Theories Flashcards
- Defined as state where individual has not positive emotion towards life
- People not functioning well psychologically or socially
- Have not been depressed in the past year
- Not mentally ill nor mentally healthy
- A life of quiet despair
What two perspectives is wellbeing derived from?
- Hedonic (Subjective Wellbeing - happiness)
2. Eudaimonic - (Psychological wellbeing - meaning)
What is the HEDONIC view of wellbeing?
- Consisting of pleasure or happiness
- Traditionally measured as SUBJECTIVE WELLBEING (SWB)
What is the EUDAIMONIC view of wellbeing?
- regards wellbeing as the actualisation of human potential
- When people live in accordance with their core values
- Measured as psychological wellbeing (PWB)
What are the LIMITATIONS of distinguishing between HEDONICS and EUDAIMONIA?
- distinction too easily taken as fact
- self reports on happiness could be self defence or denial
- no real measure of eudaemonic wellbeing
- causal relationship from eudaemonia to hedonic is assumed only
- Aristotle may have included pleasure in his concept of Eudaemonia, suggesting they are more integrated than currently represented
What is included in Ryff’s 1989 Psychological Wellbeing Scales?
- Self-acceptance
- Positive relations with others
- Environmental mastery
- Autonomy
- Purpose in life
- Personal growth
Describe the four mechanisms of Broaden & Build theory.
- Broadening - positive emotions broaden attention, focus and cognitions.
- Building - this broadening builds positive resources for future adaptability.
- Spirals towards flourishing - Broadening and building can lead to a positive feedback loop that can feed on itself, spiralling towards further growth and flourishing.
- Undoing hypothesis - positive emotions can negate negative emotions and protect from the effects of negative emotions.
What is George & Park’s definition of meaning and purpose?
Meaning = sense of comprehension and significance in life
Purpose = sense of goals, aims and directions in life.
What is Frankl’s understanding of meaning?
- People’s pursuits of their most important strivings and aims in life.
- found by engaging in creative endeavours, elevating experiences, and reflecting and growing form negative experiences.
What is Logotherapy?
- Assisting someone to find meaning in life
- based on the understanding that humans have a “will to meaning” and that search for meaning is a primary motivation.
Frankl’s term for concern and despair over the worthlessness of life which becomes an existential distress - but not a mental illness.
Frankl’s term for the striving to find concrete meaning in existence.
- By Frankl
- A striving and struggling for a worthy goal
- Not a tension-less state
- A future perspective - the experience of getting there.
What are the three features of purpose as described by Kashdan?
- CENTRAL - predominant theme of a person’s identity.
- SELF-ORGANISING - framework for systematic behaviour patterns in everyday life
- LIFE AIM - a larger mission in the background
- most fully achieved when people actively engage in pursuits that transcend their own immediate interests.
- Meaning may be enhanced when people have a clear understanding of their worth, capabilities and attributes.
What are the benefits of having MEANING in life?
- happier
- greater overall wellbeing
- higher life satisfaction
- more control over lives
- more engaged in work
- less negative affect
- less workaholism
- less suicidal ideation and substance abuse
- less need for therapy.
What are the three developmental aspects Kashdan & McKnight state are likely to create a sense of PURPOSE?
- Proactive
- Reactive
- Social Learning
What four needs did Baumeister & Vohs identify for meaning?
- Purpose
- Values
- Efficacy
- Self-Worth
What are the three areas of Snyder’s Hope Theory?
- Goals: having specific goals to aim towards
- Agency: the belief that one can achieve one’s goals
- Pathways: having multiple options and choices for how to achieve one’s goals.