Themes Flashcards
CHRISTIAN THEMES: “A Christmas Carol” is deeply rooted in the important nineteenth century question of how Christian morality
would survive in the face of an increasingly utilitarian and capitalistic _______ brought on by the Industrial
CHRISTIAN THEMES: The financial success that Scrooge enjoyed is precisely the goal of __________
CHRISTIAN THEMES: a fixation on
the accumulation of wealth seduced Scrooge into seeing every aspect of life in terms of their _______ ________
financial value
CHRISTIAN THEMES: Scrooge weighs Christmas, his fiancé, his dying friend and business partner, his reputation, his office staff, and his only
living family member against their financial cost and finds them ________
CHRISTIAN THEMES: the solution to social injustice in “A Christmas Carol” is not a social movement but individual _________
CHRISTIAN THEMES: The world becomes a better place almost immediately following Scrooge’s ___________
CHRISTIAN THEMES: the story implies that a renewed connection to humanity is, in fact, the very essence of ________
CHRISTIAN THEMES: Scrooge’s change
is rooted not in a commitment to deeper spirituality or orthodoxy but in an authentic connection to and
investment in the lives of other _____ ______.
human beings
CHRISTIAN THEMES: Scrooge’s “conversion” is not introspective and personal; it is
________-_______ ___ ______
outward-looking and social
CHRISTIAN THEMES: While Scrooge’s conversion does not seem to change anything about the social structure itself, the compassion shown by individual people changes the social ___________ they share.
GUILT AND INNOCENCE THEMES: Often in ghost stories, the ghostly apparitions function to remind the main character of something evil he or
she has done in the ____
GUILT AND INNOCENCE THEMES: ghosts act as the character’s __________
GUILT AND INNOCENCE THEMES: Scrooge certainly has enough
to feel guilty about: he is mean and tight-fisted with his assistant, Bob Cratchit; dismissive of his nephew,
Fred; miserly and cold with the men from the local charity association; and nasty to the little caroler that he
chases away from his keyhole with a ruler. Each of these people are associated with some form of innocence,
a reminder of the ____ _________ or the love of family and friends.
less fortunate
GUILT AND INNOCENCE THEMES: Marley’s ghost raises the question of _____
GUILT AND INNOCENCE THEMES: Marley explains that he himself is forced to walk the earth as a
ghost because he was a _________ ____-________ ___
heartless, self-involved man
GUILT AND INNOCENCE THEMES: The ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future make
no accusations toward Scrooge about his _________
GUILT AND INNOCENCE THEMES: with the warning that Marley has given him, Scrooge
interprets the ghostly visits of Christmas Past, Present and Future to mean that unless he changes his life and learns to _____ the people around him, he willend up like Marley
GUILT AND INNOCENCE THEMES: by revisiting events and people from his past, Scrooge realizes just how much he has
missed by shutting himself off from ______ ______ ___ __________.
family, friends, and coworkers