Theme 1- Communist Government In The USSR Flashcards
What was Russia like prior to the Bolshevik revolution
- Russia was led by the Tsars- tsar Nicholas 2nd 1894-1917 was a repressive leader and repression was widely spread- the vast majority of tsars subjects were largely impoverished and had no political rights
EXAMPLE: hundreds of miners who protested for higher wages were brutally massacred in 1912 - The government was strong however economy was weak with little modernisation
EXAMPLE:1913- only 2.4 million people worked in large factories - political repression which led to many oppositions planning to overthrow tsars
How did WW1 look like for Russia
-Russia’s economy was incapable of providing the food and resources necessary to fight the war.
- by early 1917, economic chaos, military defeat and political mismanagement led to the February revolution which overthrew the tsar and set up a provisional government.
What did the provisional government set out and promise and what did Lenin do?
-to have a liberal system with freedom of speech, assembly, expression and religion
- promised there will be a democratic election to form a new government
- Lenin returned from exile, demanded an end to the first world war and redistribution of land to peasants and these demands were summarised into ‘peace land and bread’
-by the October revolution, Lenin and the bolsheviks overthrew the provisional government, Lenin and Trotsky built a coup d’etat which allowed bolsheviks to take power
What was the Marxist view of history, his 4 stages of history and how he contradicted himself?
- argued that workers should rise up and destroy capitalism in a revolution
4 stages of history
-primitive communism: simple society where humans hunt and gather
-classical slavery: ancient society divided into masters and slaves
-feudalism:society controlled by noble families
-Capitalism: after Industrial Revolution, proletariat powerless to owners due to poverty.
- Marx contradicted himself as he argues that revolutionary government would be more democratic but also famously wrote about the dictatorship of the proletariat
What was the sovnarkom
The new Russian cabinet as the ‘all Russian congress’ was too big to meet regularly.
-consisted of 13 people’s commissars and Lenin was elected chairman
What were Lenin’s 1917-18 decrees and how did it help him establish control
-decree on land oct 1917: gave peasants right to seize land from nobility and church
-decree of peace oct 1917: gov withdrew from ww1 and sought peace
-workers’ decree nov 1917: established 8 hour max working day and minimum wage
-the decree of workers’ control: allowed workers to elect committees to run factories
Establishing control
1. Decrees were popular
2. Ending ww1gave revolution ‘breathing space’ to rebuild economy and start constructing new gov
How democratic was Russia in 1918
Lenin and the bolsheviks claimed the new government was very democratic and argued the state was based on committees who participated in gov on a day to day basis.
- first decrees were genuinely popular and reflected what the majority of the workers peasants and soldiers wanted
-Russia was not yet a one party state- it had factions such as Mensheviks and socialist revolutionaries
What was the constituent assembly
In January 1918, there was a clear indication that Lenin was turning against democracy- specifically Lenin refused to recognise the results if a nationwide election held in nov 1917. This election created the constituent assembly
-it had a Bolshevik minority and met for the first time in January 1918. Lenin closed it after only one day claiming it posed a threat to the power of the Soviets
What was the Brest-litovsk treaty of 1918
Gave away significant proportion of Russian territory to the central powers in order to end Russia’s involvement in the First World War. This was extremely unpopular so the Bolsheviks lost the election in April and may 1918. In order to retain power Lenin refused to recognise the results of the elections arguing they were unfair and kicked out socialist revolutionaries and Mensheviks from the party.
What was the effect of the Russian civil war on Russia
-Allowed Lenin to establish control over the whole of Russia
-led to the creation of a party state and state became more authoritarian and centralised
- serious opposition faced by government- battle between reactionary whites and communist reds
-senior members of Russian army wanted to reestablish tsarist rule while others wanted either a military dictatorship or democratic system like western countries
-Mensheviks and SRs wanted a democratic system whereas anarchists wanted to abolish government altogether
-first sign of military conflict- jan 1918-general kornilov organised anti Bolshevik party in don reigon, SR and liberals set up rival gov in Siberia
In what two ways did government change due to the civil war?
-Lenin’s gov became increasingly centralised
-communist party became increasingly powerful
What was Lenin’s prime method of winning the civil war and how did he do this
Centralised power
- centralised economy with war communism
- relied on political centralisation - working through party nomenklatura instead of democratic soviets & used terror to suppress opposition
- Trotsky made red army more authoritarian by introducing conscription, harsh punishments and relying on former tsarist generals to rule army
How was there an emergence of a party state
-civil war meant gov had to act quickly so Lenin used politburo instead of sovnarkom as it was smaller and therefore could reach decisions faster- it also contained his most loyal supporters- Stalin, Trotsky, zinoviev, kamenev
-by 1920 politburo became government of Russia, sovnarkom played much smaller role. Rise of politburo made it evident that the new gov was based on communist party rather than Soviet
-soviets were often bypassed in favour of communist nomenklatura
By 1921- gov was based on two structured- soviet state and communist party
What was the red terror and what was the role of Cheka during this
-1917- Cheka was created - political police force
- during civil war chekists were responsible for raiding anarchist organisations, closing down opposition newspapers, expelling Mensheviks and socialist revolutionaries from Soviets
- Cheka was willing to imprison, torture or execute anyone who the communist party viewed as a threat.
