Theme 1: Extreme Environments Flashcards
Commercial aircraft are pressurised to a pressure that is equivalent to an altitude of…
What is the atmospheric pressure at sea level (in mmHg)?
At what altitude (in feet) is the atmospheric pressure half of that seen at sea level?
What equation can be used to understand all of the physiological changes at altitude?
- The alveolar gas equation
- You can understand the changes by remembering that Patm decreases, PH20 stays the same and PaCO2 increases slightly.
- This means that the PAO2 greatly falls and therefore haemoglobin saturation falls too. CO and ventilation can be increased to compensate.
- Ventilation decreases PaCO2, which helps.
Why are aircraft pressurised to a pressure equivalent to 5,000-8,000ft?
- This leads to a partial pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood that corresponds to a high haemoglobin saturation.
- At higher altitudes, the haemoglobin saturation rapidly falls off.
What is Boyle’s law and how is it relevant?
It relates to travel to high altitudes and can explain certain pathologies of altitude.
Give an example of a disease that can be exacerbated by travel to altitude.
- Tension pneumothorax
- Since gases expand at altitude, a tension pneumothorax can become even more dangerous at altitude
Does hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction occur during air travel?
First there was no certain evidence:
- (Luks, 2009) suggests that patients with a mean pulmonary arterial pressure of >35mmHg should avoid travel to more than 2000m altitude.
- However, much of this understanding was based off of studies using cat lungs -> There are significant differences between species so we do not know is HPV begins in an aircraft cabin.
- Case reports suggest that there may be a problem -> (Toff, 1993) describes an obese woman and (Noble, 1999) describes an individual with kyphoscoliosis who both had problems at altitude
Then there were studies carried out:
- (Smith, 2012) studied a healthy patient in flight between London and Denver, as well as during the stay in Denver. They showed increased systolic pulmonary artery pressure in-flight and in Denver. But none of this was above the threshold for pulmonary hypertension (36mmHg).
- (Smith, 2013) carried out a similar experiment in a patient with Chuvash polycythaemia on a flight between London and Dubai. They showed greatly increased systolic pulmonary artery pressure in-flight, far above the threshold for pulmonary hypertension (36mmHg).
- This suggests that certain patients may be more susceptible to HPV than others.
Give some evidence for high altitude pulmonary oedema (HAPE).
(Gabry, 2003):
- Studied subjects ascending the French Alps
- They showed evidence of pulmonary oedema even below 2,400m
How does HPV compare in young and older patients? When is this relevant?
(Turner, 2015):
- Used a hypobaric chamber to simulate flight
- Compared arterial oxygen saturation and systolic pulmonary arterial pressure between patients in the 19-24 and 61-69 age groups
- The older group had a greater increase in pulmonary arterial pressure, but also lower oxygen saturation, so it was unclear if older patients show more HPV or whether this was simply due to greater hypoxia
(Balanos, 2015):
- Clarified this uncertainty by controlling for hypoxia between the groups
- Found that older patients do indeed have greater HPV
What are some physiological factors that affect the human nody during space flight?
- Ionizing radiation
- Microgravity
- Vacuum of space
- Extreme temperature
What are some sources of ionizing radiation that the human body may be exposed to during space flight?
- Solar wind (lower energy) -> No risk
- Solar particle events (intermittent, high-energy) -> Risk of acute radiation syndrome
- Galactic cosmic radiation (very high energy) -> Increased risk of cancer
What are some effects of microgravity on the body?
- Vestibular (balance) system
- Fluid redistribution
- Deconditioning -> Bone, Muscle, Cardiovascular system
- Visual impairment
- Other effects (anaemia, immune dysfunction, back pain, sleep disturbance, etc)
What is space adaptation syndrome?
- “Space sickness”
- It is the sickness that 50-70% of astronauts experience upon space travel, lasting around 2-3 days
At what rate does bone loss happen in space and what are the consequences?
- About 1% per month in weight-bearing bones
- There is increased risk of fractures and kidney stones
What are some active countermeasures against musculoskeletal and cardiovascular deconditioning?
