theme 1-4: four point topics Flashcards
1 impact of WW1 on presidency
- 1921 Emergency Quota Act restricted immigration to 37,000 a year
- Fordney McCumber Tariff Act=encourage people to ‘buy American’
- unemployment^ 950,000 (1919); 5,010,000 (1921)
- 1935-39: Neutrality Acts=restricted help that USA could give to others
1 First Red Scare
- Feb 1919 Seattle Strike (60,000 workers + 3,000 police)
- 1919 3,600 Strikes (1 in 4 workers)
- 1920: FBI raids 33 cities=makes 10,000 arrests
- after war=unemployment^ + COL^ 70%
1 New Deal
- 4-day bank holiday to stop bank withdrawals + fireside chats encouraging putting savings in banks
- NRA guarenteed unions (workers campaign/wages^)
- AAA paid farmers to stop production to counter balance ‘OP/UC’
- Wagner Act=power to workers (fair treatment)
1 Great Depression
- automobile industry down; Ford workers 120,000 (1929), 37,000 (1931)
- top 5% people own 1/3 wealth & 60% below poverty line=mal-distribution=demand
1 impact of WW2 on presidency
- US 1930s Neutrailty Acts=limited aid to Britain/Franceagainst Nazi Geramany, repealed 1941 (Pearl Harbour)
- 1935 Fair Labour Standards Act=40hrs/wk legal max + legal min wage
- war production suppliers^=farming employment^
- 1945 USA join UN
1 Second Red Scare
- 1938 HUAC set up
- March 1947 Truman Executive Order=loyalty boards carry out federal employee checks
- 1953 McCarthy’s investigations put on TV+ seen by 20m=lost support
- 1960 Students for Democrats Society set up & protested on VW
1 impact of Cold War
- 1947 National Security Act=organised forces under new defence department. Size^ & no congress approval needed
- led to 1964 CR Act as USA looked hypocritical
- 1946 ‘Get Tough Policy’ against Russian troops
- policies of containment to prevent spread of communism (Marshall Plan & Truman Doctrine)
1 impact of Korean War
- defence of spending hit peak at 14% of USA GNP=Truman’s administration ^taxes
- Truman ‘Limited War’=avoid entering full scale war
- General McArthur avocated Nuclear bombing of China + North Korea
- domestic policy=more freedom on foreign affairs
1 impact of Vietnam War
- 1967 Veteran Peace demonstration NYC=sparked Vietnam Veterans of War (30,000 members)
- dec 1969 Lottery held to select men from 18-26 to fight war. If draft cards burnt=$10,000 fine/5yr priso
- mass media attention=Walter Grophite reporter: ‘Soldiers High on Drugs Battling’ ‘Village Massacre’ ‘Spraying Agent Orange on Villages’
- 1975 final withdrawal of troops=USA relieved but humiliated
1 decline in gov confidence 1968-80
- 1972-74 Watergate Scandal (Nixon) guilty of bulguraly + surveillence of political opponents
- 1965 Voting Rights Act=Black’s couldn’t vote=less confidence
- media exposed army scandals + Gov mishandling of war=opposition
- 1970 national guard killed 4 students + 9 injured=violemt reaponse from gov
2 Jim Crow Laws
- derived black people of the vote
- poor education=unstable to pass voting test & job prospects limited
- sharecroppers=in depression after WW1
- segregated school=facilities for BA were worse
“Jim Crow” derisive slang = black man. Indicative of the inequaliy BA’s faced as laws were different to white’s.
