Theories of Counseling and Helping Relationship Flashcards
The first studies, which demonstrated that animals could indeed be conditioned to control autonomic processes, were conducted by
Neal Miller
Edward Thorndike
law of effect,” which is also known as “trial and error learning.” This theory assumes that satisfying associations related to a given behavior will cause it to be “stamped in,” while those associated with annoying consequences are “stamped out. Practice per se does not ensure effective learn- ing. The practice must yield a reward.
Who demonstrated that “learning” could serve as a treatment for a phobic reaction.. cure
Mary Cover Jones
Who is very well known for his creation of a 5-point scale intended to measure empathy, genuineness, concreteness, and respect
Robert Carkhuff
the Edmund Jacobson relaxation method
Progressive relaxation technique
LPB and HPB stand for
low probability behavior and high probability behavior
Who created systematic desensitization?
Joseph Wolpe
Which law states that a moderate amount of arousal actually improves performance?
Yerkes-Dodson Law
4 steps of systematic desensitization
relaxation training, construction of anxiety hierarchy, de- sensitization in imagination(interposition), and in vivo desensitization.
What is behavioral sex therapy?
Sensate focus, developed by William H. Masters and Virginia Johnson
Who is is the Father of logotherapy, which is based on existentialism?
Viktor Frankl
the brainchild of T. G. Stampfl
Implosive therapy (imagination)
Existentialists speak of three worlds, the Umwelt or the _______ world, the Mitwelt or the _______ world, and the Eigenwelt or the _______ world.
physical, relationship, identity
What existential therapist name the client’s internal personal experience of events
What existential therapist name the philosophy of being and existing, metaphysical study of life experience
Father of reality therapy
William Glasser
Father of REBT (Rational-emotive behavior therapy)
Albert Ellis, Ph.D. (in the CBT family)
The philosopher most closely related to REBT would be
Epictetus, a stoic philosopher who suggested we feel the
way we think.
REBT suggests the ABC theory of personality in which A is the _______, B is the _______, and C is the _______.
activating event; belief system; emotional consequence
For test purposes please keep in mind that Ellis, Glasser, and the behaviorists put little stock in the notion of transference.
Who is the Father of rational-behavior therapy?
Maxie C. Maultsby, Jr., similar to REBT but RBT emphasizes a written self-analysis (in CBT family)
The cognitive therapist most closely associated with the concept of stress inoculation is
Donald Meichenbaum, Self-Instructional Therapy (in CBT family)
Hint: Describing the client using the P-A-C conceptualization is known as “structural analy-
Berne (Parent- Adult- Child)
Hint: The act of looking at the consequences of games is known as “game analysis.”
Who created Gestalt therapy?
Fritz Perls, focuses on here and now, emphasize experiments and exercises.
Empathy and counselor effectiveness scales reflect the work of
Carkhuff and Gazda
The acronym NLP is an abbreviation of
Bandler and Grinder’s neurolinguistic programming, refraining” and “an- choring.” When using refraining the counselor helps the client to perceive a given situation in a new light so as to produce a new emotional reaction to it (e.g., a glass of water is not half empty; it is really half full). In anchoring, a desirable emotional state is evoked via an outside stimulus such as a touch or a sound or a specific bodily motion
Who invented psychodrama and the term group therapy
Jacob L. Moreno
Gestalt means
a form, figure, or configuration unified as a whole.
Perls suggested _______ which must be peeled away to reach emotional stability.
five layers of neurosis: the person has a 1 phony layer, 2 a phobic layer (fear that others will reject his or her uniqueness), 3 an impasse layer (the person feels struck), 4 the implosive layer (willingness to expose the true self), and 5 the explosive layer (person has relief due to authentic- ity.
Theoretical approach that believes individual is good and moves toward
growth and self-actualization.
Rogers (Person-Centered)
Theoretical approach that believes messages learned about self in childhood determine whether person is good or bad, though in- tervention can change this script.
Berne (Transactional Analysis)
Theoretical approach that is deterministic; people are controlled by biological instincts; are unsocialized, irrational; driven by uncon- scious forces such as sex and aggression.
Freud (Psychoanalysis)
Theoretical approach that believes people have a cultural/biological propensity to think in a disturbed manner but can be taught to use their capacity to react differently.
Ellis (Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy)
Which theoretical approach believes that people are not bad or good. People have the capacity to govern life effectively as “whole.” People are part of their environment and must be viewed as such.
Perls (Gestalt)
Which theoretical approach believes that individuals strive to meet basic physiological needs and the need to be worthwhile to self and others. Brain as control system tries to meet needs.
Glasser (Reality Therapy)
Which theoretical approach believes that man is basically good; much of behavior is determined via birth order.
Adler (Individual Psychology)
Which theoretical approach believes that man strives for individuation or a sense of self-fulfillment.
Jung (Analytic Psychology)
Which theoretical approach believes that humans are like other animals: mechanistic and controlled via environmental stimuli and reinforcement contingencies; not good or bad; no self-determination or freedom.
Skinner (Behavior Modification)
Which theoretical approach believes that person produces and is a product of conditioning.
Bandura (Neobehavioristic)
Which theoretical approach is an existential view is that humans are good, rational, and retain freedom of choice.
Frankl (Logotherapy)
Which theoretical approach believes that through education and scientific data, man can become himself. Humans are born with potential for good or evil. Others are needed to help unleash positive potential. Man is mainly rational, not intuitive.
Williamson (Trait-factor)
Allen E. Ivey has postulated three types of empathy
basic, subtractive, and additive (additive being the best)
The trait-and-factor theory (aka actuarial or matching approach)
assumed that via psychological testing one’s personality could be matched to an occupation which stressed those par- ticular personality traits
the developmental approach (career)
views career decisions as longitudinal and reversible
The trait-and-factor career counseling, actuarial, or matching approach (which matches clients with a job) is associated with
Parsons and Williamson
Edmund Griffith Williamson’s work (or the so-called Minnesota Viewpoint) purports to be scientific and didactic, utilizing test data from instruments such as the
Minnesota Occupational Rating Scales.
Anne Roe suggested a personality approach to career choice (“person-environment” theory)
based on the premise that a job satisfies an unconscious need. career choice is influenced by genetics, parent–child interaction, unconscious motivators, current needs, interests (people/things), education, and intelligence. Anna Roe categorized occupations by fields and levels
Some support for Roe’s theory comes from
the Rorschach and the TAT
Roe recognized the role of the unconscious mind in terms of ca- reer choice. Another theorist who emphasized the unconscious processes in this area of study was
Bordin, psychoanalytic approach to career counseling
Brill (also psychoanalytic approach to career counseling emphasized what as an ego defense mechanism
Today, the most popular approach to career choice reflects
the work of John Holland. John Holland’s theory can be best described by his four assumptions. First, in our culture, there are six basic personality types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, or conventional (RIASEC). Second, most work environments correspond to six personality types. Third, people search out an agreeable environment which lets them express their personality type. Fourth, the individual’s behavior is determined by an interaction of the personality and the environment. Possible memory device for the six types of personality/environments: “as rice.” Holland’s Self-Directed Search (SDS) is designed to measure the six personality types.
Most experts in the field of career counseling would classify Roe, Brill, and Holland as _______ theorists.
personality..Remember: your exam could use the term structural theory in place of the term personality theory (career counseling)