Theology Final Pt2 Flashcards
45) In what year did Roman invade Jerusalem and destroy the Temple?
70 AD
51) True or False? Mark’s Gospel was written after 70 A.D.
False (B)
60) Which group of Jewish people did not believe in an afterlife and in an immortal soul?
62) John the Baptist is reported to be wearing a hair shirt with a leather belt and eating honey and locust. Who is John the Baptist being portrayed as?
65) Who was Mark’s audience?
Gentile Christians living in Rome
67) Why does Jesus allow himself to be baptized by John the Baptist?
A. To sanctify all stages of life.
B. As a priest was.
C. To prepare for sacrifice
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
D. All of the above
70) An efficacious sign of grace instituted by Christ, entrusted to the Church and means for the dispensation of the divine life to us.
72) What does the name of the Archangel “Michael” mean?
One who is most like God.
73) What is polygenism?
The belief in multiple first parents.
74) Why did the Israelites wish to return to Egypt, where they had been slaves?
At least in Egypt they had food and full bellies.
76) How is Original Sin transmitted?
Through propagation
77) When Jesus referred to God as “father” why did it shock many of the Jews?
Implies that Jesus shares something with God.
78) To what theological teaching does the Latin phrase “ex nihilo” refer to?
God creating out of nothing.
82) What does the angelic name Gabriel mean?
Strength of God
83) What does the angelic name Raphael mean?
Healing of God
84) What does the phrase “die the death” refer to in Hebrew?
Die a spiritual death.
86) Angels fell because…
A. They envied God’s greatness
B. They did not want to serve man, who was inferior
C. They said “no” to the beatific vision
D. Both A and C
E. A, B, and C
E. A, B, and C
87) The Hebrew word for soul, “Nephesh,” best translates into what English word?
88) Jesus affirmed the goodness of creation by…
A. Using creation as a means to perform miracles.
B. God entered a created body (the incarnation)
C. Christ established the sacraments to ensure our salvation.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.
D. All of the above.
89) In what order is academic pursuits their highest goal?
The Jesuits
90) What does it mean to say something is intrinsically good?
The inherent worth of something. Goodness is not merited. It just is good.
91) What does it mean to say something is instrumentally good?
It’s good is dependent upon how useful an object is.
92) Which is not one of the meanings when we say humanity is made in God’s Image and Likeness?
A. Like God we have intellect, free will, and the capacity to Love. (family as model)
B. Intrinsically sacred.
C. God has legs, arms, toes, hands, feet, etc. That is, God looks like a human person also.
D. All of the above
C. God has legs, arms, toes, hands, feet, etc. That is, God looks like a human person also
93) What revealed truth does Polygenism deny?
Original Sin
94) What does the word “Sacramentum” initially refer?
The oath taken to become a soldier
95) What is/are the means to holiness?
96) What does the phrase “Communion of Saints” refer to?
A. Those in heaven
B. Holy souls of purgatory
C. The Faithful on Earth
D. All of the above
e. None of the above
D. All of the above
99) The phrase “Battle of prayer” refers primarily to what?
The Difficulties in prayer we face
100) How does a person get rid of Original sin?
101) When a soldier was ‘sealed’ what did this mean?
An indication of who the soldier served.
103) What is the Hebrew word for “protect or guard?”
102) Before the fall of humanity, humanity had mastery over two things. What two things did he have?
Self and creation
104) What is the Hebrew word for “intimidating.”
106) “Church Militant” refers to what group of people?
Those baptized who are still fighting the good fight trying to save souls.
107) Man’s mission/duty in the garden was to…
A. To sleep and rest
B. Till and Keep
C. To plant and sow
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
B. Till and Keep
109) How important did Jesus view the Shema?
It is the greatest law
110) How did the local Celts of Ireland respond to St. Patrick when he would ask them about the Shamrock: “Is it one leaf or is it three?”
It is both one leaf and three leaves
111) In what book of the Bible is the Shema located?
112) The following scripture passage is the beginning of a famous Jewish prayer known as what? “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.”
The Shema
114) Some Jews would bind small boxes to their foreheads and hands with the Shema contained in those boxes. What were those boxes called?
116) True or False? Jesus had a REAL human body.
118) True or False? Jesus’ human will never yielded to the divine will.
119) Humans are…
A. Ensouled bodies
B. Embodied souls
C. Matter trapping souls
D. Both A & B
E. Both C & A
D. Both A & B
128) The Attribute of God in which He has no body and thereby not limited to space, time, and matter.
Pure Spirit