- Treadmill and cycle exercise devices for aerobic fitness and postural muscles
- Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) for muscle and bone
The cost of these is time, oxygen, food and water.
Describe the visual impairment that astronauts often develop.
- Space flight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS)
- Previously called visual impairment and intracranial pressure syndrome (VIIP)
- Approximately 50% of ISS astronauts report impairment of vision
- Some have eye abnormalities such as swelling of the optic disc and flattening of the eyeball
- Uncertain aetiology
What are some problems that astronauts may experience upon return to gravity?
- ‘Entry adaptation syndrome’ (like space sickness)
- Balance problems
- Orthostatic intolerance
- Reduced aerobic capacity
- Need for rehabilitation
What are some ways of simulating microgravity?
- Bed rest with 6˚ head-down tilt (‘pillownauts’)
- Parabolic aircraft flights
- Water immersion (neutral buoyancy)
What are some signs of cephalic body fluid shift in microgravity?
- Fullness in the head
- Nasal congestion
- Objective facial oedema and erythema
- Volume of lower extremities begins to diminish
- Superficial vascular system of upper body seen to engorge
- Feeling of facial fullness causing discomfort
- Jugular venous distension along entire length of neck
- Increase in jugular vein cross section via ultrasound
How does CVP change in space?
- It would be expected to increase since stroke volume and CO increase
- BUT (Buckey, 1996) used a central venous catheter to study CVP and in fact found that it increases
- This is suggested to be due to decreased tissue compression
Give some experimental evidence for the G-forces a person might experience during a suborbital flight. Why is this relevant?
(Blue, 2014):
- Used a centrifuge to evaluate how potential commercial space flight participants might be affected during launch, etc. and how this would affect their medical conditions
- The forces are more Gx (front-to-back direction) rather than Gz (head-to-toe direction), unlike a fighter plane pilot may experience (since space flight involves being reclined)
- The front-to-back direction of the forces can lead to chest compression and thus difficulty breathing
What is an example of an organ that may be affected by high G forces?
Name some studies that investigated the effects of spaceflight on various physiological parameters and anxiety.
- (Blue, 2012) -> Studied arterial oxygen saturation
- (Blue, 2014) -> Studied arterial oxygen saturation in participants with various medical conditions
- (Blue, 2017) -> Studied anxiety and task performance
- (Pollock, 2021) -> Studied a wide range of parameters (GOOD STUDY)
Describe an experiment about the effects of spaceflight on arterial oxygen saturation.
(Blue, 2012):
- Used a centrifuge to simulate spaceflight, at various Gz (head-foot) and Gx (front-back) G-force values
- Studied 77 participants, aged 22-88
- 16 participants were studied using pulse oximetry
- No reading below 89% was obtained during any centrifuge exposure
- 8 had desaturation to 92% or below at least once (mostly related to peak +Gx)
- 5 had repeat desaturations
- +Gz did not result in significant changes in pulse oximetry
- In summary, of those studied, half experienced desaturation to 89-92%
(Blue, 2014):
- Carried out a similar experiment in particular in participants with medical conditions (e.g. hypertension)
- Combined +Gx and +Gz, with a peak of +6.0 Gx/+4.0 Gz
- 69% got greyout
- 6% got chest discomfort
- Minimum arterial oxygen saturation was recorded was 90% and no clinical symptoms of hypoxia were noted at any time
The studies established the difficulty of finger probe pulse oximetry was of limited utility due to difficulty in keeping the probe on. Also, there were few low SpO2 readings regardless of G magnitude or direction, so it is unlikely that SpO2 monitoring during commercial spaceflight will be of any greater utility.’
Describe an experiment about the effects of spaceflight on anxiety and task performance.
(Blue, 2017):
- Used a centrifuge to simulate spaceflight
- After the centrifuge stopped, auditory alarms sounded and subjects were verbally instructed to complete a series of tasks (total of 12 steps), including removing their harness, reorienting gondola air vents, signalling one of the gondola cameras, and replacing their harnesses.
