theories Flashcards
Clay Shirky’s End Of Audience Theory
Audiences are no longer passive.
Audiences are more active, they interact.
Due to technology changing expectations and behaviour.
Bandura’s Media Effects
Children copy behaviour, particularly violence.
bell hooks Theory
Feminism is the struggle to end patriarchal oppression.
Women are not all discriminated against to the same extent.
Ethnicity and class impact this.
Gerbner’s Cultivation Theory
Repetition causes the effect of media and representation to build up over time.
This can change dominant ideologies.
Preferred reading
Accept and understand messages produced.
Stuart Hall’s RECEPTION Theory
Media products are encoded with ideas for the audience to decode.
Preferred reading,
Oppositional reading,
Negotiated reading.
Interpreted due to different environments and lifestyles.
Negotiated reading
Agree and understand parts of the message but disagree with other parts.
Oppositional reading
Disagree and have different understandings to message produced.
Stuart Hall’s REPRESENTATION theory
Media uses stereotypes which reduce people into over simplified cliches.
They are:
Often negative,
Often result in inequality of power (Hegemonic)
Hegemonic Power
Dominant groups (white,rich,straight males) control the less powerful.
Gauntletts Theory
Media products do not create identities’ but reflect existing ones in society.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow theorised that all our needs fit into one of these categories. Advertisers use knowledge of these to sell us products.
Curran and Seaton
Media Industries are dominated by a small number of giant conglomerates.
Concentrated ownership = Lack of choice, many same product
Independent ownership = more choice, creativity and diversity.
Hesmondhalgh Cultural Theory
Believes that company’s need to minimises risk and maximise audiences profit.
Ways to do:
Vertically/ Horizontally integrated
Work across a variety of Media platforms (diversifying)
Focus on popular genres
Controlling release schedule