Theme 1 - Origins and Meanings Flashcards
Creation ex nihilo
creation out of nothing. Before God created the universe, nothing existed. Only God can create out of nothing
The belief that God is all powerful
The process of mutation and natural selection which leads to changes over time to suit particular environments
Imago Dei
“In the image of God”
The belief that human beings are a reflection if God’s personhood. Unlike the other animals, human beings are rational, free and moral
The belief that God is all powerful
The duty to care for creation responsibly, as stewards rather than consumers, and to protect it for future generations.
“God breathed”
The belief that the Spirit of God guides an individual to act or write what is good and true.
the word used to describe all of the ways in which God makes himself known to human beings. Christians believe that God does this finally and fully in the person of Jesus Christ
Existing outside of space and time; God exists in a way that makes him nothing like anything else that exists, above and beyond creation
What do Catholics believe about creation?
Nothing existed before God created it.
Only God can create.
Where can Catholic beliefs about creation be found?
The Bible and St Augustine’s writing
What do Jews believe about creation?
God is the creator.
God is the sustainer and provider.
What do Orthodox Jews believe about creation?
The creation story is factual.
Reject the big bang and evolution.
What do reform Jews believe about creation?
The creation story is metaphorical.
God started creation through the big bang and had guided the creation through evolution.
What is the Big Bang theory?
The cosmological concept that claims matter concentrated into a tiny point causing an explosion, 13.7 billion years ago, expanded into the universe. This explosion caused particles/atoms to be formed - leading to the formation of stars / planet.
What do Catholics think of the big bang?
Catholics agree with the theory alongside the creation story as science explains how the universe came about and Genesis explains why.
Why are Creationist critical of the big bang theory?
As it contradicts the ‘truth’ that God had formed all life in omnipotence.
What is evolution?
The theory that organisms gradually developed into new species by natural selection.
How is evolution evident?
Fossil record - reveals that a large number of species have died out.
Who is Richard Dawkins?
An atheist.
What does Richard Dawkins argue about evolution?
He agrees with evolution.
He argues that each living organism is just a survival machine for its genes and does not serve any other purpose.
Describe Catholics attitudes to evolution.
It is more important to understand why not how it happened.
What did Pope John Paul II say about evolution?
He restated Pope Piuse XII s view that there is no conflict between Catholic faith and evolution.
How do Richard Dawkins view challenge Catholic beliefs?
Catholics believe humans were made Imago Dei, and the idea that Humans are just a genetic mutation/ just advanced animals contrast the idea of humans in God’s creation
What do Catholics believe about the sanctity of life?
Each person is unique because God made them.
Human life is scared and everyone has a right to life which should be valued and protected at every stage
What do Jews believe about the sanctity of life?
God is the only one who can give / take life.
What does the Bible teach about sanctity of life?
“Thou shalt not kill”
God is the only one who should give or take life.
What does the Torah teach about Sanctity of life?
Humans are created in Gods likeness and are precious.
What are Saint Catherine of Siena’s two main messages in her writing?
love and humans come from god
What does SCoS say about love?
In the same way that children came from their parents ir your reflection in the mirror shows you: ‘Her dignity is that of her creation, seeing that she is in the image of god’
What does SCoS say about humans coming from God?
God creates out of love. The fact that humans are made with dignity in God’s image shows how much he loves them. ‘You are taken with love for her, far by love indeed you created her.’
What are Catholic views on abortion?
Against abortion in all circumstances.
What is the Principle of Double Effect?
If the mother’s life is in danger then action to save the mother, even if it harms the child, will be taken.
When do Christians see abortion as the lesser of two evilsv
If the pregnancy is the result of rape.
If the child is likely to be severely disabled.
If continuing the pregnancy may bring harm to the mother’s physical/mental health.
What are the two arguments of abortion?
What is pro-life?
Abortion is always wrong and every human (including embryos) has a right to life
What is pro-choice?
The idea that it is the human’s choice - including ending the pregnancy
What are humanist views on abortion?
They value happinesses and personal choice, meaning there is no set view as ultimately it is a personal choice which should be made considering all the facts and consequences
How do humanist and catholic views on abortion differ?
They contrast as abortion is never a fully just decision to a Catholic
What is speciesism?
The idea that people believe humans are the superior species
What does Peter Singer state about speciesism?
He uses it to criticise Catholic views as the sanctity of life states to protect Human life.
How would Catholics react to Singer’s views of speciesism?
Catholics are stewards of the creation and have an obligation to care for all living organisms, however humans were created Imago dei, therefore they have dignity which others do not possess
What happens in genesis 1?
