basic concepts such as time, space and causation e.g. idea god brought the world to be
for durkheim religion is the orgin of what?
human thought, reason and science
Malinowski (1954)
religion promote solidarity bc of pyschological functions in two situations
- outcome is important but uncontrollable and uncertain
- at times of life crisis
parsons: values and meaning - two functions of religion in modern society
- creates and legitimates society’s basic norms and values
- provide a source of meaning, answering ‘ultimate’ questions
Bellah (1970)
religion unifies society - especially multi-faith like USA
what unifies american society?
civil religion
what is a civil religion?
a belief system that attaches sacred qualities to society itself - civil religion is a faith in ‘the American way of life’
what does american civil religion involve?
loyalty to the nation state and belief in god
both mean being a true american e.g. pledge of allegiance to flag