- Heart rate increased by 34%
- On average, subjects made 3 mistakes
- Only 28/137 (20%) made no mistakes during the scenario
Describe an experiment that studied the effects of spaceflight on a number of physiological parameters.
(Pollock, 2021):
- Used a centrifuge to stimulate spaceflight at Gx (front-back) values of +2, +4 and +6
- Performed all studies with normal air and also with 15% oxygen to simulate the way in which the cabin could be pressurised.
- Arterial oxygen saturation fell at +4 and +6 Gx values. The saturation was overall lower when breathing 15% oxygen.
- The arterial partial pressure of oxygen decreased and the alveolar-arterial gradient increased with increasing Gx force. These are evidence of impaired V/Q matching.
- Ventilation was relatively unaffected until +6 Gx, when it began to increase slightly. This was because, although respiratory rate increased with Gx, the tidal volume decreased.
- The neural respiratory drive increased greatly with Gx, as did the work of breathing.
These results point to the idea that the Gx force compresses the lungs, impairing function. Thus, respiratory drive increases but there is persistent feeling of breathlessness. This could partly explain the anxiety that many participants experience. The respiratory problems are exacerbated by airline-style cabin pressurisation.
Describe an experiment that studies the effects of spaceflight on ventilation in different parts of the lungs.
(Pollock, 2021):
- Simulated spaceflight using a centrifuge
- Divided the chest into 8 sections
- As Gx (front-back) G force increased, the ventilation became more ventral
- However, there was also more residual air left in the ventral areas of the lungs at the end of expiration
Respiratory disruptions in response to Gx forces are somewhat analogous to…
Temporary COPD and obesity (transient respiratory failure)
How many compartments do we consider the body to have in temperature regulation?
- Two compartment system:
- The core (brain, thoracic and abdominal compartments containing the heat producing organs)
- This region is held at ~37.0+/- 0.5*C
- The peripheral shell (this is cooler and allows for regulation of temperature)
- The core (brain, thoracic and abdominal compartments containing the heat producing organs)
- Communication between the two compartments is achieved via the circulation as blood is allowed to move between the two compartments, and can do so in either direction
What is a homeotherm?
- This is an organism that maintains a constant body temperature through metabolic processes
- This body temperature is often above that of the surrounding temperature
- Humans are homeotherms
What is the thermoneutral zone?
- This is the temperature range over which there is no ‘active’ temperature gain or loss
- This means that the surrounding temperature is pretty well matched with our typical heat generation
- If temperature drops below this zone, we start to increase heat production to maintain homeostasis
- If the temperature increases above the thermoneutral zone, we begin to actively dissipate heat and begin cooler temperature-seeking behaviours
What is the thermoneutral zone for humans?
- Naked = 25-30*C
- Light clothing = 18-22*C
- Affects heat loss from the body therefore reduces the range
What hormones affect BMR?
- Thyroid hormone
- Testosterone
- Growth hormone
How does thyroid hormone (thyroxine) affect BMR?
- Thyroid hormones (thyroxine) can raise BMR to 50-100% above normal
- Total loss of thyroxine will decrease BMR to 40-60% of normal levels
- Adaptation of the thyroid gland is seen in people living in different geographical locations
- People living in arctic regions have a BMR 10-20% above those in tropical regions, allowing an increased generation of heat to deal with the colder environment
How does testosterone affect BMR?
~10-50% increase in BMR
How does growth hormone affect BMR?
~15-20% increase in BMR
How does the content of the meal affect changes in BMR?
- Fat/carbohydrate meals cause BMR to increase by ~4%
- Protein heavy meals can raise BMR up to 30% (hence the meat sweats due to raised body temp after raised BMR)
What is core body temperature?
Between 36.1-37.8*C in normal physiological parameters
NB that this can differ from the peripheral temperature, which is (understandably) cooler
At what temperatures can a naked person in dry air maintain a ‘normal’ core body temperature?