-women captured by Cheka were routinely raped
Lenin argued the civil war and terror were necessary to protect new gov from its enemies
How’s was the red army built
Lenin reformed the army as from the February revolution it was democratised: soldiers’ committees were empowered to elect senior officials.
Lenin abolished this and put Trotsky and tsarist generals in charge which created outrage among idealists in the party who accused Lenin and Trotsky of betraying the principles of the revolution
What was the extent of popular unrest after the Russian civil war
-civil war ruined economy, droughts in 1920&21 made situation worse, threatening famine.
-Tambov rebellion led by antonov - peasants rebelling against communist grain requisitioning and Cheka brutality-antonov’s army had a force of 50,000 anti communist fighters by jan 1921
-Kronstadt rebellion- soldiers demanding reform including: immediate free and fair election of new soviets, release of all political prisoners, restoration of freedom of speech and press, abolition of Cheka and end to war communism
How did Lenin respond to political unrest
Suppressing opposition political parties which led to the creation of a one party state.
-feb 1921 Lenin authorised Cheka destroying opposition parties and by the end of feb all Mensheviks in Petrograd and Moscow were arrested and sent to prison
-22 leading SRs were put on trial and either sent to prison or executed
What did Lenin do in the 1921 party congress
Set up series of reforms
- NEP liberalised economy
- ban on factions tightened his political control
Who did Lenin face opposition from within the Bolshevik party and what was his resolution
-the workers opposition- group who wanted to reintroduce workers’ control of industry
-democratic centralists- group who wanted to make communist party more democratic
Resolution- ‘on party unity’- banned factions inside party and those guilty could be expelled from party as punishment
In what four ways did Stalin transform the government
-established ideological orthodoxy
-destroyed authority of other main contenders
-changed nature of party membership
-created patronage system
Who were the key contenders for power after Lenin’s death and how did they prove to be a true Leninist
Gregory zinoviev
-Lenin’s closest friend- so close his handwriting became identical to that of Lenin’s
-supported Lenin since 1903, 1903-17 was Lenin’s right hand man
Nikolai bukharin
-Lenin and bukharin had a father son relationship
-joined Bolsheviks in 1906 and Lenin entrusted him with series of important jobs
-well known revolutionary hero- Lenin’s right hand man and closest political collaborator
-many communists think he joined to gain power as he opposed Lenin until 1917
-joined in 1903 and was loyal until 1921 however began to be disloyal in 1922 when Lenin was too ill to fight back
-Lenin entrusted Stalin with important administrative tasks and supported his promotion to the position of general secretary in 1921
How did Stalin transform the party through ideological orthodoxy
-socialism in one country: 1924 Stalin and bukharin advocated idea that Soviet Union should construct socialism although traditionally Marxists said it could only be done through a global revolution
-Collectivisation and industrialisation: 1928 Stalin abandoned nep and argued the correct Leninist would abandon it and introduce a more radical policy. He argued bukharin desire to continue with nep indicated he was not a true Leninist
How did Stalin transform the party through authority at the top of the party
Under Lenin many people had authority within the party. Stalin wanted to become the undisputed leader so he destroyed the authority of his opponents. He undermined their authority by
1. Establishing a new ideological orthodoxy and branding his opponents enemies of Leninism
2. Demanding that Trotsky zinoviev and kamenev apologise to party for the errors when they lost vote at party congress
3. Accusing bukharin, zinoviev and kamenev of plotting against party and forming a faction
How did Stalin transform the party through party membership
He increased party membership
1. 1924 Stalin initiated Lenin enrolment which allowed 128k to join the communist party and justified this by arguing the party needed more working class people
However in practice the new members were poorly educated who wanted well paying jobs in the party
- the new recruits were less interested in ideas or the goals of the revolution and more interested with their careers
How did Stalin transform the party through creating a patronage system
1923- Stalin issued an approved list: rather than having free choice, local parties were encouraged to sent delegates to the party congress from the approved list.
-Stalin also had a number of positions in the party allowing him to win support by acting as a patron for example as general secretary he could give well paid all powerful jobs to lower ranking party members and equally as head of central control committee and as rabkrin he had the power to investigate and if necessary sack party members and government officials
What was Stalin concerned about
- That his own supporters were prepared to challenge his authority
- His old rivals could conspire against him and overthrow him
What were the 4 causes of the purges.
Economic problems
Congress of victors
Kirov’s murder