Theme of Prejudice Critical Essay Flashcards
What is the theme
What is the quote for Main body 1:1
“Lock the car, dear.”
What is the quote for main body 1:2
“she smiled disdainfully”
What is the quote for main body 2:1
“I was treated like a black…” “By God, like a Black”
What is the quote for main body 2:2
“For a moment he did in fact see himself as a black, cringing in that rotting office.”
What is the quote for main body 3:1
“That all the dirty boys and girls should line the street with banners five miles high?”
What is the quote for main body 3:2
“An empress, surrounded by prairie dogs”
What is the quote for main body 4:1
“They reminded him of some Africans he had seen, insolent young toughs, town-bred.”
What is the quote for main body 4:2
“By God, they knew how to deal with punks where he came from,”
what are the techniques
word choice
sentence structure