Theme 1 Topic 3 Flashcards
What is market failure ?
When the allocation of goods/services are inefficient to meet the needs of society.
When will allocative inefficiency occur ?
When there is always going to be market failure.
What is the government’s job ?
To eliminate market failure. This is done by intervening in markets (government intervention).
What is government intervention ?
When the government takes action to remedy allocatively remedy inefficient markets.
What does a government try to ensure (in terms of government intervention) ?
That a market works both efficiently and in a fair manner.
How does a misallocation of resources occur ?
The market creates the mechanism for allocating scarce resources, however, the markets are often inefficient in doing this job. Therefore, there is a misallocation of resources.
What are the 3 reasons for a misallocation of resources ?
- Externalities
- Information gaps
- Under-provision of public goods
What is complete market failure ?
When there is no market at all (a missing market). Goods/services won’t be supplied to the market as firms don’t receive revenue for supplying the product.
What is an example of a good/service that is in complete market failure ?
Street lighting
What is partial market failure ?
When a market exists but there is a misallocation of resources. Goods/services will be supplied, but in the wrong amounts.
What is an example of a good/service that is in partial market failure ?
Merit and demerit goods
What is a public good ?
It’s consumption doesn’t reduce the amount available for consumption by others.
What are the 2 key characteristics of public goods ?
- Non rival goods
- Non excludable goods
What is a non-rival good ?
Where consumption of the good doesn’t reduce the amount available for consumption by others.
What is a non-excludable good ?
Where, once provided, it is impossible to stop other individuals from using them. E.g. a public park
What can both public goods and private goods have ?
Positive and negative externalities
What are 2 examples of public goods ?
- Army
- Street lighting
What is a pure public good ?
It is impossible to exclude someone from consuming it if they are unwilling to pay for its use.