Theories Flashcards
Who came up with the Semiotics theory,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Roland Bathes-Media Language-Texts communicate their ideas through signification
Who came up with the narrative theory,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Tzvetan Todorov-Media Langauge-The study of narrative stages eg: Todorov 5 stages that a character will go through; those are Equilibrium, Disruption, Recognition Repair the Damage and Equilibrium Again.
Who came up with the Genre theory,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Steve Neale-Media Language-Genres are dominated by repetition of codes and conventions but must also incorporate difference, variation and change. Genres change as they borrow from and overlap with each other (hybridity and subgenres).
Genres exist within specific economic, institutional and industrial contexts.
Who came up with the Binary oppositions’ theory,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Levi Claude Strauss-Media Language-Binary opposition theory communicates meaning as two subjects that are opposites can show conflict or connection
Who came up with the postmodernism theory,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Jean Beadrillard-media Language-
Who came up with the Feminism theory,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Liesbiet Van Zoonen-Media Representation-
The objectification of women’s bodies is core to Western patriarchal culture.
The codes used in mainstream media to construct the male body are different from the objectified female body.
Who came up with the Theories around ethnicity and Post- colonial ,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Paul Gilroy-Media Representation-Colonial discourses continue to inform contemporary attitudes to race and ethnicity.
“Civilisationism” constructs racial hierarchies and sets up binary oppositions based on notions of “other”ness.
Who came up with the gender performity theory,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Judith Butler-Media Representation-check in class
Who came up with the representation theory,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Stuart Hall-Media Representation-Stereotyping reduces people and things to a few simple characteristics or traits.
Stereotyping tends to occur where there is disparity of power, with subordinated/excluded groups being different or “other”.
Who came up with the identity theory,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
David Gauntlett-Media Representation- We use the internet and other media texts to help create our identity.we now many pix and mix from media products to help use to represent ourselfs.
How many media Language theories are there and what are they
Roland Barthes,semiotics theory
Steve Neale,Genre theory
Jean Buillard,Post modernism theory
Levi Claude Strauss,Binary opposition
Tzvetan Todorov,Narrative theory
Who came up with the 2nd Feminism theory,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Bell hooks-representation theory-Feminism is a political commitment rather than a lifestyle choice.
The intersection of race and class (as well as sex) determine the extent to which individuals are exploited or oppressed.
Who came up with the participatory theory,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Henry Jenkins-Audience theory-The internet has allowed fans to gather and create their own texts and easily share their work (textual poaching) . Instead of consuming the texts,audinces are creating them.
Who came up with the Cultivation theory,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
George Gerbner,Audience theory-the more exposure we have towards repeated representations it can shape the way in the real world how people believe they are true.Also the idea that cultivation reinforces mainstream dominant ideologies.
Who came up with the media effects theory,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Albert Bandura,Audience theory-the idea that the media can implant ideas into the audiences mind directly in particular aggressive behaviour, which people are likely to mimic in real life.
Who came up with the reception theory,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Stuart Hall,Audience theory-Producers want audiences to respond in a particular way to texts. Some audiences do “preferred reading”, some audiences dont “oppositional reading” and some are in the middle “negotiated reading”
Who came up with the “end of audience theory”,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Clay Shirky, Audience theory- We are now more likely to use the Internet and other technologies to respond to media texts,including creating our own
Who came up with the Power and industries theory,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Curran and Seaton,Industry theory-if we had more of a variety of media companies, we would have more of a variety of texts so more diverse ownership and creativity
Who came up with the Cultural industry ,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
David Hesmonhalgh,Industry theory- companies minimise risk and maximise audiences through vertical and horizontal integration. Industry uses tried and tested strategies to appeal to us
Who came up with the Regulation theory ,what type of theory is it and what does it mean
Livingston and Lunt,Industry theory-the idea that Livingstone and Lunt think the needs of a citizen are in conflict with the needs of the consumer, because protection can limit freedom. They noticed that regulating media to protect citizens from harmful content can limit freedom of expression.