Between approx. 12*C and 54*C (this is larger than the range for the thermoneutral zone as heat loss and gain processes are considered)
What are some normal variations in body temperature?
- Circadian rhythms
- Daily variations in body temperature occur, +/-0.5*C
- Minimum occurs in the early hours of the morning, peak in the late afternoon
- Menstrual cycle
- Rise of +1*C is seen following ovulation
Approximately how much of daily energy expenditure is accounted for by basal metabolism?
What is Kleiber’s law?
- ‘For the vast majority of animals, an animal’s metabolic rate scales to the 3/4 power of the animal’s mass’
- I.e. if q0 is the animal’s metabolic rate, and M the mass, then Kleiber’s law states that q0 =~M3/4
- Essentially, larger animal = larger metabolic rate
- Named after Max Kleiber, Swiss agricultural biologist
- There is still some argument over the exact value of the power, with some claiming it to be 2/3, but the constant is relatively arbitrary
What is the largest variable for heat production?
Physical exercise
- ~7% of daily energy expenditure is due to ‘non-exercise’ activity (e.g. fidgeting, non-specific exercise, muscle tone required for holding posture)
- As exercise increases/becomes more significant, there is a rapid increase in energy expenditure requirements
What is brown adipose tissue (BAT)? How does it generate heat?
- Adipose tissue rich in mitochondria
- Also contain the uncoupling protein 1 (UCP-1)
- Heat is generated through the dissipation of the proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane via UCP-1
- Role in adults is a topic of ongoing research (particularly in isolating treatments for obesity) but it has been shown to play a vital role in neonatal thermogenesis (as neonates are unable to shiver)
- Found primarily between the shoulder blades and around the kidneys
When is brown adipose tissue (BAT) activated? Through what mechanisms is this achieved?
- BAT is activated in resposne to low temperatures
- Stimulation occurs via the release of noradrenaline from the sympathetic nervous system
- Activation acts via multiple transcription factors, including PGC1alpha and the PPARs to increase mitochondrial proliferation and fatty acid metabolism
- PPARs = peroxisome proliferation activated receptor
What are the 4 heat loss mechanisms?
What law is used to describe heat losses due to radiation?
Stefan-Boltzmann law
- Emissivity is the measure of a material’s effective ability to emit and absorb thermal radiation, black objects have a high emissivity, white objects do not
NB That the temperature difference between the object and the environment is to the power of 4, therefore has a large effect on the equation
- Also note that energy can only be lost from the body via radiation if the temperature gradient favours energy loss to the surroundings (i.e. they are cooler than the body)
- If the surrounding temperature increases to exceed that of the body, radiation will occur in the other direction/heat is transferred to the body
What are arterio-venous shunts?
- These are methods of allowing a separation between nutritional and thermoregulatory blood flow
- These vessels bypass the capillaries and can increase or decrease blood flow to the periphery to facilitate or limit heat loss respectively
- Flow through shunts can be ‘on’ or ‘off’
- Blood flow through the shunts can be 100-fold greater than nutritional requirements
- Shunts are controlled by centrally mediated alpha-1 adrenergic receptors
- Although this is augmented by local alpha-2 adrenergic receptors in the periphery
How are changes in temperature sensed?
- Primarily through nervous feedback systems from the periphery to the CNS
- Centre in the brain: temperature regulating centers in the hypothalamus
What is the key centre for temperature regulation in the brain?
Hypothalamus is area through which almost all temperature regulating mechanisms work
What is the ‘thermostat’ for the body?
- The preoptic and anterior hypothalamus operates as the body’s thermostat
- This part of the brain has greater sensitivity to heat than to cold
Where are the peripheral temperature sensors located and what are they more sensitive to?
- Spinal cord, abdominal viscera and great veins (deep body sensors)
- Skin
- Greater sensitivity to cold than hot
Are the following more sensitive to hot or cold stimuli?
- Preoptic and Anterior Hypothalamus
- Peripheral temperature receptors
- Hot
- Cold
How do peripheral temperature receptors respond to changes in temperature?
