Theology Midterm Review Flashcards
As one body, what are human beings made for?
Communion; Intimate Relationship
As one body, what are human beings made for?
Figurative Language
A literary form that uses symbolic images, stories and names to point to a deeper truth
Original Holiness
The original state of human beings in their relationship with God, sharing in the divine life in full communion with Him
What does God Reveal through the Bible?
His slowly revealed truth
Original Justice
The original state of Adam and Eve before the Fall, living in complete harmony with God, themselves, and all of creation
The first few chapters of Genesis are ________ history, meaning they cover a time before humans kept a written record of their lives
True or False: Figurative Language can teach us religious truths, and are meant to be scientifically and historically accurate
False; They are NOT meant to be scientifically or historically accurate
What literary device did the human authors use to help us better understand God’s truths
Figurative Language
What are three of the main truths that God expresses to us about our salvation?
There is only one true God, God is All-Powerful, and humans are given the gift of free will
What are the two creation accounts?
The creation of the Earth, and the creation of man
Original Sin
The first sin ever committed by Adam and Eve in their disobedience to God in the garden
The study of the origin or the cause of things
How did the human authors of the Bible use etiologies in their writings?
They used them as creative explanations to convey a religious truth that was inspired by the Holy Spirit
The free and undeserved gift that God gives us to respond to His call and to live as His adopted sons and daughters
What are some of the effects of sin?
A spiritual death, and disruption and separation of the harmony God intended us for
The tendency of all human beings toward sin, as a result of Original Sin
Which New Testament quote connects sin and death and what does it say?
“Just as through one person sin entered the world and through sin, death, and thus death came to all, inasmuch as all sinned” (Romans 5:12)
What is a communal sin?
Sinful situations that could hold an entire community accountable
Who wrote the Summa Theologiae?
St. Thomas Aquinas
What does Order express?
What does Surprise express?
What does beauty allow us to do as humans?
It allows our passions to delight in God
Which three sacraments are received by the catechumens during the Easter Vigil Mass?
Confirmation, Baptism, and The Eucharist
Easter Vigil
The liturgy that is celebrated on Holy Saturday, the night before Easter Sunday
The song that is sung during the Easter Vigil; this triumphant hymn of praise proclaims, “Christ is Risen!”
What do we celebrate at the Easter Vigil Mass?
The coming of the light of Christ into the World
Where does the Easter Vigil begin?
Outside the unlit Church, while the assembly sits inside in darkness
Where in scripture can we find the phrase “God is Love?”
1 John 4:8