Theories of Religion Flashcards
Religion and consensus
Prevents society from disintegrating and promotes social solidarity, also helps us to deal with stresses that would otherwise disrupt society
Religion and and capitalism
Marxists see religion as conservative ideology that prevents social change by legitimating and disguising inequality. It creates false consciousness in working class and prevents revolution
how do feminist see religion Feminists
See religion as a conservative force as it is an ideology that legitimates patriarchal power and maintains women’s surbordination in the family and wider society
Keeping things the same
Religion as a conservative force
“Traditional” upholds moral views
Stabilises society
Functions to preserve things the same way
Religions conservative beliefs
People who hold conservative views about religion oppose changes that would allow allow people to have sexual freedom
They uphold family values and favour a traditional patriarchal domestic division of labour
Substantive definitions of religion
focus on the content of the religious belief. they are defined as being exclusive- they draw a key line between what is religion and what is not
How Weber 1905 define religion
Defines religion in a supernatural or superior power that is above nature and cannot he defined scientifically
Functional definitions of religion
focuses on functions religion provides for group/individual such as psychological functions
How does Durkheim define religion
defines religion in terms of the contribution it makes to social integration
How does yinger (1970)
Identifies functions that religion performs for individuals, such as answering ultimate questions about the meaning of life
social Constructionist definition of religion
They argue that there is not one universal definition for religion and who has the power to define what is religion.
How do functionalits see society
As being interdependent they condors society with the human body each institution performs certain functions just as the organs in the body
What us societies most basic needs
Social integration
Value consensus
Same values
What does Durkheim say is the key features of all religion
The distinction between sacred and profane
Ordinary everyday things
disadvantage of substantive definition of religion
excludes religion that doesn’t have a supernatural being such as Buddhism
advantage of substantive definition of religion
very clear boundary of religion
social integration
how we all come together
advantage of functional definition of religion
includes all religion-inclusive definition
disadvantage of functional definition of religion
two wide of a definition-too hard to classify
advantages of social constructionist definition of religion
looking at how religion gets constructed
disadvantages of social constructionist of religion
really hard to define religion
what are sacred things
symbols which evoke powerful feelings in believers- symbols represent of great power
what happens when people worship symbols
they are actually worshiping society itself
what does worshipping together do for believers?
unites believers into one single moral community with shared values and beliefs.
band of of relatives insular community
religious practise with sacred meaning
Durkheim’s study
studied native tribe of Arunta aboriginal Australian tribe.
there was a clan system which means a community
bands of kin (relatives) come together to perform ritual worship of sacred totem
disadvantage of secondary sources
different understanding
what does a totem represent
emblem such such as a plant or animal that symbolises the clan’s origins and identity
what reinforces the clans solidarity
worshipping their values because it brings them together
Collective conscience
View that the groups view is more important than their view as an individual
State of normlessness, ways to live or society will break down
Thinking and the brain
Share durkheims view in the function of religion
He developed Durkheim a theory
Religion helps individuals deal with emotional stress and that could undermine social solidarity. Religion helps to minimise disruption and funeral ritual reinforce feelings of social solidarity
Ocean fishing rituals
Where outcome is uncertain and uncontrollable
At times of life crisis
Hatch match dispatch malinowski argues that religion helps to deal with these and maintain social solidarity
Identifies 2 other functions of religion in modern society
Creates and legit images societies basic values and norms ( sacralising them) making them sacred promoting value consensus and solidarity
Makes it legal
Better than ordinary
Civil religion
Relating to non religious religion
Examples of civil religion
Worshipping the nation state
Evaluation of functionalism
Neglects negative aspects such as religion as a source of religion if the poor or women
It ignores religion as a source of division and conflicts especially in complex modern societies where there is more than one religion
Cognitive functions
The ability to reason and
Who is the founder of Marxism
Carl Marx
Marxist theory of religion
There will be no need for religion in a classless society
We rule you
We fool you
Religious leaders
We control you
Police army
We abuse you
Middle class
We support you
Working class
Owners of means of production
False belief
State of normlessness
State of ways to live society will break down
The collective conscience
Is shared norms, values beliefs and knowledge that make social life and cooperation between individuals possible without these society would disintegrate
In Durkheim what do the sacred symbols
Collective conscience or consciousness.
