Theories of Brain Development Flashcards
What are the 2 theories of brain development
Maturation Theory: ‘preprogrammed’
- BD is result of genetic mechanisms
- born with innate knowledge + core knowledge
- we’re preprogrammed for brain development but interactions with nature promote/hinder this maturation process
Skill Learning Hypothesis: ‘neuroplasticity’
- BD is driven by learning/neuroplasticity (env. + personal experience play key role)
- is small component of genetics but hey changes in BD is attributed to neuroplasticity
What did Arnold Gesell say about maturation theory
- babies born with ‘developmental clock’ that determines when milestone occurs (walking, etc.)
- occur in fixed sequence of time
- had major effect on other stage theories (Piaget)
What did Konrad Lorenz argue about child development
- based on innate behaviours that develop during ‘critical periods’
- if didn’t develop then, it would later be impaired
Were Gesell’s & Lorenz’s research about the brain
No, they simply made assumptions about the innate nature of development
Evaluate Maturational Theory
+ some areas of the brain have been shown to develop in a predictable manner and may have ‘sensitive’ periods for development
+ support from animal testing
- cannot carry out PET/fMRI’s; only done on patients with suspected clinical symptoms
- we say ‘pre-wired’ but the infants being studied have already been influenced and means we cannot rule out the role of learning/neuroplasticity that may have already occurred
- often maturation/neuroplasticity are not mutually exclusive, neither can explain on its own
- development is the interaction of brain maturation and neuroplasticity as a result of learning from the environment
What should I remember if asked about brain development in humans
- brain is not fully developed at birth; it continues to develop till the early 20’s
- brain develops from the back to front
- brain development is based on genetic predisposition and interaction with the environment