Their Eyes Were Watching God Test Flashcards
This is the place were the story starts off, when she enters back into the town with people gossiping and then the flashback starts. This is were Janie grew it and where had lived for her first two marriages. It’s also seen as a little more safe than other towns because that’s where they can live apart from the racism of the world.
Part I. Matching & Identifying
Identify the following and their importance in the novel
Janie Crawford
Janie Crawford is the protagonist and the main character of the book. She undergoes a missions to find true love and experiences many obstacles such as racism and sexism, along with two failing marriages.
Logan Killicks
Logan Killicks is the first husband of Janie and he is old and ugly. He shows very little affection towards Janie but provides her with everything she needs. He feels like men should dominate women so he does this with Janie and thinks she is unappreciated of him and all that he has done for her. He is completely the opposite of everything that Janie was looking for in life which is true love.
Phoeby Watson
Phoeby Watson is Janie’s best friend and confidante. Phoeby is one of the only people in town who always listens to what Janie has to say and doesn’t judge her but stands up for her. We follow with Phoeby and listen to Janie narrate her journey. Because of Phoeby we feel sympathy towards Janie and see her in a positive light.
The General Store
The General Store is created by Jodie and Janie is forced to work their by Jodie which shows that Janie submits to Jodie. When she works at the store, she has to keep her hair up as per Jodie’s order because he doesn’t want guys looking at what’s his. He also beats her in front of customers at the store when she accidentally messes up and insults her.
The headrag represents how women are restricted by men. Janie was forced to wear the headrag by Jodie because he didn’t want men gazing at his wife’s femininity and wanted her to keep it to herself. When Jodie dies, Janie immediately takes off the headrag symbolizing her freedom from Jodie and the only reason she puts it back on is because she doesn’t want to be judges for not mourning.
Joe (Jody) Starks
Joe is Janie’s second husband who feels like he is superior over Janie and is very ambitious. He treats Janie like an object and looks at her as a trophy wife. He believes that since Janie is a woman, she doesn’t have a voice and should submit to his commands. He eventually dies from being ill which ultimately lets Janie free.
The Muck
The muck is a fertile farmland where at first only Tea Cake works but he begins to miss Janie and she soon joins him voluntarily. At the muck, Janie isn’t treated like royalty but is seen on just the same level as everyone else and fits in well.
During the hurricane, Janie tries to grab onto the cow’s tail in order to help Tea Cake but as the dog with rabies is about to attack her, Tea Cake swoops in and saves her but also gets bitten by the dog on the cheek. He then gets rabies and goes insane, every time Janie goes out to get medicine he accuses her of cheating on him. He also hides a bullet with 3 bullets under the pillow which Janie finds and turns it back so that she has time to act in case of anything serious. One day, Tea Cake goes absolutely insane and takes the gun, pointing it at Janie, because she turned it back she is able to grab her rifle and ends up killing Tea Cake but she still loves him.
Vergible “Tea Cake” Woods
Janie finally finds true love with Tea Cake, she loves the fact that he actually loves her and sees her as his equal and not as if he is superior to her. He is able to communicate well with her because unlike her first two husbands, he actually listens to her and treats her like a partner and companion.
Part IV. Quotes
Identify who said the quote and the significance of the quote to the novel
“So when we looked at de picture and everybody got pointed there wasn’t nobody left except a real dark little girl with long hair standing by Eleanort. Sat’s where Ah wuz s’possed to be, but Ah couldn’t recognize day dark chile as me. So Ah ast, ‘where is me? Ah don’t see me. ‘ “
Identification: Janie
Significance: It shows how Janie didn’t really understand herself when she was younger because she never actually realized that her race was different. She only realizes her skin color through the picture and it comes as a great shock to her.
“Naw. We been tugether round two years. If you kin see de light at daybreak, you don’t keer if you die at dusk. It’s so many people never see de light at all. Ah wuz fumblin’ round and God opened de door.”
Identification: Janie
Significance: It shows how even though Janie has been through so many experiences, she doesn’t regret any of them. She loves Tea Cake so much and even though she has only been with him for a short two years, that has been the most worthwhile relationship.
“But nothing can’t stop you from wishin’. You can’t beat nobody so down so low till you can rob’em of they will. “
Identification: Nanny
Significance: Nanny talks abut dignity and how no one break human spirit, no one can stop you from wishing or desiring.
“Somebody got to think for women and chillun and chickens and cows. I god, don’t think they sho don’t think none theirselves.”
