Theme 3: School Flashcards
I go to school by bike
Voy al colegio en bici
There is no bullying at my school
No hay acoso escolar en mi colegio
I play football for the school team
Juego al futbol para el equipo del colegio
Yesterday I went to school by car. The weather was good
Ayer fui al colegio en coche. Hizo buen tiempo
I like geography- it is my favourite subject
Me gusta geografia- es mi asignatura favorita
In my primary school there was no uniform
En mi escuela primaria no habia uniforme
During the summer holidays, I am going to a language school in Spain
Durante las vacaciones de verano voy a ir a un colegio de idiomas
When I am 18 years old I will go to university
Cuando tenga dieciocho anos ire a la universidad
You are not allowed to run in the corridor
No se permite correr en el pasillo
My maths teacher is funny and very intelligent
Mi profesora de matematicas es comica e inteligente