theme 2: target identification and validation Flashcards
give 4 examples of screening technologies
FLIPR- ca2+, nanoBRET, Reporter genes, label free
what is FLIPR screening
this is a functional signalling assay for GPCRs. it measures intracellular calcium levels within intact cells.
what is a BRET (bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) assay
a flourescent tag is added to the N-terminus of the receptor called NanoLuciferase. When a substrate binds to the receptor, the energy transfer means a blue light is given off of by the NanoLuciferase. This shows the expression of receptors.
Activation by a particular ligand can be measured using a flourecent labelled ligand. When this binds to the receptor the energy given off by the nano luciferase can excite the fluorophore on the flourecent labelled ligand and cause another colour signal to be given off alongside the blue nanoluciferase. This shows whether the receptor activation occurs by the flourecent labelled ligand or other non-labelled ligand.
how are reporter genes used in screening
Essentially, it measures the production of proteins by the expression of fourescence.
When the fluorescently labelled ligand is activated and excited, a colour is given off
Fluorescent labels can be encoded into cells downstream of a promotor region in a gene that detects a particular signal, such as an increase in Camp within the cell caused by gene expression.
The expression of the fluorescent label can then be measured as a measure of gene expression.
what are label free technoligies
this measures chnages in local refractive index resulting from the ligand induced mass redistribution (change in configurement of cell organelles) in the bottom region of the cell monolayer. It is manifested as a shift in resonant wavelength.
ie the redistribution of organelles changes the reflected wavelength given off when the broadband source is directed at the bottom of the cell.
ligand binding can change the distribution of organelles.
list the order of processes in molecular target screening
- disease selection
- target identification
- assay development
- hit to lead
- lead optimisation
-preclinical development - clinical trials
list the processes involved in phenotypic screening
- disease selection
- assay development
- hit to lead
- target identification
- lead optimisation
-preclinical development - clinical trials
what is the difference between molecular target and phenotypic screening?
in molecular target screening. a novel genetically encoded target is chosen and drigs that interacted with it are identified. diseases where this may have application are then found.
In phenotypic screening, a disease phenotype is first found. drugs used here are then found and then specific protein targets are identified
in what screening type is the molecular target of the disease to be known
molecular target screening
what is the method of lead conformation in molecular target screening?
a direct binding assay is used or x-ray, crystallography
lead conformation needs to take place in cell based and phenotypic assays
give an example of a primary cell type used in phenotypic screens
bronchial epithelial cells
what does IPS stand for
induced pluripotent stem cells
give four examples of IPS cells
neurons, cardiomyocytes, hepatocytes, endothelial cells
what does the orexin system play a key role in
wakefullness. narcoeleptic patients have very few orexin producing neurons
define allosteric modulator
molecule imposng allosteric change on gpcr