Theoretical Models Flashcards
The following statement is most closely related to which theoretical model of disability? A person with a disability is not able to perform activities like an able-bodied person as a result of their condition
Social Model
Which theoretical model defines disability in terms of biological impairments where the disability is viewed as a problem that is caused by medically-diagnosed genetic disorders, disease, trauma, or other health conditions?
Medical Model
What is/are the strengths of the medical model?
The medical model explicitly acknowledges that there is a biological condition that places an individual at a disadvantage compared to the majority of the population. In other words, it states an obvious point about the biological reality of disabilities.
What is/are the weaknesses of the medical model?
- Focuses exclusively on the biology of the person, which means that it overlooks the impact of the design decisions in our social environment.
- Assigns disability as a characteristic of an individual person, essentially labeling and stigmatizing the person as different and “less than” the rest of the population. There is a psychological impact to this kind of distinction.
- When medical definitions are used as a way to determine who is “worthy” of certain benefits, people who do not fit within the clearly-defined definitions may be denied benefits that they need.
- If individuals are required to prove that they have a qualifying disability according to some pre-defined list of medical conditions, this requirement adds a level of inconvenient bureaucracy to their lives.
What is/are the strengths of the social model?
Empowers people with disabilities by removing the stigma often associated with physical impairments. Also empowers designers of physical and virtual environments to think broadly about usability for all kinds of humans.
What is/are the weaknesses of the social model?
Some disability advocates have argued that, despite the positive impact of the social model to combat the narrowly-focused and exclusive nature of the medical model, the social model can de-emphasize the physical reality of a disability too much.
Which model recognizes that disability is a complex and multi-faceted concept and incorporates the perspectives of the medical and social models? This includes the biological, individual, and social aspects of disability.
Biopsychosocial Model
What is/are the strengths of the Biopsychosocial Model?
Takes into account multiple facets of disability (biological, psychological, and social) and is useful in rehabilitation, allowing health and social care workers to develop more robust support for people with disabilities.
What is/are the weaknesses of the Biopsychosocial Model?
Combining health and social factors in defining disability may possibly downplay the medical needs of people with disabilities.
Which model views disabilities from the perspective of the economic impact of the disability on individuals, employers, the state, and welfare programs?
Economic Model
What is/are the strengths of the Economic model?
Does well to recognize that bodily limitations impact work, which is a significant and important consideration
What is/are the weaknesses of the Economic model?
May create a sense of stigma. In other words, if a group of people is legally defined as needing assistance such as disability payments, they may be negatively viewed as being “needy” members of society. Many people have disabilities that significantly impact their ability to work, but they do not meet the legal definition of having a disability and therefore do not qualify for various assistance programs
Which model is related to the social model and takes a practical approach to disability by identifying the functional impairments, or limitations, that are a result of disability and seeks to eradicate or lesson the limitations through the advancement in technology or methodology?
Functional Solutions Model
What is/are the strengths of the Functional Solutions Model?
Focuses on results that benefit people with disabilities. It takes a real-world approach to finding solutions that work, without getting hung up on theoretical or political questions.
What is/are the weaknesses of the Functional Solutions Model?
Even if a technology or solution is innovative, sometimes it is not the most useful solution to broader problems, which may be a result of the social and environmental barriers people with disabilities face. If accessibility professionals are too focused on creating practical technological solutions, they may miss opportunities to address the larger social context. Sometimes addressing the larger social context works so well that it can make a specific technological solution obsolete.
Which model shows that people with disabilities may develop a sense of personal identity through consorting with others who share similar life experiences based on their disability?
Social Identity or Cultural Affiliation Model
What is/are the strengths of the Social Identity or Cultural Affiliation Model?
- Self-Acceptance and Empowerment - Fully accepting one’s disability can be an important part of one’s emotional and psychological well-being, and having a support network of friends with disabilities can be valuable.
- Political Strength - It is easier to petition for political change as a group with a collective voice, rather than merely as individuals.
What is/are the weaknesses of the Social Identity or Cultural Affiliation Model?
Doesn’t always serve as a useful basis for technical definitions of disability, because groups of people with different types of disabilities — or even without any disabilities — may consider themselves part of the same social group.
Strongly identifying with other people with disabilities may partly be a result of feeling excluded from the rest of society.
Which model treats disabilities as unfortunate or tragic conditions worthy of special treatment?
Charity Model
What is/are the weaknesses of the Charity Model?
Encourages unequal social and political relationships between people, which can actually slow down progress for people with disabilities as a whole.
What is/are the strengths of the Charity Model?
Can create a sense of empathy in those without disabilities and inspire them to genuinely assist people with disabilities.
Which model encourages people with disabilities to affirm their identity, and to feel comfortable in their own skin, celebrating everything about their physical identity, including their disabilities?
Affirmation Model
Which model is more of an activist model that emphasizes the need for human rights for people with disabilities?
Sociopolitical Model
Which model assumes that disabilities are given to people as a punishment for actions of either the individual herself or of her parents or others who have brought this condition upon her? Or, if a disability is not seen as a punishment, it may be regarded as a condition given by God to teach a lesson or to test the person?
Religious/Moral Model
Which model is a variation of the medical model and states that disabilities are meant to be treated and managed by people with expertise and credentials?
Expert or Professional Model
Which model is a variation of the medical model and puts an emphasis on therapy or rehabilitation for the person with a disability to improve the person’s ability to function and compensate for the disability?
Rehabilitation Model