What does Durkheim reinforces the collect conscience
Shared religious rituals. In a sense religion also performs an important function for the individual
Cognitive capacities
Our ability to reason and think conceptually. Religion is the origin of the concepts and categories we need for reasoning
He developed durkheims theory
Religion helps individuals cope with emotional stress that could undermine social solidarity
Religion helps to minimise disruption and funeral rituals and reinforce feelings of social solidarity
Canoe magic rituals
Are performed to ensure a safe journey. This gives them a sense of control
Makes it legal
Parsons values and meaning
Identifies 2 other important functions of religion in modern society:
Creates and legitimates society’s basic values and norms (sacralising them) making them scared prompting value consensus and social solidarity
Civil religion
Relating to non religious religion
Criticisms of functionalism
It ignores religion as a source of division and conflict especially in complex modern societies where there is more than one religion
Are Substantive definitions of religion inclusive
Excludes religion that don’t have supernatural beings such as Buddhism
How does Durkheim distinguish between the sacred and the profane
Durkheim states that sacred means holy and profane means ordinary
Explain how religion may have a cognitive function
Religion is the origin of our cognitive capacities to think, reason and also for science. Religion provides us with basics categories such as time and space and which it means we communicate
Explain what is meant by civil religion religion
Is an American way of life which they sacralise they worship the nation state
Identify two criticisms of the functionalist view of religion
Worsley states there is no sharp division between the sacred and the profane and that different clans share different totems
It ignores religion as a source of division and conflicts especially in complex modern societies where there is more than one religion
What is the main cause of alienation
Identify one way in which Hinduism may legitimate inequality
Marxists believe that religion legitimates the power and privelege of the dominant class by making their position appear divinely ordained
Identity three examples of ways in which religion may be patriarchal
Religious organisations are mainly male dominated despite the fact that women often participant more men in the organisations
Sacred texts largely feature the doing of make Gods like Jesus
Religious laws/ customs may give women fewer rights for women
Give one example of how religion may be empowering for women
Armstrong argues that early religions offen places women at centre, earth mother goddess and fertility cults were found throughout the Middle East about 6000 years ago
What does Carl Marx argue about religion as a ideology
He argues that the class that controls economic production also controls the production and distribution of ideas
Describes religion as “spiritual gin”- an intoxicant doled our to the masses by the ruling class to confuse them and keep them in their place
assumption or theory
ascribed status
status you are bon with
selfish purposes
de spirited
no motivation
involves being separated from or losing control over something that one produced or created
division of labour
dividing different roles between people
tries to take away the edge
what does religion act as to dull the pain of exploitation
an opiate - relives the sigh of the oppressed creature
evaluation of Marxist theory on religion
Marxism shows how religion may be used as a tool of oppression towards the working class
ignores positive functions of religion such as psychological adjustment.
neo-Marxists see thst religion doesn’t mean that it is negative for people
Althusser rejects the concept of alienation as unscientific and based on human beings true self
how do feminists see religion
as patriarchal-male dominated. therefore feminists regard religion as a patriarchal institution that reflects and perpetrates this inequality
male dominated
religious organisations
mainly male-dominated despite the fact that the women often participate more than men in these organisations.
places of worship
often segregate the sexes and marginalise women, for example, seating them behind while men occupy the central and more sacred roles
sacred texts
largely feature the doings of male Gods, prophets etc and are usually written and interpreted by men
religion laws and customs
may give women fewer rights than men for example access to divorce.
have women always been subordinate to men
Armstrong argues that early religion often placed women at the centre. for example, earth mother goddess , fertility cults or female priest
is religion a direct cause of women’s subordination
Nawal El Saadawi argues that it is not a direct accuse of their subordination rather this is a result of a patriarchal society
how does Woodhead critics feminists explanations of religion
critises feminists explanations that simply equate religion with patriarchy and oppression