Theme 1A - Neuro Anatomy Flashcards
label the cerebellum 4
Anterior lobe
Posterior lobe
Flocculonodular lobe
label the basal ganglia 4
Head of caudate
Body of caudate
Tail of caudate
Lentiform nucleus
3 main functions of cerebellum
Control of posture
Coordinating and planning limb movements
Control of eye movements
What makes up the scalp and what innervates it?
Skin Connective Tissue Aponeurotic layer Loose connective tissue Pericranuim
3 layers on meninges
Dura mater
arachnoid mater
pia mater
What are the two layers of the dura mater and what do they line?
Meningeal - brain and spinal cord
Enosteal - skull
Blood supply and innervation to dura mater
The meningeal layer of the dura mater divides the brain what are these and what do they divide?
falx cerebri – separates cerebral hemispheres
tentorium cerebelli – separates cerebellar hemispheres from cerebral hemispheres
falx cerebelli – separates cerebellar hemispheres
What type of haetoma is damage to the MMA likely to cause?
Leptomeningitis is an infection and inflammation of what meninges?
Arachnoid and pia
Where do the dural sinuses drain into?
Internal jugular vein
What two main arteries supply the brain?
Internal Carotid
Label the circle of Willis 6
Anterior communicating artery an. cerebral artery Internal carotid artery posterior communicating artery posterior cerebral artery basilar artery
Which cerebral areas supply which area of the brain?
The anterior cerebral supplying the medial and superior surfaces of the brain and frontal pole.
The middle cerebral supplying the lateral surfaces and temporal pole
The posterior cerebral supplying the inferior surfaces and occipital pole.
What are the three major projection in the nasal cavity and what is their function?
Sup, Mid and Inferior conchae
Warm and moisten the air
Label the bones of the orbit
Frontal Zygomatic Sphenoid Pallatine Ethmoid Lacrimal Maxilla
What are the 3 layers of the eye?
Outer - fibrous sclera and cornea
Vascular - iris
Inner - retina
Label the extra occular muscles and their associated movements
Sup rectus Inf rectus Lat rectus Med rectus Inf oblique Sup oblique
What are the 4 cranial nerves associated with the eyes and what do they do?
II - Optic
III - Occulomotor (except lateral and sup oblique)
IV - trochelar - sup oblique
VI - Abducents - lateral rectus
What cranial nerve is associated with crying?
CN VII facial
Draw and label occiptofrontalis Orbicularis oculi Orbicularis oris Buccinator Platysma Zygomaticus major
See grays 904
What nerve provides cutaneous innervation and motor supply to facial muscles
V - trigeminal is cutaneous
VII - facial is motor
What are the 3 branches of the trigeminal nerve?
V1 - Opthalmic
V2 - Maxillary
V3 - Mandibular
What are the motor branches of CN VII facial? Draw them
Posterior auricular, temporal Zygomatic buccal Marginal mandibular cervical
Other than motor function what else does VII facial nerve supply?
anterior 2/3 taste on tongue
Parasympathetic branch to pterygopalatine ganglion
Via what does CN VII facial travel to supply tongue?
chorda tympani
What are the 3 saliivary glands in the head and what is the largest?
Parotid - largest
Where does the paarotid gland lie in relation to muscle?
Superficial to muscle
What nerves and vessels pass through the parotid gland?
External carotid artery
The retromandibular vein
Facial nerve
What are the 4 muscles of mastication and what supplies them?
Temproalis Masseter Medial Pterygoid- Lateral Pterygoid- Motor branch of V3
What are the 3 branches of the opthalmic nerve?
What are the 3 branches of the maxillary nerve?
5 sensory branches of mandibular nerve?
auriculotemporal buccal mental lingual inferior alveolar
What 2 things does the temporal fossa contain?
temporalis muscle
, branches of V2
What 3 nerves are contained in the infratemporal fossa?
, V3,
branches of facial nerve,
glossopharyngeal nerve
Label the arterial supply to the face (5)
External carotid Lingual Facial Maxillary Superficial temporal
Label the venous drainage to of the face
Internal jugular vein
External jugular vein
facial vein
superficial temporal vein
5 muscles of the tongue?
Genioglossus Hyoglossus Styloglossus Platoglossus Intrinsic
What movements do these muscles of the tongue perfom?
Genioglossus - protrudes and depresses
Hyoglossus - depresses
Styloglossus - retracts
Platoglossus - elevates back and depresses palate
Label the muscles of the tongue
What nerves supply taste sensation to the tongue?
Anterior 2/3 (oral) supplied by lingual (V3) which then goes via chorda tympani to facial nerve VII
Posterior 1/3 by glossopharangel nerve IX
What supplies sensation to the tongue?
Anterior 2/3 - lingual nerve V3
Posterior 1/3 - glossopharangeal IX
What is the motor supply to the tongue?
Hypoglossal XII
Except platoglossus X
What are the cranial nerves?
