Theme 4B/C: Population Genetics and the Ways of Change Flashcards
What is a population?
- An interbreeding group of individuals that belong to the same species and live within a restricted geographical area.
What’s the null hypothesis for evolution?
- There will be no change in allele frequencies over time within a population.
What impact does random mating have on a population?
- Even if a population is not in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, one round of random mating with the other conditions met will return the population to equilibrium
What is genetic drift?
- Random processes that can change the frequencies of genetic variants and traits during life cycles, especially mating and survival
- Has very big implications on smaller populations
What’s one of the major impacts of genetic drift?
- Impacts heterozygosity!
What’s a bottleneck?
- A type of genetic drift. Temporary reductions in population size cause drift, reduce genetic variation, and cause genetic differences between populations
- Reductions can be caused by natural disasters, such as forest fires
- Has major conservation implications
What’s Founder’s Effect?
- A type of genetic drift where new populations are started by a small number of individuals (think of the Amish)
- Often causes a decline in genetic diversity
What are some things found in common between bottlenecks and the Founder’s Effect?
- Both methods lead to population divergence
- Causes allele frequencies to randomly change
- Often causes reductions in genetic variation
What are the three forms of non-random mating?
- Inbreeding - Mating with relations
- Outbreeding - mating with individuals more distantly related
- Assortative mating - Individuals with similar genotypes and/or phenotypes mate with one another more frequently then would be expected under a random mating pattern
How does inbreeding occur? What are its consequences?
- Caused by small populations and certain mating systems (absolute, geographic or cultural)
- Alters genotype frequencies, but does not alter allele frequencies by itself
- Causes a decrease in heterozygosity and results in reduced fitness since rare and deleterious alleles are more likely to combine
What conditions make evolution by Natural Selection inevitable?
- Individuals vary
- Survival and reproduction are not random
- Variation is passed on to offspring
What’s directional selection?
- Individuals of one extreme phenotype are favoured in the population
- Shifts the trait mean to one extreme
- Ex. the peppered-moth
What’s stabilizing selection?
- Individuals with intermediate phenotype favoured (i.e., the heterozygotes), extreme phenotypes are selected against
- Also known as balancing election
- Variance decreases between generations but the trait mean does not change
- Average individuals have higher fitness than extreme phenotypes
- Ex. heterozygotes with Sickle Cell Anemia
What’s disruptive selection?
- Both extreme phenotypes favoured, intermediate phenotypes selected against
- Average individuals have lower fitness than extreme phenotypes
- Ex. dark and light-coloured oysters in their ability to camouflage.
In what categories does selection manifest?
- Viability selection - differences in survival
- Fecundity selection - differences in reproductive success
What’s sexual monomorphism?
- Male and female phenotypes are identical
- Swans, geese
What’s sexual dimorphism?
- Male and female phenotypes are different
- Humans, peacocks
What’s the goal of sexual selection?
- Not about driving towards perfection, often comes down to who can produce more offspring than the other guy
What’s the difference between intrasexual selection and intersexual selection?
- Intrasexual selection - fitness differences resulting from differing abilities of the members of the same sex to compete for mating opportunities (ex. male polar bears fighting for mates)
- Intersexual selection - fitness differences resulting from preferential mating between specific males and females (ex. female peacocks choosing males with the brightest plumage)
What are the different limitations placed on females and males reproductive success?
- Females are limited by resources
- Males are limited by access to females (usually the case)
What drives population divergence?
- Driven by natural selection or drift between environments
What are the four factors that cause genetic divergence?
- Genetic drift
- Founder effect
- Mutation
- Differential selection (which parents will mate to produce offspring)
What are some of the prezygotic barriers that can lead to reproductive isolation?
- Habitat isolation - Species may prefer to mate in different geographical areas
- Behavioural isolation - Methods used to attract mates may differ
- Temporal isolation - Timing when species are reproductively active may differ
- Mechanical isolation - some species are physically unable to mate
- Genetic isolation - zygotes are unable to form due to very different gametes
What are some of the postzygotic barriers that can lead to reproductive isolation?
- Reduced hybrid viability - hybrid will not be healthy and is born with defects. Individual not adapted well to either parents’ environments
- Reduced hybrid fertility - hybrid may not produce babies/offspring. May be caused by the number of chromosomes
- Hybrid breakdown - Reproductive failure of hybrid, genetic traits are not passed on
What’s allopatric speciation?
- A physical barrier divides a geographic range, dividing the population for a long period of time
- Gene flow ceases and separate populations evolve independently.
- Over time, different alleles may become fixed
- Populations, when reintroduced, may be unable to reproduce. This is when speciation occurs.
What’s sympatric speciation?
- There’s no geographic barrier, but instead, behavioural barriers that stop gene flow
- A form of disruptive selection that favours the extreme phenotypes to the point where they may not even recognize one another
- Ex. the stickle back fish
What’s autopolyploidization?
- A rare case when polyploidy can lead to speciation
- Meiosis fails and the organism produces 2n gametes
- If 2n gamete is fertilized with another 2n gamete, an autopolyploid is created, often very large in size
- Autopolyploids can only mate with other polyploids
What’s the morphological species concept?
- A very traditional concept of organizing species by their discrete physical characteristics
- Advantages in that it’s practical and easy to use, but not very reliable
What’s the biological species concept?
- Groups species as groups of actual or potentially interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups
- Thought to be the most useful method