Theories Of Religion Assessmnet FC Flashcards
What do functionalist Argue about society
Society most basic need is for social order + solidarity. So members can cooperate
Possible through value consensus which stops people from pursuing their own selfish desires + stops society from disintegrating
How is religion linked to functionality views of society
Religion crates and maintains VC, order and solidarity
What is the key feature of religion according Durkheim
Distinction between the sacred (symbols with holy meaning) and the prophane (mundane)
Religion involves sacred rituals in a collective have powerful meaning
Example of durkheims scared and profane
Arunta clans perform rituals involving the worship of sacred totems. Reinforce groups solidarity and sense of belonging. Sacred symbols represent society’s collective conscience
Rituals reinforce this
What does collective conscience mean
Shared norms and values that make cooperation between individuals possible without this society will disintegrate
How does the scared symbols represent society’s collective conscience
Participating in shared rituals binds individuals together reminding them that they are part of a community which they owe their loyalty
Makes us feel part of something great which performs as a function to motivate us to overcome obstacles
What are the cognitive functions of religion
Durkheim sees religion as a source of this for two reasons
- fulfils our intellectual and cognitive capabilities = ability to reason and think conceptually
- religion created categories eg time space
what is the evaluation of Durkeheim on religion
- postmodernists argue it cant be applied to contemporary society no longer a single shared value system ie Giddens and Beck- individualisation thesis
- secondary research - unreliable
what does Malinowski argue about psychological functions
agrees with Durkheim that religion promotes solidarity but in his way it is by performing psychological functions
two types of situations in which it performs this role
1. uncontrollable + uncertain situation
ie study of Trobriander islanders. differs between lagoon fishing (safe, no ritual) + ocean fishing (dangerous/ uncertain accompied by canoe magic- ritual to ensure safe expedition) gives confidence in hazardous situations
2. at times of life crisis
minimises disruption caused by birth/death eg funeral rituals reinforce solidarity
what is Malinowski evaluation
emphasises positive functions of religion religion ie social solidarity but it neglects negative aspects of ie source of oppression for women and poor
what does parsons argue (values and meaning)
parsons agrees with Malinowski that religion helps individual cope with uncontrollable outcomes
in addition performs two essential functions that religion performs
- religion creates and legitimates society’s central values by sacralising them eg USA sacralised American values ie meritocracy. promotes VC + social stability
- provides a source of meaning by answering ultimate questions ie life and death
evaluation of parsons theory
ignores religion as a source of division + conflict especially where is more than one religion ie Huntington religious differences between civilisation are major source of conflict
what does Bellah argue about civil religion
like parsons is interested in what unifies society
argues that civil religion unifies multi faith societies eg USA does this by attaching sacred qualities to society
involves loyalty to the nation state + belief in God ie expressed in ritual of singing the national anthem
sacralise American way of life + binds american togther from many different ethnic backgrounds + religious backgrounds
evaluation of civil religion
- conflict with the substantive definition of religion as this does not include a belief in the supernatural
- also ignores conflict between ethnicities as the BLM movement cause a divide in America
what are the Marxist main theories
see society as divided into classes, capitalist class exploit WC. Exploitation can be overcome when WC become conscious of their exploitation and unite to overthrow capitalism. There will be no need for religion in classless society so it will disappear
what three ways does religion ease the pain of oppression + exploitation in 3 ways
- promotes the eventual escape from suffering
- hoe of supernatural intervention to solve problems on earth
- justifies inequality
evaluation of marxists theory of religion
some societies such as cuba and china claim to be communist but religion persists. suggests that there are other reasons for the existence of religion
what is the definition of ideology
a belief system which distorts people of reality in ways that serve the interests of the ruling class.
for marx how is religion an ideology
religion acts as an ideological weapon to justify suffering as inevitable. Misleads poor that they will be favoured in the after life - provides false consciousness
what does Lenin argue about religion as a ideology
religion is a ‘spirtual gin’ - manipulate masses, keeps WC in their place creates mystical fog which hides reality
how does religion legimate the power of the dominate class (marx and ideology)
makes their position look as if it was divinely ordained eg 16th cen kings were Gods representative questioning the kings was seen as questioning God but this was abolished
what other study links to marx and ideology
Althusser (1970) tools Bourgeoisie use to maintain control - ISA = maintain controlling ideas
- reproduces class inequality = transmitting ruling class ideology to generation to generation
- legitimates class inequality = spreads ideology which disguises capitalist exploitation , WC should know place
evaluation of marx and ideology
- ignores positive functions of religion ie functionalist psychological functions
- Engels = dual character argues that even though religion inhibits change by disguising inequality it can also challenge that status quo and encourage social change
what does alienation mean
becoming separated from or losing control over something one has created ‘
in terms of capitalism the WC become alientated as they do not own what they create and have no control over it
your are separated from your true self - less likely to revolt
how does marx see religion as a product of alienation
as it acts as an opiate to the masses to dull the pain of exploitation. Masks underlying problems. No solution to earthly misery but it offers after life. distracts attention from the source of suffering ie capitalism
what are the evaluation for religion and alienation
- Althusser - Alienation is unscientific as it cannot be proven right
- it fails consider secularisation, fewer than 10% of people attend church
feminist theories of religion
patriarchy = male domination
They regard religion as a patriarchal institution perpetuates inequality. Religious beliefs function as a patriarchal ideology that legitimates female subordination
evidence of patriachy in religion
sacred texts= largely feature doings of male gods, prophets etc. Some reflect anti female sterotypes eg eve persuaded adam to eat forbidden fruit (women in neg light)
religious laws and customs= may give women fewer than men ie acess to divorce. Many religions legitimate women’s traditional reproductive roles ie catholic church + iran women whipped for dress code violations. also accused of adultery can lead to face disfigurations ie cutting of face
evaluation for the evidence of patriachy
women have not always been subordinate to men in religion ie Armstorng - 6,000 years ago there were female priesthoods women were at the centre. 4,000 years ago saw the uprise of monotheistic religions
what is argued about religious forms of feminism
religion can give women greater freedom: Woodhead- veil/hijab to th wearer, be a means of liberation. Others say it allows them to gain parental approval to go into further ed and employment
lib fem movements ie peity movements are committed to gender equality + women playing leading roles ie COE has female priests since 1992
El Sadaawi - some aspects of religion are liberating as women can keep surname
context - definitions ie types of religions
content - waffle
debate - does religion actually perform what the question is stating
sociologists theories are concerned with religions role for individuals + society. All see religion as a conservative force
to conclude, but, therefore
func - religion performs positive func include solidarity
marx - religion dulls the pain of expolitation
femininist - see religion as an instrument of patraichy
Value consensus
A set shared norms and values which societies members live by