Themes Flashcards
What the themes represent, who represents them, and why they are so important
What are the four themes?
Social responsibility, Class, Gender, Age
How does Eva Smith represent Social Responsibility?
Eva dies because nobody takes responsibility for their actions against her.
How does Arthur Birling represent Social repsponsibility? (3 Quotations)
“Community and all that nonsense.”
If we were all responsible for everything that happened to everybody we’d had anything to do with, it would be very awkward”
“A man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own.”
How does Mrs Birling represent Social Responsibility?
“I blame the young man who was the father of the child she was going to have.”
“I didn’t like her manner.”
“She was claiming elaborate fine feelings and scruples that were simply absurd in a girl in her position.”
How does Sheila Birling represent Social Responsibility?
“I tell you - whoever that inspector was, it was anything but a joke.”
“All right Gerald, you needn’t look at me like that. At least I’m trying to tell the truth.”
“Girls aren’t cheap labour.”
How does Eric Birling represent Social Responsibility?
“Whoever that chap was, the fact remains that I did what I did.”
“You lot may be letting yourselves out nicely, but I can’t.”
“You’re beginning to pretend now that nothing’s really happened at all.”
How does Gerald Croft represent Social Responsibility?
“All right. I knew her. Let’s leave it at that.”
“I don’t come into this suicide business.”
“Everything’s alright now Sheila.”
How does Inspector Goole represent Social Responsibility?
“Her position now is that she lies with a burnt out inside on a slab.”
“If man will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish.”
“It’s better to ask for the earth than to take it.”
Why is the theme of Social Repsponisbility important? (Context)
Priestley aims to address this issue that after WW2 there was no assistance for those living in poverty. He also wanted his audience to be responsible for their actions and behaviour and be more considerate of others.
How does Eva Smith represent Class?
She is a typical representation of a working class girl, who is put into multiple situations where she is treated indifferently because she is not in the same class as the Birling family. If she were in a higher class she would have had a arguably very different outcome.
Which characters represent class the most?
Arthur Birling, Sybil Birling, Sheila Birling and Eva Smith
How does Arthur Birling present the theme of Class?
“If you don’t come down sharply on some of these people, they’d soon be asking for the earth.”
“As if we’re all mixed up in a hive, community and all that nonsense.”
“And I’m talking as a hard-headed, practical man of business.”
How does Sybil Birling present the theme of Class?
“Girls of that class.”
“As if a girl of that sort would ever refuse money!”
“She was claiming elaborate fine feelings and scruples that were simply absurd in a girl in her position.”
How does Sheila Birling present the theme of Class?
“These girls aren’t just cheap labour!”
“She is very pleased with life.”
Why is the theme of Class important?
Although WW2 brought the two classes together, Priestley wanted to highlight the inequality between higher and lower classes and how the higher classes looked down in those in lower class.
How is the theme of gender shown in the play?
How Mr Birling and Gerald Croft view women.
How Mrs Birling treats Eva Smith.
How Eva Smith is portrayed as independent and outspoken before her death.
How does Mr Birling present the theme of Gender?
“Clothes mean something quite different to a woman…”
He has a very patronising view on women.
““…not only something to make ‘em look prettier - but - well, a sort of sign or token of their self-respect.”
How does Gerald Croft present the theme of Gender?
1 Quote
“I hate those hard-eyed dough-faced women.”
Gerald shows that he can be very superficial in his view of women. If they don’t meet his standard of how they ‘should’ look, he dislikes them
How does Eva present the theme of Gender?
Eva is a symbol of the women’s movement - punished for standing up for her rights; exploited by men for their own sexual gain; seen by older women as threatening the status quo.
How does the theme of Gender present Priestley’s feminist views?
Through the character of Eva Smith, Priestley is critical of the treatment of women.
Why is Gender a key theme in An Inspector Calls?
Priestley would have hoped that by the end of the play the audience have questioned their views of stereotypical gender roles.
How does Sybil present the theme of Gender?
Mrs Birling can be just as cruel and old fashioned as the men are. She does not try to empathise with a member of her own gender.
Mrs Birling fulfils old-fashioned female roles. She thinks that women should support their husbands and not speak against them. She also turns against Eva Smith because she is going to be a single mother.
Why did Priestley use the theme of Age?
Priestley uses it to show how he believed that there was hope in the younger generation’s ability to learn and change.
How does Preistley explore the theme of Age in An Inspector Calls?
Sheila and Eric’s response to Eva’s death.
Mr and Mrs Birling’s response to Eva’s death.
How the older characters perceive the younger ones.
How is the theme of age presented through Mr and Mrs Birling’s response to Eva’s suicide?
Mr and Mrs Birling are both unrepentant about their involvement in Eva’s death.
When Gerald suggests that the Inspector was not real, Mr and Mrs Birling are thrilled that they were never really involved in antyhing.
The older characters are painted in a more negative light and they don’t learn from their mistakes.
How is the theme of age presented through Eric’s and Sheila’s response to Eva’s suicide?
Sheila and Eric develop a sense of social responsibility during the course of the play.
Sheila and Eric are ashamed about their involvement in the death and are desperate to make amends.
When Gerald suggests that the Inspector was not real, Sheila and Eric are convinced that even if the Inspector was not real and a girl didn’t die, they still behaved badly and should change their ways.l,
Eric Quote : “You’re beginning to…”
What theme does it represent?
“You’re beginning to pretend now that nothing’s really happened at all.”
Theme : Age and Social Responsibility