Theme 2-1 Flashcards


Explain the difference between training and development


Training is the process whereby people acquire capabilities in the achievement of organisational goals.

Development is the systematic efforts affecting individuals’ knowloedge or skills for purposes of personal growth or future jobs and or roles.

See table 10.1

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Identify the different reasons why training could be used in an organisation (e.g. Purposes of T&D)


1) Improving performance BX

Employees who perform unsatisfactory because of a deficiency in skills are prime candidates for T&D. Sometimes newly appointed employee does not possess the skills and abilities required to be competent on the new job.

Firstly, no selection device can predict success or failure all the time and T&D necessary to fill the gap between new employees’ predicted and actual performance.

When job openings exceed the number of applicants, management has little choice but to hire them and remedy lack of skill with T&D

Thirdly, line man. In cooperation with HR often hire employees who possess the aptitude to learn and then train them to perform specific tasks. Example. New hires in manufacturing are often given manual dexterity and motor coordination aptitude tests. Based on tests employees may undergo company provided T&D that may last for varying periods.

2) Updating employees’ skills BY

All line managers should always be aware of changes both internal and external environments that impact on organisations. Changes might require changes in skills, knowledge and job roles and subsequently updating employees’ skills and knowledge. Should be linked to org. Strategic goals and objectives to adress the possible impact the changes could have on the organisation.

3) Improving effective people management BZ

Managers may become obsolete which is the failure to keep pace with new methods and processes that enable employees to remain effective. Rapid changes in technical,legal and social environments affecting the way managers do their jobs, makes it necessary to stay current in order not too become obsolete.

4) Addressing organisational challenges CA

Managers are expected to attain high goals in spite of organisational challenges. T&D enables them to solve many of these challenges.

5) Orientating new employees CB

During first few day a new employee form a impression of the company ranging from very favourable to very unfavorable. T&D provides orientation to new employees ito organisation and their specific job/department. Orientation can reduce the impact facing new employees and by making it fun according to a study, applicants are more attracted to the organisation and its policies.

6) Preparing for promotion and managerial succession. CC

One important way to retain, attract and motivate employees is through systematic talent management and career development strategies. T&D enables a employee to acquire the skills required for promotion and eases the transition from his/her current job to one that involves greater responsibilities and/or accountabilities.

7) Satisfying personal growth needs CD

Many employees are achievement orientated and need new challenges on the job. T&D can play a dual role by providing a that result in greater organisational effectiveness and increased personal growth for all employees.

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Identify and discuss training and development priorities for the twenty-first century


1) Quality improvement programmes CE

In response to higher competition and higher demands by customers higher quality management is needed. Basic skills and other remedial T&D programs have become a prerequisite in SA due to the skill deficiencies in RSA workforce.

2) Technological change-related programmes CF

As a result of the rapid development of technology it is necessary for T&D to make sure that employees stay up to date with the technological developments.

3) Customer service programmes CG

These programmes are top priority to organisations who consider themselves service oriented organisations. Better service to the customer will give them the competitive advantage.

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