Theology exam Flashcards
The name for the innermost spiritual principle of human beings
A philosophy that denies there is any meaning in existence or religious beliefs
The state of Adam and Eve in which they shared in divine life
Original holiness
The state of Adam and eve’s inner harmony
Original Justice
The personal sin of Adam and Eve when they chose to go by their will and not by God’s
Original Sin
The sum of social conditions that allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily.
Common good
An offence against God as well as a fault against, reason, truth, and right conscience.
A decision-making process that attends to the implications and consequences of an action or choice
The deliberate killing of unborn human life by means of medical or surgical procedures.
Any doctrine or belief that denies the existence of absolute, universal moral truths
moral relativism
The free and undeserved help that God gives you to respond to his supernatural call to become his adoptive son or daughter.
The five positive laws that bind Catholics to the Church and help them grow in holiness and charity
precepts of the church
a habitual gift that perfects the soul itself to enable to live with God.
sanctifying grace.
Makes people responsible for their choices and enables them to grow in truth and holiness.
The gift of the Holy Spirit’s grace that cleanses you from your sins through conversion.
Who is the primary author of Scared Scriptures, and who are the secondary authors.
God is the primary, humans are the second.
God makes himself known to us in two ways
Sacred scripture and Sacred tradition.
What is the bible.
The inspired and inerrant word of God in written form
How many books are in the bible
73 in total. 46 OT. 27 NT.
What was the debate about the number of books in the O.T?
7 books were removed from it.
Why is Sacred Tradition important
It is something for us to hold onto and stand firm with.
What is the divinely chosen interpreter of Sacred Scripture
Jesus prayed that Christians may be one just as he is with the Father; in one word, why are Christians divided?
Some Christians have lost sight of who they are supposed to be.
This sense of Scripture points to the immediate and direct meaning of the text
This sense of Scripture points forward
This sense of Scripture points in
How many days did God create the world before he rested?
This sense of scripture points up
What did God mean when he said,” Let us make man in our image after our likeness. What is the meaning of image and likeness.
Patterns and resembles
What is the significance of God creating humans as male and female
Sexual difference willed by God from the beginning
What name is God referred to by using his Hebrew name.
In Genesis 2 God is referred to by using this Hebrew name
In Gen 2 God formed man out of dust and breathed into man giving him his
breath of life
Man was instructed to till and keep the garden of Eden. This means his duty was to
take care of and guard it
God made woman out of man’s
When man and women are joined together in marriage the Bible says that “the two become one flesh,” This means that the man and women are joined
in one body
Before the Fall, when man and women were naked together they experienced
no shame.
According to Gen 3, man and women encounter a talking serpent. For Catholics this can signify any of these three things.
That it was a snake, the devil, or evil.
How many angels did The dragon cause to fall along with him.
Man was told that he could eat from all the fruit in the Garden except the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of God and evil or else he would die the death. What was God referring to.
He meant they would suffer grow old and die and not live forever.
Original Sin caused these bad consequences for man and women.
The women would have pains when giving birth. Man would be banishedand his land would not be fertile.
After Adam and Eve’s original sin, describes God as walking in the garden. He asks them, “Where are you?” How are we to understand this question?
he means that he knows where they are he just wants to see if they will reveal themselves to him and take fault for what they have done.
What line of work did Cain and Abel do.
Abel was a Shepherd and Cain was a farmer.
According to Cain killed Abel because he was
did not understand and was jealous.
The 7th generation of Cains line was infamous for being a bigamist and for seeking perfect revenge, what was his name.
The 7th generation of Seth’s line was famous for walking with God and being taken by him.
What was the main reason God caused the Earth to flood.
It was full of lawlessness and was corrupt
How long did the floodwaters rise?
40 days
What mountains did the Ark rest upon
Mountains of Ararat.
How did Noah know that the waters had subsided from the Earth?
He released a dove to see if it would bring back something.
The Descendants of Ham built the Tower of Babel in order to
make a name for themselves.
How did God punish the tower builders?
By confusing their languages
What does Matthew 1:1 reminds us that Jesus’ genealogy goes back as far as?
To Abraham
What is the literal meaning of the name Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?
Father of multitude, He laughs, Deceiver.
The firepot and torch passed between Abram’s sacrifices for this reason?
What was the sign of the covenant between Abram’s sacrifices for this reason
The stars
What are the Grant-type and the vassal type covenants between God and Abraham?
The promise to his descendants and the circumcision’s.
What does Isaac’s willingness to be sacrificed by his father foreshadow?
Jesus Christ and his death on the Cross.
What is the literal and the deapper meaning of the name of Moses
It means drawn out of water and signifies divine protection
Puah and Shiphrah were given a civil law to abort Hebrew baby boys, did they obey this?
No they were pro-life
What is the example of prophetic irony early on in Moses’ life
He was told he was not the judge of anyone but later became the judge of Israel.
Why does God tell Moses to ask Pharaoh to let the Hebrews to go away from Egypt to sacrifice to the Lord for 3 days
He said that to harden Pharaoh’s heart
What is the deeper meaning of God sending ten plagues to Egypt?
Since Pharaoh would not let them go he would break him.
What does Jesus say about the manna in the desert in the new testament
Why does God call Israel to become a Kingdom of priests.
So they can all worship him and bring him praise.
What is the significance of the blood in God’s covenant of blood in Ex. 24
That God shows them mercy
What is the significance of the golden calf incident in Ex. 32
It shows that when Moses left them they started to worship false idols