Opthalmic Optic Occulomotor Trochlear Trigeminal Abducent Facial Vestibulocochlear glossopharangeal Vagus Accessory Hypoglossal
What nerves are associated with salivation?
IX glossopharangeal - parotid gland
VII facial - all other salivary glands
a protective sphincter for the air passages and produces phonation best describes what organ?
What 5 cartilages make up the larynx?
hyroid, cricoid, arytenoid, cuneiform, corniculate epiglottis.
What are the 3 sections of the pharnyx?
Two functions of neck fascia?
Important as reduces the spread of infection
Enables structures to move past each other in movement and swallowing etc.
Draw and label the 4 types of fascia in the neck
Carotid sheath
3 things contained within the carotid sheath?
Common and internal carotid arteries. Internal jugular vein. Vagus nerve (CN 10).
What divides the anterior and lateral compartments of the neck?
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
What are the triangles of the anterior compartment of the neck?
the unpaired submental triangle, the paired submandibular, carotid and muscular triangle.
Label the anterior triangles of the neck
the unpaired submental triangle, the paired submandibular, carotid and muscular triangle.
Label the muscles that border the triangles in the neck
Draw the triangles in the lateral compartment of the neck
Occipital triangle
omoclavicular triangle
3 Key structures within submandibular triangle
submandibular gland,
facial artery
and vein.
5 Key structures within the carotid triangle
common carotid artery, IJV, hypoglossal nerve, vagus nerve, accessory nerve.
What 2 muscle groups are contained within the muscular triangle?
Infrahyoid muscles
What 4 muscles make up the syprahyoid muscles?
Label 4 the infrahyoid muscles
What 3 muscles bound the posterior triangle?
5 key structures within posterior triangle?
subclavian artery, EJV, brachial plexus, CN 11, cervical plexus
6 branches of external carotid artery
Superior thyroid ascending pharyngeal lingual facial maxillary superficial temporal
2 muscles supplied by the accessory nerve
Where does the spinal cord end?
What attaches the cauda equina to the sacrum?
Terminal filum
What is the significance of the cervical and lumbrosacral enlargements?
Innervation to upper and lower limbs
What are the inner and outer core of spinal cord made up of?
Inner core - grey matter
Outer core - white matter
What are the different horns of the spinal cord?
Lateral - thoracic only
What do the different horns in the spinal coed do?
Dorsal - sensory
Lateral - sympathetic (thoracic only)
Ventral - motor
Where in the spinal cord are the lateral horns of the inner core located?
Thoracic region only
How are the white matter tracts organised in the spinal cord?
Dorsal - ascending
Lateral - both
Ventral - decending
What are the three neurons that make up the ascending white matter tract in the spinal cord?
1st order
2nd order
3rd order
What do the three orders of neurons in the ascending spinal tract do?
1st - sensory r spinal cord via dorsal root ganglion
2nd - ascends spinal cord/brainstem
3rd - projects to the cerebral cortex
What type of information is conveyed in the dorsal medial lemniscus pathway?
Fine touch and proprioception
On what side of the dorsal column do the first order neurons ascend and do they cross?
Same side as they entered
Were do first order neurons of the dorsal medial lemniscus pathway synapse on second order neurons?
What are the two divisions of the ascending tracts in the spinal cord and where do they terminate?
Fasciculus gracilis in nucleus gracilis
Fasciculus cuneatus in nucleus cuneatus
The nucleus gracilis and cuneatus contain information from where?
gracilis - lower limb
cuneatus - upper limb
Where do second order neurons go from/to in dorsal-medial lemiscius pathway?
nucleus gracilis and cuneatus
corss in the medulla
synapse with third order neurons in the thalamus
Where do third order neurons go from/to?
Thalamus to somatosensory cortex
What type of information is relayed by the spinothalamic tract?
Crude touch
Where do first order neurons of the spinalthalmic tract synapse and what do they form?
Dorsal horn
Tract of Lasseaur
Where do second order neurons of the spinothalamic tract cross and what do they ascend via and go to|||||
Cross in the dorsal horn at each level
Ascend via anterolateral column
Go to thalamus
What information is relayed by the spinocerebellar tract?
Unconscious muscle proprioception
How many neurons make up the spinocerebellar tract and do they cross?
2 neurons only
remain uncrossed
Where do first order neurons of the posterior spinocerebellar tract synapse?
dorsal horn
In what column do second order neurons of the spinocerebellar tract ascend?
lateral column
What type of information is relayed by the descending corticospinal tract?
Voluntary motor
What neurons make up the corticospinal tract and where do they synapse?
Primary motor neuron
Lower motor neuron
synapse in ventral
The Pyramidial tract forms part of what tract?
Corticospinal tract
5 stages of the pyramidial tract
Primary motor cortex Cerebral pundicle Pons pyramids of medulla lateral/anterior corticospinal tract
What percentage of the primary motor neurons cross over and where?
80% cross in Pyramids of deccussation in medulla
In what tracts do the primary motor neurons descend?
80% lateral corticospinal tract
20% anterior corticospional tract