Theology of the body Flashcards
Which pope delivered teachings about the human body and the relationship between the two sexes and when?
- Pope John Paul 2
2. Between 1979 and 1984
Definition of nuptial
to do with marriage
Definition of communion
sharing together
Definition of extramartial
occurring outside marriage (either before marriage or with someone other than your husband / wife).
Relevant quote on the theology of the body
‘God loves each and every human being for his or her own sake because He made both male and female in His image.’
Church teaching on the theology of the body
The body and marital sex is good. However, extramarital sex and the use of contraception damage the significance and role of sex because it stops procreation.
God established marriage to being two people together …
as a form of communion of persons.
What does Pope John Paul mean when mentioning ‘the nuptial meaning of the body’?
The full meaning of the body and the person can only be appreciated when there is a deep relationship with a member of the opposite sex.
Explain 1 Corinthains 6:19-20
Your body is a temple of the holy spirit, so you should not sin with your body
Explain 1 Corinthains 3:16-19
Your body is a temple; if someone destroys the temple, God will destroy them. Husband and wife together form that temple.
Explain Romans 12:1-2
Do not give / be influenced by other people to wrongfully use your body.
Explain 1 Corinthains 12:27
Everyone is a part of Christ; therefore, if one person sins, they are not the only one effected.
Explain Psalm 100:3
Do Gods will; imago die.
Quote on sex for pleasure is not the main goal, but rather for procreation.
‘In Chrisitianity the body, pleasure and erotic joy enjoy a s high status… [but] pleasure, or course, is not an end in itself.’ (Youcat 417)
Contrasting views:
- Some people believe in having casual sex with multiple partners.
- The general public opinion does not follow the Catholic teachings.
- British society has split views.