Identification: Jody
Significance: Jody talks about how he thinks women aren’t intellectual and are on the same level as animals and how women don’t have the intellectuality to actually think on their own.
“Naw, Aih needs two mules dis yeah. Taters is goin’ tuh be taters in de fall. Bringin’ in big prices. Ah aims tuh run two plows, and dis man Ah’m talkin’ ‘bout is got uh mule all gentled up so even uh women kin handle ‘im. “
Identification: Logan
Significance: Logan is discussing why Janie needs to work in the plans that he has set out,
“Humph! don’t ’spect all dat tuh keep up. He ain’t kissin’ yo’ mouf when he carry on over yuh lak dat. He’s kissin’ yo’ foot and ’tain’t in uh man tuh kiss foot long. Mouf kissin’ is on uh equal and dat’s natural but when dey got to bow down tuh love, dey soon straightens up.”
Identification: Nanny
Signification: Nanny speaks about how a man has to be dignified and how men won’t bow down to women but that either the love will be equal but will definitely not bow down for love.
“He could be a bee to a blossom—a pear tree blossom in the spring. He seemed to be crushing scent out of the world with his footsteps. Crushing aromatic herbs with every step he took. Spices hung about him. He was a glance from God.”
Identification: Janie
Significance: Janie is referring to Tea Cake and compares him to the bee and pear tree visual that she saw happen before her eyes. To her, Tea Cake is like the bee and she is the pear tree blossom and thinks of him just like the imagery of the bee and the pear tree.
“Janie, Ah hope God may kill me, if Ah’m lyin’. Nobody else on earth kin hold uh candle tuh you, baby. You got de keys to de kingdom.”
Identification: Tea Cake
Significance: Tea Cake shows his willingness and desire to treat Janie properly, with love and respect. He pampers her but also gives her true love which is what she has been on a mission for and gives her the world.
“The way he petted and pampered her as if those two or three face slaps had nearly killed her made the women see visions and the helpless way she hung on him made men dream dreams.”
Identification: Narrator
Significance: This refers to how Tea Cake slapped Janie for the first time because he was afraid and wanted to show that he indeed did have a hold over her. He then was very nice and loving towards her, showing her affection as if those slaps meant nothing and didn’t exist.
Part II. Vocabulary (15 words in a paragraph)
She didn’t want to face the FUTILITY of her situation at school.
Everyday, the bullies would SMITE her and DEFILED her by calling her inhumane names, she would have to SUPPRESS her sounds because she didn’t want to get beat again. He took a GLIMPSE outside of his classroom and was shocked to see a little girl with her clothes MAULED apart, it seemed to be an act of SACRILEGE. She seems to be in DELIRIUM because she kept trembling with fear and mumbling words to herself. He took her to the nurse who then examined her. She seemed to have bruises all around her ribcage, arms, legs, etc. She SULLENLY looked at the little girl who looked down.
The teacher sighed and brought the girl to the principal’s office and the principal called in the bullies as well. After having great a great debate which made everything seem like a HAVOC, he finally declared that Alexandra was JUSTIFIABLE just by seeing the bruises and the bullies would get consequences. The principal PREEMPTED a new rule against bullying in the school. She showed HOMAGE by thanking him in front of the whole room. At the end of the day, the principal COMMENCED with the topic of bullying and then BROACHED the new rule of bullying and how it was unacceptable in schools grounds.
Part III. Short Answers
Personal Growth: Beginning she is unsure of who she is or how she wants to live but at the end she becomes a strong and proud women. *elaborate on relationships
Sexuality & Pear Tree: Bee gathering pollen from a pear blossom, becomes symbol of ideal relationship. Wants relationship with true love where passion comes effortlessly and by both individual. Both marriages are doomed but Tea Cake’s relationship with her shows how he is the bee to her pear blossom.
The muck dwellers: They respect Janie and treat her just like everyone else. They don’t put her up on a pedestal but don’t treat her badly either. They work along where tea cake works and soon Janie joins Tea Cake as well. They also sometimes gamble and have parties sometimes together.
Significance of title: The title is significant because as read in the novel it shows that it’s about racial and personal independence. It’s about following what God wants you to do rather than what everyone else tells you to do. Janie thinks she is high and mighty but really God should go first and she also always looks for signs from God when she doesn’t know her next move. It shows that it doesn’t matter what an individual desires but what God’s fate or will is for that individual.