- They alter their discharge frequency
- Sensors are rapidly adapting/will rapidly adapt to new static levels
- This means that they are bad at sensing absolute temperature, but are very good at sensing changes in temperature
What is a simple test to show the adaptive nature of peripheral temperature receptors?
- Two bowls of water, one quite warm (35-40*C), the other very cold (add ice, ~0*C)
- Put a hand in each boel and leave it there for 3-4 mins, then put the hand into a bowl of water at room temperature
- Hand in ice water thinks that the bowl of room temperature water is really hot, hand in bowl of warmer water thinks that room temperature bowl is very cold
- This shows that the change in temperature has shaped the response, not the actual temperature, or else the hands would experience the same sensation
What is the function of the posterior hypothalamus in relation to temperature regulation?
- This part of the brain collates and combines the signals from the peripheral sensors and from the central sensors (in the anterior hypothalamus)
- This leads to control over the heat-conserving and heat-producing reactions of the body
How much can heat production be increased by through shivering?
When can shivering not occur?
In newborn infants - this makes them far more susceptible to the cold and they instead rely upon the action of BAT
What is shivering?
- Rapid (~50Hz) and unsynchronised muscular activity
- This results in ATP cross-bridge cycling to facilitate contraction and production of heat as a byproduct of the metabolic reaction
- Shivering is likely to result from a feedback oscillation of the muscle spindle stretch reflex mechanism
- Random oscillation is overlaid on a centrally controlled 4-8 cycle/min of ‘waxing and waning’
- E.g. shivering cycles between more and less severe bouts
Where is the need for shivering signalled from? Where is this signal translated?
- Posterior hypothalamus signals the need for shivering after collating inputs from peripheral receptors and central receptors (anterior and preoptic hypothalamus)
- This signal is translated to the anterior motor neurons
What are the differences in sweat composition when comparing light and heavy stimulation of sweat secretion?
- With light stimulation, almost all of the Na+ and Cl- is reabsorbed (along with a lot of water) as the secretions travel along the duct
- This leads to a concentrated solution made up of urea, lactic acid and potassium
- With heavy stimulation, large volumes of sweat are produced
- This results in poor reabsorption of NaCl and increased fluid loss (due to the subsequently less concentrated liquid secreted)
What is the effect of hot climates on sweat production?
- Over 1-6 weeks of exposure to a hot climate, sweat production is upregulated
- In response to the increased loss of NaCl caused by this change, the body also upregulates aldosterone secretion to increased Na+ reabsorption
What is hypothermia?
- This is where continued exposure to cold temperatures causes the core body temperature to drop below 35*C
- Energy expenditure falls 13% for every 1*C drop in core temperature
- Loss of consciousness occurs at core body temp of 30*C
What are the cardiac changes seen in hypothermia?
- Changes can be seen on the ECG, including bradycardia and prolongation of the PR and QT intervals
- Ventricular fibrillation occurs at 28*C
Which groups of people are most susceptible to hypothermia?
- Neonates are particularly susceptible due to reduced behavioural adaptations possible (e.g. cannot put on clothes or move) and have a greater SA:Vol ratio than adults
- They also cannot shiver, but do have BAT for thermogenesis
- The elderly are also susceptible due to potentially reduced mobility and less efficient thermoregulatory mechanisms
- Lessened mobility also makes them less able to move for heat generation and also slows the process to find and put on clothes
What is the effect of infection on temperature regulation?
- Infection can lead to an elevation of the core body temperature set point, and therefore hyperthermia
- This is caused either through the direct action of proteins/ protein breakdown products/lipopolysaccharide toxins released from bacterial cells (pyrogens) or by their action on macrophages, leukocytes and lymphocytes
- This causes the release of cytokines (IL-1 and IL-6)
- These pyrogens act to elevate prostaglandin E2 synthesis in the hypothalamus (this raises the set point)
What molecule causes the set point of body temperature to be raised in the hypothalamus?
- Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)
- Acts on E2 receptors in the anterior hypothalamus to raise the set point of body temperature
What are antipyretics?
- Drugs that act to reduce the elevated set point
- Examples include:
- Acetaminophen (paracetamol)
- Aspirin and other NSAIDs
How are antipyretics thought to work?
- Principally through their inhibition of the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX), preventing the synthesis of inflammatory prostaglandins (including PGE2)
- Recent studies on the mechanism of action have revealed effects independent of COX inhibition as well
What are the effects of continued exposure to high environmental temperatures?
- Heat exhaustion
- Heat stroke
What is heat exhaustion?
- AKA heat syncope
- Occurs due to hypovolaemia following excessive sweating
- Symptoms include hyperthermia, excessive sweating, dizziness, nausea, headache
What is heat stroke?
- This is where body temperature >40.6*C
- Thermoregulatory mechanisms fail at this point, causing the patient to become dizzy and confused
- Loss of consciousness follows rapidly, then death
- Treatment involves rapidly reducing body temperature
- There is some disagreement over whether cold or cool water should be used
- Cold water can induce vasoconstriction and shivering, which will instead elevate temperature
What is malignant hyperthermia (MHS)?
- Malignant hyperthermia is a pathological state where body temperature is overwhelmed by heat production
- It is often fatal
- Caused by drugs include the muscle relaxant suxamethonium and volatile anaesthetics including halothane
- This is very rare (1 case per 100,000 in adult general anaesthetics)
- Can be caused by mutations in ryanodine receptor 1 (RYR1), inherited in an AR fashion
- Dantrolene is the reversal agent for MHS caused by anaesthetic agents, and so will be found in the collection of all anaesthetists
- Some individuals with this condition can occasionally enter malignant hyperthermia after extreme exercise or heat stroke, as the condition is caused by over-activation of skeletal muscle and its contraction, causing excessive heat release
What is the effect of burn injuries on thermoregulation?
- Burns cause cell damage and a hypermetabolic state
- This is characterised by increased energy expenditure and increased muscle protein catabolism, which can lead to a hyperthermia of sorts
- If there is extensive skin loss, however, hypothermia can occur as the skin is essential for many energy- and heat-preserving behaviours
- With increased energy expenditure, more heat will be lost and so burns can rapidly lead to hypothermia
How can sweat production be increased? What properties does this secretion have?
- Sweat production can be increased by cholinergic sympathetic nerve fibres
- The glands can also be stimulated by adrenaline/noradrenaline, e.g. during exercise to increase heat dissipation
- This elicits the secretion of a primary fluid into the sweat duct
- This fluid has a composition similar to that of plasma, just without plasma proteins
- As regulation/reabsorption occurs along the tubule, if the demand for secretion increases and therefore the transit time decreases, then the time over which this secretion can be modified is rapidly decreased
What is frostbite?
- Severe form of hypothermia
- Occurs when surface areas (commonly on peripheral parts of the body) freeze and there is formation of ice crystals
- Commonly affects the hands, feet and ear lobes
- If extensive formation of ice crystals occurs, this can lead to cell death
- Therefore gangrene often follows thawing
- Surgical removal of affected areas is necessary
What happens when the set point for body temperature is raised during infection?
- Individuals feel ‘cold’ despite core body temperature being above the normal level
- This results in the recruitment of normal physiological responses to being cold, such as shivering
- Upon restoration of a normal set-point, individuals experience a febrile ‘rush’ or ‘crisis’ where the body tries to restore a normal core temperature through sweating and vasodilation
- This is seen at the end of illness, but there is also some evidence to suggest that this occurs cyclically throughout fever (bouts of breaking and shivering)
Draw a summary of thermoregulation.
- Peripheral and central receptors detect temperature
- It information is integrated in the hypothalamus, which has a set point that is dependent on multiple factors, such as pyrogens
- The hypothalamus then outputs to effecotrs via the cerebral cortex, sympathetic nerves and motor nerves
What is a good way of making someone cold (for study)?