God creates the world in 6 days then rested on the 7th.
“God created”
What happened in Genesis 2?
God creates Eve from Adam and they disobey him, original sin is created and they leave Garden of Eden
What does Genesis 1 and 2 shows us about God and creation?
God is omnibenevolent and immanent
How is God shown as omnibenevolent in the creation story?
God creates us out of love. He needs nothing but provides humans needs. He does not want man to be lonely so he creates other species to keep him company, and he allows Adam to name them, but he knew these were not suitable companions for Adam so he created Eve and they became flesh
How does the creation story show God as Immanent?
He is close to the first human and does everything for them, meaning that God is not distant from the world but involved
Why do Christian believe they should care for the environment?
God commands that humans have authority over nature and a responsibility to take care of it.
Give two examples if practical things a Catholic could do for the environment
Cut down on pollution
Care for animals
What do humanists believe about stewardship?
We should look after the world but in order to preserve humans, and not because God commanded it
What are the literary forms found in the Old Testament?
The laws, History, Wisdom and Prophets
Describe the Laws (Torah)
First five books dealing with creation, lives of patriarchs and the commandments
Describe History (literary forms)
There are twelve historical books which show how God guides his people
Describe Wisdom (literary forms)
Books of religious and moral teaching
Describe Prophets (literary forms)
From time to time God sent inspired figures to challenge the Jews to remain faithful to God
What are the literary forms of the New Testament?
The Gospels, Acts of Apostles, Letters and Book of Revelation
Describe The Gospels
The most important books of bible for all Christians they tell the story of Jesus
Describe the Acts of the Apostles
The sequel to Luke‘s Gospel
It tells the story of the early church after Jesus’ resurrection
Describe the letters
Christian leaders writing to Christians giving them advice on how to put Jesus is teaching is into practice and explaining what it means to be a Christian
Describe the book of Revelation
The last book in the Bible dealing with Johns vision of heaven and the defeat of evil
Why is the Bible a source of authority for Christians?
It is inspired by God.
How did the Bible come into being?
Written over 350 years and the Synod of Hippo decided which texts were included
How do Catholics view Genesis 1-3?
It is a myth.
How do Orthodox Jews view Genesis 1-3?
It is to be taken literally.
The Torah was given to Noses and can never be changed.
How do reform Jews view Genesis 1-3?
It is not necessary to take it literally as they should be adapted to modern life
What are the key parts of Creation of Adam?
What does Adam show in Creation if Adam?
Humans were created by God
God created a perfect world
Humans are made in the image and likeness of God
What does God in Creation of Adam show?
The belief of God as both eternal and all powerful
The parent-child relationship between the creator and his creation
What do hands show in Creation of Adam?
Human life is scared and a gift from God
God as immanent
What does the cloud in Creation of Adam show?
The greatness and transcendence of God
God as omniscient
God gives all life
How does the creation of Adam show imago dei?
God and Adam are alike in aesthetic
How does the creation of Adam show the transcendence of God?
God is placed above the Earth and apart from Adam
Why do Catholics believe in human dignity?
The Church promotes the idea of the common good, meaning in order for society to flourish we must promote human rights and the dignity of each person
Why do Catholics believe they should work for peace, justice and reconciliation?
They are at the heart of the Gospel, Catholic social supports conscience
What is meant by the common good?
Seeking conditions in society that promote the fulfilment of all people
What is the key message of Gaudiam et spes?
God creates all humans to be together and equal, therefore we should avoid conflict for the better of our dignity and rights
What is an interfaith dialogue?
Cooperative, constructive and positive engagement between people of different faiths and people of no faith
Why do we need an interfaith dialogue?
New culture (clothes,food,music,literature)
Gain tolerance, respect and understanding
Leading to harmony and a safe and happy society
Why is interfaith dialogue important for Catholics?
For tolerance between them and non believers
What dialogue does Vatican II promote the importance of with Catholics?
Jews and Muslims
How does CAFOD reflect Catholics beliefs about the dignity of humans?
- Ending poverty
- Disaster funds
- Educating
How does SVP reflect Catholic beliefs about loving your neighbour?
Helping a wide range of people in daily activities
. children camps
. regular visits
. shopping
Where would you find stories about Jesus in the Bible?
The New Testament
What is Chi-Rho?
A symbol which means Christ in a shape of X and P
What are Alpha and Omega?
Reminds Catholics that God is eternal as Christ is the beginning and end of all life
What is Catholic social teaching
A set of principles about building a just and fair society