2 legal challenges 1917-55
-1941 Executive order 8802 bands discrimination in army by race
-1946 law revoked preventing segregated transport between states
-1948=military desegregated by Truman
1955=Brown VS Board desegregates schools
2 impact of WW2 on black people
- 1942 3% defence workers were black; then 1944 81%
- shortage of workers=meant WA trained BA & saw could easily work side by side
- black’s X benefit from WW2 (whies given preferences)
- 1941 Philip Randolph threatened 100,000 march unless FDR banned discrimination in defence work (1950 executive order passed)
2 Northen Migration
- chance^ of blacks being elected into power in North
- JC laws=influenced people to leave; angry about abolition of movement + slavery
- white elections/supremacy=whites beat up blacks who voted
- big KKK movement + radical attacks=provoked south
2 New Deal BA
- Wagner Act=harmed BA by making labour union monopolies legal=excludes blacks
- NIRA 1993=illegal to employ those not worth min wage=50,000 BA lost jobs
- AAA=cut farm production=lost jobs + forced to pay^ food prices NAACP worked to see blacks included included in new programmes
2 Direct Action
- NAACP + other organisations steeped up DA in 1940/50s
- CORE held series of sit ins in North to desegregate
- 1950 NAACP helped housing set up National comittee against discrimination
- carried out marches, protests + boycotts
2 CR Campaigns 1955-68
- Montgomery Bus Boycott 1956=buses desegregated
- Little Rock 1957=MLK points out political damage to Eisenhower & school closed
- Freedom Summer 1964=3 volunteers murdered + end: 17,000 registered + 1,600 accepted
- Northern Crusade 1965=no permanent changes + MLK decline in media support
2 black militancy
- 1960 CR Act=crime to obstruct federal orders
- 1963 march on Washington
- 1964 CR Act bans discrimination
- BP 1966=violent & caused riots i.e. Watts riot, LA
2 CR achievements
- 1950: Blacks became full citizens (more progress on equality)
- 518 black politicians in USA
- 1980: 60% blacks voted
- blacks featured on TV a lot more
2 CR limitations
- wealthy BA made to feel unequal
- death of MLK
- riots meant whites were less sympathetic to blacks
- despite Acts there was a continued sense of hysteria politically+ socially
2 Native American protests
- 1968: AIM set up=more radical, anti fed stance
- Nov 1969: Aleatraz Red Power Movement=takes over former prison + island
- 1971 AIM membership=4,500 violence when AIM protest at white boy Scouts
- 1972: AIM trail of Broken Treaties=protest outside BIA on their management; building occupied
2 NA gains/limitations
- 1966 Indian Education Act=funds tribal schools
- 1975 Indian Self Determination Act=kept BIA but contracted out services
- 1975 Indian Child Welfare Act=gave NA’s more control over adoption of NA children
- no overall land solution=Nixon renegotiated NA sacred sites
2 Hispanic American protests
- Brown Beretts=young, militant organisation (1967) campaigned against white police brutality
- La Raza Unida Party set out to encourage hispanics to register to vote
- Rodolfo Gonzales=more radical (‘Crusade for Justice’=version of black pride)
- Ceasar Chavez=striked
2 HA gains/limitations
- 1966 Cuban Adjustment Act=Cuban’s who lived in USA for 1+ yrs=permenent residents
- 1968 Mexican US legal Defence & Ed fund set up=pursue CR in courts
- 1974 Equal Opportunities Extension Act= language assistance of polling stations
- 1975 local campaigning improved schools + nursing
2 Gay American protests
- 1969 Gay Liberation Fund set up=peaceful protests
- 1970 NYC march=10,000 marches
- 1974: Kathy Kozachenko=1st openly gay candidate elected
- 1977: Harvey Milk=elected in office in San Fran=took stand against proposition 6 “being gay affected politics”
2 Gay American gains/limitations
- 1970’s=people began to campaign against gay rights
- 1977=Dade county Florida=law proposed
- 1979-81: Governor of Californa appointed 4 openly gay state judges
- 1980: Boy from Rhode Island high school sued school for the rught to bring a male date to prom
3 Impact of WW1 on women
- 19th amendment=W could vote under same states rules as men
- 1920: League of W voters set up=encourage W to vote
- given chance to work (employment^)= wages down then men
- despite vote only educated WW voted (single, well off women= most open to change)
3 impact of TGD on women
- unemployement^=wages down/prices up
- Women’s Bureau ignored Women’s Bureau of Labour=hindering women’s progress (1932)
- affected across class rather than gender=lower class suffered most
- 1932: 97% of women workers in slaughtering /meat packaging were only in work to boost husbands incomes
3 impact of New Deal on women
- 1930: Camp Tera set up to promote work for jobless women (taking 5,000 W a year)
- every $1 WM; 0.61 WF; 0.23 BF
- aid for families with dependent children=provided benefits for poor families