Cold water immersion
How are non-noxious cold stimuli detected?
- TRPM8 channels in the CNS and periphery
- The identification of the molecular basis of temperature sensing could have therapeutic implications
Describe the initial physiological response to cold water immersion (cold shock). Give some experimental evidence for this.
(Keating, 1964):
- Used a cold shower to simulate cold water immersion
- PCO2 decreased -> This shows an increase in ventilation
- Arterial pressure increased -> This shows peripheral vasoconstriction
(Cooper, 1976):
- Water immersion leads to increased tidal volume and ventilation
The peripheral vasoconstriction is useful but it is less clear why there is increased ventilation. The ventilation is significant because it increases the risk of water inhalation.
What is the diving reflex?
- Facial (trigeminal) immersion triggers the ‘diving reflex’, which causes bradycardia, increase in stroke volume and peripheral vasoconstriction.
- This is not necessarily useful for temperature regulation. It is more likely a residue evolutionary reflex.
Give some experimental evidence for the diving reflex.
(Heistad, 1968):
- Measured heart rate and blood pressure in humans when holding breath and during facial immersion
- Heart rate dropped mildly when holding breath and more severely during facial immersion
- Blood pressure increased mildly when holding breath and more severely during facial immersion
- Blood flow to the fingers decreased in both cases, but blood flow to the forearm decreased only during facial immersion
Describe the idea of autonomic conflict in cold water immersion.
- During cold water immersion, the cold water reflex leads to sympathetic stimulation of the heart, while the diving response leads to parasympathetic stimulation of the heart
- These opposing activities can pre-dispose to cardiac arrhythmias.
Are early cold responses (e.g. heart rate and ventilation) fixed? Give some experimental evidence for this.
- No, habituation can happen with repeated exposure to cold water
- (Tipton, 1988) studied heart rate and ventilation in response to cold water immersion. The response decreased when repeated for several days in a row.
How does habituation of cold responses (e.g. heart rate and ventilation) happen? Give some experimental evidence for this.
- The effect seems to be mediated centrally (rather than at the level of the peripheral receptors)
- (Tipton, 1998) exposed only the left half of the body to the cold, repeatedly. This led to habituation of both sides of the body to the cold, suggesting that habituation is a central process.
How long can habituation of cold responses last?
Several months
What is meant by cross-adaptation with reference to cold responses?
(Lunt, 2010):
- Found that, for example, there may be a change in the response to hypoxia also after habituation to cold exposure
- Thus, there may be adaptation that affects multiple stresses
Is habituation of cold responses all physical?
There may be a psychological component to cold habituation, and/or some psychological benefit (van Tulleken, 2018)
Summarise the pathological effects of hypothermia.
Summarise the physiological responses to pulmonary oedema.
- Behavioural: including exercise, which may be effective at heat production, but could increase convective heat loss
- Vasoconstriction: cutaneous vasoconstriction is mediated by the sympathetic nerves, diverting blood away from the skin
- Shivering: helpful for heat generation in the short term, but costly in energy and fuel usage (and not generally favoured by populations adapted to life in cold climates)
- Non-shivering thermogenesis: heat generation by metabolic means other than muscle movement, mainly in brown adipose tissue in neonates, partly under hormonal control (thyroxine)
What is frostbite?
- When cold-induced peripheral vasoconstriction decreases blood flow to the extremities, such that there is an increased risk of cold damage.
- Some groups (e.g. fishermen) may have down-regulated peripheral vasoconstriction in order to avoid this and maintain dexterity in the cold.
What is swimming-induced pulmonary oedema?
- A rare event similar to HAPE, except caused by cold water immersion
- It may involve acute breathlessness and blood tinged sputum
- It may be due increased central blood volume (peripheral vasoconstriction) and elevated wedge pressure (ventricular dysfunction), leading to ‘stress failure’ of pulmonary capillaries.
- (Paz, 2020) provide a case report of a 58-year-old female athlete presenting with acute dyspnea during the swimming portion of a half-triathlon competition.