What is the Revenge tragedy genre?
- Popularised in Elizabethan England.
- Documents the progress of the ‘heroes’ revenge plot.
What might have fuelled Shakespeare’s choice of revenge tragedy?
- Political instability.
- Problem of sucession.
- Corruption in politics/ Church of England
Main Characteristics of a Revenge Drama
- Tragic ending: Demise of the murderer and the avenger
- Supernatural elements
- Complex, ambigious characters
How does Shakespeare subvert the revenge drama genre?
Briefly Name 4 ways Revenge is represented in Hamlet
- Revenge as a moral dilemma.
- Psychological toll of revenge/ consuming compulsion of revenge
- Revenge and the cycle of corruption
- Existential and metaphysical interrogations
Explain how revenge is presented in Hamlet
- Revenge as a moral dilemma: Interogates the corrosive, paradoxical nature of revenge.
- Psychological effects: Revenge operates both as a personal/ psych imperative. Ultimatley unravelling the avengers mind. The burden of revenge isolates, destroys Hamlet.
- Revenge/ cycle of corruption: Hamlets revenge serves to mirror the orginal crime.
- Existential/metaphysical interrogation: Revenge appears to be a meaningless response to the absurdity of existence.
Goethe- revenge
A poetic and morally sensitive soul crushed by the barbarous task of murder
Ernest Jones- Revenge
Hamlet can’t kill Claudius without killing himself
Belsey- Revenge
Revenge exists on a margin between justice and crime
revenge blurs the distinction between a righteous act of justice and an unlawful, harmful act of crim
What causes Hamlets paralysis?
- Ideological tension between multiple internalised schools of thought/ value systems
How is revenge represented as a paradox in Hamlet?
- Corruotion vs restoration
- Justice vs chaos
- Inaction vs action
Christian ethics and revenge
Reveneg is a “kind of wild justice” - Francis Bacon (statesman/philospher)
- Venegence was God’s buissness and not man’s
- “Turn the other cheek” = high moral value in forgiveness
Ancient Romans and Revenge
- Son’s duty to take revenge into his own hands.
- Law of retaliation “eye for an eye”
- Older, primal justice sytem (ghost)
Elizabethan honor culture, Filial Duty and revenge
- The play examines the societal expectations of revenge
- Within the framework of Elizabethan honor culture and filial duty.